Wednesday 22 October 2014

Day 474

Day 474;

If your worried about Ebola wear a burka and rubber gloves, there you go public safety announcement done, but you just need a another friend at the end of the day with rubber gloves on to take it off of you and to put it into a hot wash then don't touch anyone or anything with your rubber gloves not even yourself until you have taken the gloves off and disposed of them; now that is how to deal with an Ebola within a country that it has broken out in. It minimises the risk of any contact with bodily fluids except your own of which it should contain, therefore reducing the potential impact on other civilians, civilians in this contact means everyone else.

So you may say the above idea is disrespectful to some peoples religions to them I'd like to say please stop disrespecting my level of common sense on this issue, as I know it's not but it should be common knowledge that Mr Mo never intended for women to wear the burka, which was invented quite a few years after his death, elides isn't that hypocritical of him if he was to say that only women have to dress as "Ninja's", but anyway Mr Mo wasn't as big a hypocrite as the Islamic world portrays him as, apparently, as what the Quran Says on the code of dress for all believers is (not just women);

As it says on this website.

But just for clarifications sake I checked the  Qur'an 24:30-31, which is obviously a different translation of it between the two separate translations-, unless It was just paraphrasing it to make it clearer what it meant.

But that's enough religious shenanigans, for today at least, as today I was shocked again by the football team that I support as I watched a second win at home in a row, so the first goal was scored in the first half, and it was scored before I had even realised that they had started playing, it was if you could guess against the team that I was supporting and the first half was a cagey affair with the team that I was supporting going behind 0-1 after just one minute due to a slight altercation which I know what happened in. and what happened was one of the oppositions players kicked the ball, when he kicked the ball the ball flew onto the head of one of the team that I was supporting so he was like a wimp sprawled out on the ground within what seemed like a half unconscious state- and he was stretchered off the pitch to enforce the first substitute of the game. Well that was the first half in goals 0-1 was the score, Les was getting animated like usual, The second half began the pitch was more open for the players of both side being able to get more shots off, and the team that I support managed to peg one goal back in slightly more than the first five minutes, and then again just before the games stoppage time they got another goal, to make the score up to 2-1, then stoppage time was played and the score stuck.

But today in Hyrule I didn't get much done I just got a bigger wallet in Minish Cap and then I proceeded to fill it br finding rupees.

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