Saturday 9 January 2016

Day 926

Day 926;

Basically today I have watched another few episodes of the X-Files, and I just want to state. I want to believe, but I can't.

What have I eaten today?... For breakfast I'm unsure but I'm thinking I may have eaten a bowl of Cereal, Apple and Banana. Then for lunch I had some Spaghetti hops on toast which was followed by a chocolate fudge brownie, For dinner I ate some chicken nuggets, chips and peas, which was followed by a bowl of chocolate truffle.

Now above is a similar image to the one in the X-Files, without that eery little sound track that's playing when it appears,

I like the eery little sound track of that tv show, But just that being said I ant to believe but I don't, not that there are as other forms of life within this vast universe, as I am certain that there has been many different types of life in this universe before us and there will continue to be many separate forms of life during and after we are all gone. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one that is thinking this now, while I was typing this paragraph. they could have purple skin and a giant forehead but at this moment in time someone else will be thinking this, or similar thoughts.

I want to believe in aliens that come down to us and abduct us, but where's the evidence?

I know what you could say to me, which is if you want to believe then just do. Well I'be tried that logic on God already, and just thinking to yourself "I do believe in go, I do I do." is just pathetic and an all knowing all powerful sky dady would know that you weren't being sincere. Just as you wanted some prayers answered which hasn't ever happened, even though him in his all goodness should have already fed all of the starving people in the world.

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