Wednesday 29 October 2014

Day 481

Day 481;

So today I discovered that my blog about my life, is most viewed by the frogs over the pond, well from France at least I can't tell the nationalities of you people that visit my blog but it does say where you have accessed my blog from and it looks like this.

United States
United Kingdom

So I'd like to Merci to the French/Frogs, that does mean thanks in French doesn't it? By the way if you're one of the people that I have called frogs, please don't take it to heart/too seriously that's one thing that you should have understood about me from off the bat no one takes me seriously even if I did mean it seriously, but how could I mean calling a country frogs seriously. wouldn't it just be jumping off somewhere causing massive tsunamis every day? 

I still can't really see how anyone else would find my life anything but boring, especially for the French, as don't you still have each other to "do it" to? A pleasant little subtle innuendo, and for the people that were my second biggest, in quantity of people not in physical size it is the US, the so called land of the free which I have been thinking about that title "the land of the free" how ill deserved is that title? You still have money.

But recently the EU just taxed Britain, well the UK, a whole heap extra of cash to be paid in year on year to remain a member state, of the EU, and they have said that it's non-negotiable, as if Mr Cameron manages to negotiate them down n that fee, i'm relatively sure that the majority of the UK would revere him as a hero, of the economy and then he'd stand a better chance of getting reelected next time and then the EU would have their puppet in number ten for another five years, otherwise it could be the EU's way of saying get out of our club, as if that incentive wasn't enough.

But I have disappointed myself again on the Legend of Zelda front as I still haven't got back around to playing on games as it's halloween in only a few days time and I have to get my halloween story completed by then. But through all of the industry that I put into the story today I only got about three additional lines competed on the story, which sucks.

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