Tuesday 26 January 2016

Day 943

Day 943;

Today I have asked myself, in my head, to be killed.

I had a usual breakfast. Then I had a macaroni cheese for lunch. Then I waited for a little while before I ate my pudding as I ate 3 profiteroles rolls with some of my chocolate box and some more of the gingerbread house for my pudding. Finally I ate some spaghetti hoops on toast.

Now if you see the reason why I wanted to be killed was because I was in a car twice today, one way going to a place and the second I was returning home. Now this was no normal car trip which I would say isn't my favourite thing in the world to subject myself to. But it was in Allergy's car the trip was today (I know I'm no Yoda). This' a thing about Allergy her taste in music is dreadful, so dreadful in actual fact that I'm thinking it maybe similar to some of yours, as she drives along with Kiss FM playing Kiss FM is a popular music station in the UK and it's also Kiss's fault that we all out of time with the rest of the world. As it has the slogan "Kiss FM- the beat of the UK", and it had me wondering what the Mo is a G6? for a short while before flooding my ears with the kind of rubbish that you'd expect to come out of your backside after eating a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli and chutney, which isn't pleasant.

a triple fried egg sandwich with chilli and chutney

Today I had a blood blister cut off of my left hand, well it was on my thumb just slightly up  from the first joint of the thumb, as you know that your thumb starts with a joint to your hand then if you stroke your thumb you'll get to the first thumb joint, a joint which connects two parts of your thumb together then if you'd keep going up the thumb a short distance you'd have found the blood blister there.

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