Sunday 5 October 2014

Day 457

Day 457;

Hello and welcome to another dull and uninteresting day on the only planet that we, as a species has ever know or our lovely mother earth now I state mother earth in preference to our father earth as earth is a female simply as she brought life to all of us, she has the occasional unpredicted flare up like the incident that has happened in Japan over the past week or so and there is so much beauty to her as well. I know that all of the above rests upon the stereotype's but what are stereotypes for if not to use in such broad contexts.

Ok so I took a break from playing Zelda Today as I wanted to continue writing my Fan Fiction as of it I only managed to get a bit done on it, I managed to get a small amount on it done but not enough.

But today I tried some more crab to eat, and It actually tasted alright,

So anyway today I was assaulted by Allergy's disgust at the treatment of the British man by the Islamic State terrorist group. He was executed by them, but I what I am about tot tell you people is what really got to Allergy; he was an Aid worker over there. Now what aid workers try to do is to improve the life for all of the people that are living in war torn countries and other disaster areas.

But I kind of understand where they (the IS people) would be coming from if they couldn't actually see why they needed the Aid, as they can't expect the women to do everything for them whilst they are hiding behind them sharpening they're rocks to throw at the next person that comes they're way disagreeing with them. If you hadn't noticed I disagree with you, you sad and lowly bunch of cowards as if your not hiding behind one of your women folk, hiding behind a hostage or your God.

But me and Allergy both disagree with them hiding behind they're God as a shield but for different reasons Allergy's tirade went along the lines of it gives others of they're religion a bad name, which is why I think that we should hurry up and destroy all religions from the surface of this beautiful planet I know that the rest of the main problems will still exist but one down, just however many of the rest of the major problems left. John Lennon once said in his song Imagine, imagine all the people living for today, whig doesn't mean that they are in expecting a blissful/in fear of a fictional afterlife.

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