Saturday 11 October 2014

Day 463

Day 463;

I have finally discovered what ISIS is an anagram for, it means Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.

I discovered that on this website.

The political landscape of Britain has changed for better or worse, only time will tell. Ever since those European elections that we were having a while back, the ones that UKIP won, I'm guessing that the political tides are really turning around the countries that are in the UK.

Now the reason that I state this is as the former conservative MP Douglas Carswell, becomes the first UKIP candidate, ever, to be elected to the House of Commons; as he as been elected as the MP for Clacton.

UKIP had got 0% of the votes for Clacton within previous elections but within this by-election which was triggered by Douglas Carswell resigning his seat before defecting to the UKIPpers; which he didn't have to do. He won his seat in the house of commons more comfortably this time, apparently.

Nut not all of yesterdays by-elections went UKIP's way, as there was two by-elections the one mentioned above was a conservative seat and the other one was a Labour seat, of which those Lab-rats managed to keep their claws embedded within. As the Lab-rats received the highest proportion of the votes and they actually increased their share of the votes by 1%, Liz McInnes was the Lab-rats candidate, but then the surprise within that constituency was those UKIPpers, whose share in the votes were up by 35% and that was a supposedly safe Lab-rat seat, which has seen the majority of the votes for Labour only taking a 612 lead but this was only at a turnout of 36%; so those numbers could shift quire dramatically either way between now and the 2015 general election, as with the UKIPpers seat victory but there was a turnout to that seats election of 51%, so assuming that everyone that voted votes the same way he should manage to cling onto his seat.

But now that enough about boring old politics, even if it's something new, now I am moving on to a topic about Hyrule Warrior, and what I was attempting to do today was to do today was to collect the Gold Skulltulas, I so far have four. 

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