Saturday 25 October 2014

Day 477

Day 477;

So today is the four hundredth and seventy seventh day of my blogged life; life since I started writing on this blog about my day daily.

So for this Halloween I am going to tell you this tale of this girl that I shall call her Lucy, she was about 20 years of age She has long brown hair with blue eyes.

That describes the characters most basic aspects, apart from her height which I should probably put down as 5ft 7inches,


As I just made it up, that's why,

So today I wrote a bit on the above mentioned tale but I hate writing stories with one end that's not knotted up as what the best horror short stories all seem to do, they leave you questioning stuff and shenanigans like; what happened, who done it, what done it ext.

But today  I really wanted to get on with my story and then I get hooked on my addiction again, which is Legend of Zelda,as I was too busy playing on Minish Cap today for the most part at least. As I was using the Pegasus boots to dash across the marsh and I got to the next dungeon and I picked up some mole mittens, so I can now dig the sand coloured things.

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