Saturday 2 January 2016

Day 919

Day 919;

Today was another day of my existence where I have forgot almost all that I have done and eaten.

I'lll start off as usual with what I have eaten, All I have got for today on the meal front was a bowl of C, for breakfast as well as a bowl of fruit salad, but I cannot remember anything else that I ate at any of todays meal times.

For what else I did \today, what did I do?

You played on that Triforce Heroes Zelda game didn't you?

Oh yes, I did, thanks Yellow.

I gave also started watching the second season of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Now that I'm on the topic of Disney, Star Wars thank goodness they have finally developed a Lightsaber with a cross guard so what if it's a Sith's Lightsaber.

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