Thursday 2 October 2014

Day 454

Day 454;

Peace has ben restored in Hyrule, at least within Legend mode on Hyrule Warriors.

I enjoyed the game now all that's left to do is unlock all of the unlock-able content then I can get back onto me banging my head against a brick wall, no I'm kidding it'll be more time for me to go back to play through Skyward Sword, so maybe I should go back to play Skyward Sword until I get through the dungeon that I think I was on then I should play through a mode on Hyrule Warriors and repeat until I complete either one of thee games which will most probably be Hyrule Warriors as there is only 5 more modes I think as at the completion of the Main Legend mode it said that there's now a Hero mode to be completed on it? Or maybe I should just try it in a more difficult mode, than normal mode?

Also today I went to the gym I tried a different rowing machine today as the rowing machine from last week was still sticking but I was still too slow five minuets fifty odd for 1000m. I was approximately 20 seconds of my best time over 1000m which was five thirty six point eight also known as five thirty seven

Just upon this day I was going to attempt to best up Ganon again it's fun you have to pull off his tail with the hookshot, when he shows it to you, then you can fire the arrows at his left arm when it reveals an eye, boomerang both his shoulder cannons, then you should bomb his right arm, then you just have to use the light arrows on his head either after he rushes you or if he bows his head after that you just have to quite literally go harry carry with your sword on him and then after no time at all he's defeated,  and that's it you have completed legend mode of Hyrule Warriors. But no more Cia within the game so that was it completed in just under 14 Days, I took receipt of the game on the 17th of September and I had completed Legend mode by 1st October which covers in all 14  days. But on most days  got somewhere between 2 and 3:30 hours actually on the game and then I missed playing it on the 22nd of september for reason probably stated on the 23rd of September. So Legend mode first play through on normal difficulty was completed in 13 days, by me.

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