Sunday 17 January 2016

Day 934

Day 934;

So today I have forgotten my lunch, as I went to watch a football match after eating it, and the football match the team that I support should have at least managed to get a point from it but they lost it with the opposition teams first attacking move and they’re final attacking move, final score 1-2.

But today for breakfast I had my usual, a bowl of cereal and a banana, in a box. Meanwhile for lunch I had a… I’ve forgotten. But for dinner I ate a piece of chicken wrapped in bacon which was accompanied by some sausages, peas, potatoes and I’m thinking carrots. Then not at meal times I have eaten a load of those Jelly Bears.

But I have had a creative ida about football, one which could probably be exported to any sport, and no pain nor suffering is necessary, as it includes the use of 22 VR glasses type things, 22 harnesses as well as 22 individual suits which measure how much force you are putting out of each extremity, like a leg and foot when you move it to kick a ball or your head when you nod it toward a ball to perform a header so you get all of the exercise of running around on a pitch and having a kick about with your friends and you can actually play it with some friends, but without the inconvenience of actually going outside, and you could avoid injuring yourself or anyone else that your playing with, and a manager could sit at home with a computer at half time and say to the players via webcam e.g. "what were you doing out there, you've got to get the ball and shoot it into the oppositions goal, not just pass the ball around between yourselves in your own half of the pitch, you bunch of pansies" and the pitch could be a to scale 3D graphical representation of a real football pitchAnd the referee/assistns/linesmen could all be built in to the system lets have an infallible referee software, to eliminate all mistakes that could be deemed human error. That's not all that my system would enable as it would enabsle anybody to play without risk of injury, substitutes will still only be allowed when ever there's a break in play, but it wouldn't have any effect on the time actually played as within the game the clock would stop until the substitution was made and at any incident so that you would always play until the 90th minute, no additional time.

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