Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween Tale:- Lucy and the bear.

A note from the story teller, Dave Summers:

So for this Halloween I am going to tell you this tale of a girl that I knew a long time ago I shall call her Lucy, she was about 20 years of age She has long brown hair and two properly beautiful blue eyes, well she did back then at least I’m unsure of her now as we lost contact a long time ago. But that was enough about her physical attributes I think, her character was shy, kind and very Christian, but only the good parts which are attributed to Christians, she wasn't one of those Christians that believed every single word of scripture, even if she said she did. Else-wise she'd have been on a conversion mission to get the whole of out school to become part of her religion, to save us all from the fate, which is really gruesome as it is known as Hell; you may have heard of it.

Lucy and the bear

Lucy found a Japanese game on the net, Hitori Kakurenbo, which is translated as Hide and Seek Alone, Lucy thought that it sounded interesting, but she didn't believe any of the tales about it but she  to give it a go. Lucy had many teddies and she had a sentimental attachment to all of them so she didn't feel right dissecting one of her beloved bears but she had a brother Rob she knew he had a couple of teddies in his room of which he never played with.

'So I'll just use one of those teddies I'm sure he won't miss one' she thought to herself.

So she waltzed into his room and picked up his Ice hockey bear out of the cupboard, then she proceeded to walk to the kitchen where she took a knife off of the kitchen side, 
She was carrying the bear and the knife at this point she had already made a mental checklist of the things that she'd need to do this properly, which were;

1 A stuffed animal that has both arms and legs
2 A knife, shard of glass, or some sharp instrument
3 Rice 
4 A cup of salt water or Japanese saké   
5 A needle with a long piece of red thread 
6 Fingernail clippers  
7 A bath full of water

As previously stated she already had the first two, while she was still in the kitchen she took a bag of rice from within a food storage cupboard and she retrieved a cup to put water in, of which she put some salt in the cup and then she stirred it around to make salt water, so that was the first four items from the list gathered. She put the four things down on the kitchen table, the kitchen table wasn't the sturdiest of tables within the house.
Next up a needle and thread, where can I find one of those' she was thinking while she stood there almost motionless, well she was motionless except one of her fingers, her index finger of her right hand was tapping the side of her face as she was thinking, she always did that every time a question was put to her,  even if one was put to her by herself.

Just as she was doing every-time I asked her to come out with me to the pictures (an old term for the cinema/movies), which always ended in her denial, but I realise that I am getting sidetracked.
Now where was I... oh yes with Lucy tapping the side of her face, thank you. 
She was just wondering where there was a needle and thread when the thought came to her 'it should be in my mothers sewing kit, now where is that?' She quickly darted into the room that her mother used as a study, she couldn't find it in there not even under the mountains of paperwork, but she had to find it soon as it was going to be 3AM soon and she couldn't do it the next night as her family would be home by this time the next night and that would spoil the whole alone part of it, plus from other accounts it could be dangerous for them.
She looked in her parents room for her mothers sewing box she couldn't find it anywhere, at least not until she looked in the top of the wardrobe, which perplexed her, 'why is it up there, my mothers shorter than me and I struggled to reach it even with a chair.'
She rummaged around in the sewing box until she found both a spindle of red thread and a needle.
She put her mothers sewing kit away and dropped the needle and the thread in the bathroom before going downstairs to pick up the items that she'd placed on the kitchen table earlier,
Just to cart all of the stuff that she'd put on the table, into the bathroom, where she knew that there was some fingernail clippers just inside the bathroom mirrored cabinet, which was on the wall opposite the bath, but the bath wasn't on the wall it was on the floor. She ran the water for a bath as if she was running the bath for herself but she left out the bubble bath. 

Then she took hold of Rob's bear and began to perform an incision along the stitching on the teddy's back, as soon as the incision was cut she removed all of the stuffing and replaced it with rice and some finger nail clippings freshly off of her finger tips.
Now all that was left to create the bear was to sew it back up with the red thread, making sure that the bear had enough red thread left over to be wrapped around the bear tightly,
She had no idea of what the true reasons for wrapping the bear up with the red thread after sewing it back together, but she'd guessed that it was to stop it from exploding with the wet rice expanding and all of that, not to make it look more sinister.
By this time she knew that she had to think up a name for the bear,
"Charlie... Charlie bear, yes that'll do" She spoke aloud with a new found pride in her handiwork.
‘Now what do I have to do to make it come alive again?’ she thought for a second then she remembered.

The time was 3am she held Charlie and said, 
“for the first game I, Lucy, am going to be oni” she said oni as oni is the Japanese word for it, or tag, she said the aforementioned phrase three times and then dropped Charlie in the bath.
Next she ran around the house turning off all of the lights then she counted to ten aloud and stated “Charlie, I’m coming to find you ready or not.“
She scampered back up the stairs, into the bathroom and she grabbed Charlie and the knife, then stabbed Charlie with the knife.
Lucy said "Now Charlie is oni, come and get me if you can".
Then she dropped Charlie back into the bath with the knife still inside of it, and rushed out of the bathroomShe rushed to her hiding place with the cup of salt water in hand she found the wardrobe that she was going to hide in it was one that had got the christian crosses along and within the door handle it had the name of her Lord Jesus Christ engraved on it, as if there was a malevolent spirit how better to save herself than with the name of the Christ?
At least that was what a YouTube Christian had said.
It was dark in the cupboard but she knew that she mustn't fall asleep, but even if she did how could a malevolent spirit harm her? She had JC on her side.

She heard a knocking on the front door of her home, she thought 'who's that knocking on the door this late at night maybe if I ignore them they'll go away.'

The knocking intensified. 'Screw this game I'm going to open the front door, if nought else to tell whoever it is that is making the racket, to stop' thought Lucy. 
It’s not as if that little bear is going to be waiting for her, now is it?
She thought  'Unless this is a dream that I'm experiencing that teddy will still be in the bath soaking the water up with it's rice stuffing. 
Lucy then found herself walking down the stairs, as she reached the door she at the door handle and pulled it down.
"Geeze do you know what time it..."
She spoke as she was opening the door she said, in exasperation, but she stopped as soon as she had noticed that nobody was out there.
There was nobody outside of the door, Lucy would have been gobsmacked if only she had the energy to be so. 
But then Charlie appeared behind of her with the knife in hand, or paw to be more anatomically correct, while Lucy was looking out of the door then Charlie thrust the knife between her base two vertebra, which caused Lucy to scream aloud in the sheer excruciating agony.

The next thing that Lucy felt was her head banging onto the side of her hiding place as she awoke from a realistic dream. 
But just as with almost every other dream that she'd ever had she promptly forgot about it, as she did with practically all that she was left with was the memory that she'd had a dream but none of the details of said dream, no matter how good, bad or ugly it was and that dream was a particularly ugly dream.
She heard crashes and bumps from outside of the cupboard she thought they were some of the neighbours getting up to some late night action, but then she remembered the time was 3AM the last time she checked they shouldn't be having any action at this time and she thought back  to other nights and her neighbours were usually quiet especially at this time,
So she opened the cupboard door just a crack to see what was going on.
She saw naught but black, she picked up her mobile telephone, from her trouser pocket, to use as a torch,
She lit the room from the crack in the cupboard door,
Then she peered out she took a step out of the cupboard, illuminating the floor, with her phone.
As Lucy was turning the corner just outside of her room she felt something bash into her foot and she went sprawling down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs she was wondering what the object could be; could it have been Charlie, 'nah, that bear isn't that solid even if it could have got there.
 Then she heard a thumping sound coming down the stair towards her.
Lucy gulped, before she felt ten stabs with a knife each of them going into a different finger tip, she was trying her hardest not to cry out in pain, with the ten sharp pains each strike was in a different finger.
Until all ten fingers had been slit and her blood was rushing out of there ends did Charlie decide to end this nightmare for her, by slitting her throat.

The next time she awoke a shiver jolted down her spine as she awoke she knew that something bad had happened in that dream but she couldn't remember what it was, she could have been having a nightmare that had her as the recipient of a kiss from me for all we know (the effect would probably be the same).
Lucy heard the sound of her parents talking outside,
'they are early' she thought as the sound of the key in the lock resounded, throughout the still air of the house.
Her parents were moving gingerly through the downstairs of the house until they arrived at the kitchen when they both had they're knees taken out by that maniacal bear,
Then Lucy heard the sound of the blade tearing into the flesh and bone of their legs, it was the squelching noise of a blade through the ligaments and muscles that were there followed by the stomach churning crunch of the blade striking the bone.
which was accompanied by the screams of the victims of charlie's latest attack.
Now she was worried for her parents safety so Lucy hurried down the stairs to the kitchen she arrived outside of the kitchen door just in time to see her mum's head get shawn off of her neck by a new piece of equipment that the bear was welding, was the bear supposed to do that?
Her dad had been brought to tears by the fore-mentioned event so Lucy marched forward to stop the bear, yet.
She hadn't worked out how she would stop the bear, she just figured 'I'll improvise, it's just a stuffed animal how hard can it be'.
then as she marched forward her feet were getting stuck to the floor by her parents blood on the floor.
The bear stamped on a tile that was loose and pointed upwards, Lucy looked to the ceiling to see what the bear was pointing to.
She looked up and from the moment that she did she felt a terrible feeling of metal digging into her eyeball, her right eyeball, soon enough the blade was through her eyeball and it was pushing into her brain.

Her first two dreams may have gone by unnoticed by what seemed to be her awakened state, but the trauma of the third dream stayed with her, it may have been her mothers decapitated head or it may have been the fact that she had never actually seen her father cry before, but either way she knew that she had to get out of this game that was haunting her.
So she picked up the cup of salt water and she emptied it into her mouth, then she stormed out of the cupboard and into the bathroom which was through the room that the cupboard was inside and out into the hall before passing three doors to get to the bathroom,
But when she had got to the bathroom door she opened it she looked for the Charlie she saw him where she had left him in the bath tub but she knew that all she had to do was to go over to the bear and spit the salt water on top of it and then recite the incantation,
But as she stepped into the room her bear feet slipped on the wet floor, the floor wasn't that slippy the time that I left this room, she would have been thinking.
That is if the fall wasn't so intense that it forced her to swallow the salt water,
Which tasted disgusting.
Charlie then got up from it's resting place in the bath and then it clambered out of the bath and it dragged it's rice filled body onto Lucy's belly until finally pulling the knife up so it hovered with the point of the blade facing down towards her heart.
then Charlie struck downwards with the knife piercing her heart with the one quick blow the agony that she faced must have been unbearable for her.

So much so she woke up in a cold sweat but she was back in the cupboard and the sun was coming up  outside of her window, she could see the sun through the crack in the cupboard door,
"So what does this mean that I've won?" she said out loud and then she found a book settled against her left foot She brought her phone out of her trouser pocket again.and she brought it up as a torch to read what it said on the notebook.
The notebook smelt like dried blood and on it's cover it said *The Five Deaths of Lucy Monroe*. in text that that was deep red, or carmine red.
'But that's my name, and I'm still alive' thought Lucy 'how can I die five times.'
but she was intrigued by the mysterious book that had appeared so she read a bit further into it.

Page 1;
So the first page of the book it had text that was similar to Lucy's first death as detailed by me previously but she couldn't remember it, at least not until she had read to the part which said about  the knife stabbing her between two of her vertebra, then the shear unadulterated agony struck her, directly in the vertebra,

Page 2;
On the second page it told her about a different death to the first one but if you had read it earlier there is no need to of back to it now but she couldn't remember this death either until she felt the sharp pin like pricks in the ends of her fingers just before she fell breathless and she was gasping for breath by the end of her read. 

But she was perplexed how reading some stuff in a notebook could be effecting her so badly it's not as if any of this stuff ever happened to her, she's alive at the moment, isn't she?

Page 3;
For her third death she remembered as she read the notebook both of her Mum's decapitated head and her life less body before remembering the shrill noise that she made when the sharp point of the knife first pierced her eyeball and the pain was unbearable for the few seconds that she had experienced it, she just thanked  her god that it was only in a dream.

Page 4;
As soon as she started reading this note of her supposed demise she remembered that realistic dream that she had just had and she realised what this book could be, well it was one possibility at least it didn't quite explain why she had wrote in in a blood like colour, as she recognised the knife traveling through her breast and getting lodged into her heart. Stopping her heart dead in a slow and drawn out fashion, the style of the psychotic bear, it still hurt as much as the others, if not more, with the dream being fresh in her memory.

Now Lucy was thinking that all of the text that was on the page was only dreams some from further away, in time, than others but they were all her dreams as she had been doing with her dreams, as she cannot remember them for very long after having them she'd write them down on a notepad as soon as she could but this note book didn't seem familiar to her at all and what was with the very blood like ink that she was using to make it? 

Page 5;
Now the page for her fifth death had the number five written upon it in the top left hand corner of the page but then the rest of the page was blank,
"Why did it say five on the front cover and then only detail four?"
Then Lucy must have cut herself on the edge of the page as a stream of her own blood gathered in a pool on the pageLucy picked up her finger that the blood had come out of and she jammed it into her mouth to stop the blood loss and she tossed the book away.
But book stayed open on the blank page and the blood from her finger started writing as if it was possessed, but by what? The spirit of Charlie? How did the spirit even get inside of the cupboard, I thought that it had the cross of Jesus on it and his name?
Lucy gulped as her blood wrote,

Lucy peered out of her hiding place, to the surprise of seeing me, Charlie, standing outside armed with the knife that started this hell for Lucy,
Lucy looked at her finger tips and examined her neck her spine her right eye that Charlie touched with the knife and found that she’’d been sewed up like a rag-doll with red thread, even her right eye was now no more than a button,

‘I must still be dreaming as the deaths all must be happening within dreams, or preferably nightmares, as I had no reco;ection of any of these supposed incidents happening outside of the dream.' she continued with this little piece of Christian gold 'yes that must be the case otherwise how could he get through this wardrobe it's guarded by Christ Jesus.'
Charlie then opened the doors to Lucy touching the name of Jesus just as anything would/without bursting into flames or turning to ash.
Her eye met the eyes of the menacing Charlie bear...

Day 483

Day 483;

So today I completed my Halloween Tale, you should be able to read it at the time of 13:00 GMT. I know it maybe a bit more horrific than some other Halloween Tales on the net, I'm guessing so please enjoy it when it is released, in 7 hours time.

But I have been overwhelmed with writing my tale, and enjoying it thoroughly, it's great how much fun one man can have in his own head thinking up stories, which you can relive in your own head just tot get a feel of how tormented your characters feel and even share some of there pains/triumphs. Or is that just me? A loner that finds it difficult to relate to the world outside of oneself, no it can't only be me that feels that way, I'm not unique, well at least not on that level.

Now if you see, here online/on the net you can probably find anything that you have ever thought of like from my story after I had thought about the story and I had already wrote up a draft I found some episodes of the Twilight Zone on the internet and I found that they had similar concepts to my tale.

But on the topic of Zelda, today I got no play time on any of The Legend of Zelda games that I own or otherwise, Here's a point on Cap USA, he or Steve Rogers is the picture of Hitlers Master Race with his blonde hair and blue eye colour, Mr Adolf would have been proud that such a fine specimen of his perfect people had been constructed to fight him, now what marvel should have done to be clever would have been to get a black man with an afro and  brown eyes, just to prove that America is inclusive country and then Adolf, would have been living in a nightmare, Think about that Marvel for the next time that you're thinking of killing off a character like you did with Thor, but then instead of having some body mutter an incantation you could have Cap USA out gunned and out matched by a villain so much so he's dies and then Nick fury is at the avengers mansion sobbing over the actions that happened to cause this as the American dream died with him, but then Hank Pym or the ant-man had collected a vial of his DNA and he proceeded to unravel the super soldier serum from Cap USA's DNA and then a black woman (just to turn it up)is the next patient to see Dr Pym, and Pym accidentally puts the serum into her blood stream instead of the treatment that she was supposed to be getting.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Day 482

Day 482;

So by this time it has already been the day that I have numbed 482, four doubled then halved or four doubled then quartered.  

I am thinking that I have been having way too much fun within writing my horror story, as I enjoy writing parts where my characters are getting mangled but I believe that I am running out of time to write my story as it has to be completed by 1pm on Halloween Friday, and I still have got some sincere writing to do by then.

But I am guessing that some of the stuff, not shenanigans that I got up to today didn't help, as I went to the gym today to get me all hot and sweaty, now I'm telling you this as it's true, Do not sit around when you're hot and sweaty you should at least have a nice cold shower first, As the stench that is created by you is one powerful stench. But it's easier to deal with if you have a bit of face fur on your top lip', which I no longer do which has ruined my Halloween costume,

But alas I still haven't got around to playing any more Legend of Zelda which I have put on hold until this halloween season is over, but I shall try to get some squeezed in sometime in-between.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Day 481

Day 481;

So today I discovered that my blog about my life, is most viewed by the frogs over the pond, well from France at least I can't tell the nationalities of you people that visit my blog but it does say where you have accessed my blog from and it looks like this.

United States
United Kingdom

So I'd like to Merci to the French/Frogs, that does mean thanks in French doesn't it? By the way if you're one of the people that I have called frogs, please don't take it to heart/too seriously that's one thing that you should have understood about me from off the bat no one takes me seriously even if I did mean it seriously, but how could I mean calling a country frogs seriously. wouldn't it just be jumping off somewhere causing massive tsunamis every day? 

I still can't really see how anyone else would find my life anything but boring, especially for the French, as don't you still have each other to "do it" to? A pleasant little subtle innuendo, and for the people that were my second biggest, in quantity of people not in physical size it is the US, the so called land of the free which I have been thinking about that title "the land of the free" how ill deserved is that title? You still have money.

But recently the EU just taxed Britain, well the UK, a whole heap extra of cash to be paid in year on year to remain a member state, of the EU, and they have said that it's non-negotiable, as if Mr Cameron manages to negotiate them down n that fee, i'm relatively sure that the majority of the UK would revere him as a hero, of the economy and then he'd stand a better chance of getting reelected next time and then the EU would have their puppet in number ten for another five years, otherwise it could be the EU's way of saying get out of our club, as if that incentive wasn't enough.

But I have disappointed myself again on the Legend of Zelda front as I still haven't got back around to playing on games as it's halloween in only a few days time and I have to get my halloween story completed by then. But through all of the industry that I put into the story today I only got about three additional lines competed on the story, which sucks.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Day 480

Day 480;

It is day numbered 480, and I am a bit unhappy about today as I had to shave my face so no more halloween scariness for me; which sucks.

But today I also went to the athletics thing again, it was fun; especially the part which had me attempting to help another one go my fellow people with disabilities to get running.

I even got some of my writing done for my short story done today, no worries any of you professional authors out there that probably wouldn't dare read any go my writings as it may pollute your positively happy little worlds of books and of people that actually make sense nit just some bumbling old fool from a different node onto the internet.

But another reason for the sadness of today is that I didn't actually get to play any Legend of Zelda games today.

Monday 27 October 2014

Day 479

Day 479;

Now today, the day that I have chosen to call the day numbered 479, I have done, urmmmm nought meaningful unless you think me writing a book that could be actually scary; I hope but I mean to more people than Allergy scary as I know that if someone was to walk up to Allergy in any mask she'll jump in fright.

But finally I getting  onto the topic of yesterdays Doctor Who episode and just how intreating it was gow the Doctor said that our super power as humans was the ability to forget, well then I must have a super duper forgetful power asin the today I was writing the Horror story, well I was attempting to at least when I kept forgetting what I gad written so I needed to read back my way through. but thankfully it's October and what day is at the end of October?? Halloween so the fact that I forget to shave my face is forgotten about well Mich doesn't have to shave my face for me as it is the day of frights for the final day so I'm allowed to look a bit more scary, but back to Doctor Who from the clip that they show, of the next show at the end of the show, you saw Clara not being herself as if she was under the control of some higher power the higher power looks to be the higher power that was having a conversation with some of the dead from the other shows of both types wasn't it hero's (good) and villains (bad), but no me so no ugly. But the predicament should be interesting.

But I took a fay off from Zelda today as I was attempting to get a bit wrote on my story today which was when my newly dubbed super power was being very irritating.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Day 478

Day 478;

So today has been the 478th day within this diary writing experience but today I had a lot of thoughts about what some people count as scary, I have put as much go it as I deemed necessary to create a "scary" story but I have wondering can a person that isn't scared of what they are writing about write a decent horror tale?

As if I wanted to write a horror story for me to be properly terrified by the end of it's read through it would probably be a chic flick,

Now the other day Allergy showed me a clip from a charity show a which was while back now. It had this old man sobbing over his dead wife that had Alzheimer's, and Allergy as with all of the Goggle box people were crying, Allergy looked at me and said to me "why aren't you crying this is sad are you tally heartless or something" but as if I could actually speak I would have said why do you cry when your sad? what is it's purpose I cry when I yawn, it will be as it is to get sleeping dust, you know the yellow gunk that we sometimes get in our eyes, along with many other things that I get trapped in my eyes; out of my eyes.

And as well as all of that thinking about how I could make a decent horror story I also got to doing some more Zelda games but today I was playing Four Swords the single player version by the way not the multiplayer version as I don't have enough friends to play that version.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Day 477

Day 477;

So today is the four hundredth and seventy seventh day of my blogged life; life since I started writing on this blog about my day daily.

So for this Halloween I am going to tell you this tale of this girl that I shall call her Lucy, she was about 20 years of age She has long brown hair with blue eyes.

That describes the characters most basic aspects, apart from her height which I should probably put down as 5ft 7inches,


As I just made it up, that's why,

So today I wrote a bit on the above mentioned tale but I hate writing stories with one end that's not knotted up as what the best horror short stories all seem to do, they leave you questioning stuff and shenanigans like; what happened, who done it, what done it ext.

But today  I really wanted to get on with my story and then I get hooked on my addiction again, which is Legend of Zelda,as I was too busy playing on Minish Cap today for the most part at least. As I was using the Pegasus boots to dash across the marsh and I got to the next dungeon and I picked up some mole mittens, so I can now dig the sand coloured things.

Friday 24 October 2014

Day 476

Day 476;

So today concluders my 476 day at this here blog.

I'm still taking my pills, why I'm unsure of, but I think it was something to do with my right arm going back/behind me,  if it was it doesn't work, but Tini won't allow me to just stop taking them she's still waiting for my hospitals doctors permission and their instructions to ween me off of them, do you even have to be wend off of hormones? As I understand why you shouldn't just go cold turkey on dugs but hormones my glands produce the exact chemicals just not enough which was why I was having to take them; at least I have recollections of that much being said about them.

So what else have you done to day?

Well it's good to see you Blue, and you have got me a difficult question to answer as I can't really remember, but then that there was the high pitched sound that Televisions used to make when they were being turned on but then those old things never went  on for this long.

Now what about Halloween?

Ok, Red, I have started my planing for a second "season" of five, for the Sunday Savage and it's expected to start on the Sunday after Halloween with a tribute to Halloween and Kirk Cameron's idiocy. rom Episode six to tenI have jotted down some topics for the rest of them as well but only the one that I'm working on at the moment, the halloween one is the only one that I am defiantly going to be late putting it online even if I get it done for next weeks Sunday,which is when I'm aiming for, as Halloween will have been and gone by then.

But today I I have been playing the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, but I got so involved in playing the game that I almost forgot about my daily fitness test, but I remembered which was good, and the rain has come tumbling down.  Vatti want's the light force but he has already imprisoned the light force in ston so much for the intelligence of the Minish, and by the way thank you Minish for all of your gifts that you put in objects throat the game's; as it said in this game that it's the Minish that put hearts, Rupees what ever you find when your chopping shrubs and breaking jars basically being a vandal in Hyrule, in the places that they can bw found 

Thursday 23 October 2014

Day 475

Day 475;

So that's it day number 475 done, but what happened to me today?

Well you went to the gym... that was a rhetorical question now wasn't it?

Yes it was, Mr Green, but nice of you to join me now at least,

Yes I know, I was just reminding you about me as I haven't been in one of these for a very long time.

Ok I know you haven't been in one since you were pretending o be a scotsman, have you.

No, it was a pirate!

Ok... ok... but why now?

As you were thinking about rebooting your Sunday Savage for a second season type thing.

Wel l I know that but I have already explained to you why I haven't cast you for a role.

Oh that old excuse, well why don't you give me your voice? 

I don't have one.

No, quit being stupid Savage,  I meant the voice that you use.

But don't iI have to use that voice for myself?

Well yeah but we could share it.

Intriguing proposition Green, I'll think about it. So that should be Yellow, Red, Blue, Green and your Savage host.


Ok, I'll take that into consideration the next time that I am brainstorming.

Now I'm sorry about that, little detour through grinds territory of my mind, now just before I got myself distracted I was about to tell you about the Gym but now I realise that this passage has got probably slightly too long, so I am going to finish up today by mentioning the Legend of Zelda Minish Cap that I played a little bit on today,

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Day 474

Day 474;

If your worried about Ebola wear a burka and rubber gloves, there you go public safety announcement done, but you just need a another friend at the end of the day with rubber gloves on to take it off of you and to put it into a hot wash then don't touch anyone or anything with your rubber gloves not even yourself until you have taken the gloves off and disposed of them; now that is how to deal with an Ebola within a country that it has broken out in. It minimises the risk of any contact with bodily fluids except your own of which it should contain, therefore reducing the potential impact on other civilians, civilians in this contact means everyone else.

So you may say the above idea is disrespectful to some peoples religions to them I'd like to say please stop disrespecting my level of common sense on this issue, as I know it's not but it should be common knowledge that Mr Mo never intended for women to wear the burka, which was invented quite a few years after his death, elides isn't that hypocritical of him if he was to say that only women have to dress as "Ninja's", but anyway Mr Mo wasn't as big a hypocrite as the Islamic world portrays him as, apparently, as what the Quran Says on the code of dress for all believers is (not just women);

As it says on this website.

But just for clarifications sake I checked the  Qur'an 24:30-31, which is obviously a different translation of it between the two separate translations-, unless It was just paraphrasing it to make it clearer what it meant.

But that's enough religious shenanigans, for today at least, as today I was shocked again by the football team that I support as I watched a second win at home in a row, so the first goal was scored in the first half, and it was scored before I had even realised that they had started playing, it was if you could guess against the team that I was supporting and the first half was a cagey affair with the team that I was supporting going behind 0-1 after just one minute due to a slight altercation which I know what happened in. and what happened was one of the oppositions players kicked the ball, when he kicked the ball the ball flew onto the head of one of the team that I was supporting so he was like a wimp sprawled out on the ground within what seemed like a half unconscious state- and he was stretchered off the pitch to enforce the first substitute of the game. Well that was the first half in goals 0-1 was the score, Les was getting animated like usual, The second half began the pitch was more open for the players of both side being able to get more shots off, and the team that I support managed to peg one goal back in slightly more than the first five minutes, and then again just before the games stoppage time they got another goal, to make the score up to 2-1, then stoppage time was played and the score stuck.

But today in Hyrule I didn't get much done I just got a bigger wallet in Minish Cap and then I proceeded to fill it br finding rupees.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Day 473

Day 473;

So it has been the day that I have numbered 473.

On this day I shaved my face twice and Allergy still thought that I hadn’t shaved so I put the shaver down beside her so she had a break down and said "you'll be fine", to me,

So today I went to the fitness thing again, which was fun.

Theere was a 4 new people there as well today, one was female and another I think was queer, Allergy I don't care about political correctness.

Allergy on the way home from this experience told me of a tale that had happened to her as she said to me that she had gone out with a male, and when at the end of the evening he said should we go out on another date, Allergy explained to him that it wasn't a date, now you could call me a bit of an old hart fort stating this but you said that you went out with him at the first moment of the discussion, a one sided discussion at that as this is the first opportunity that I have got to respond, as I couldn't speak/type at the time. So Allergy could have got the wrong end of the stick when he said date, he could have meant a non-romantic date like a cal lender day, like the 25th of December is always (at least since modern times began) is more commonly known as Christmas day/another day of the year that was cooped by Christianity for they're own personal gain but it has been claimed by the corporate world. Besides do Shepard's watch there flocks by night in the winter? As that is what the bible says, Luke 2:8-12:

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah,the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

The same book of the Bible also says some other stuff within Luke is factually incorrect and contradicts some of the other books within the bible, as well as historical records.

But today in Legendary news I have defeated the boss of the human Mine in Legend of Zelda; Minish Cap, it was surprisly easy seeing as it filled up your energy by attacking you, I mean by leaving fire on the floor just to get them sucked up by the Gust Bellows and there you go you get some additional harts.

Monday 20 October 2014

Day 472

Day 472;

So today is another one of those days that I have forgot almost all that happened to me today but what I have remembered is that I caught up on the doctor who episodes that I had missed, it's disgraceful I went on the BBC i-player website and it was telling me that I had missed two episodes since the last episode that I saw which I thought was last weeks episode.

So today I did a bit on my future post about warp drive technology but now that's enough about physics that I have absolutely no expertise in, and lets turn my attention to another topic that I have vastly more expertise in, which still isn't much , Legend of Zelda, well today I have played more on the Minish Cap and I managed to get through the Mines to the dungeon boss battle, and I am currently attempting to defeat the boas to retrieve the second sacred flame.

While i have been playing the game I have been thinking that maybe Termina is in Lorule, as it could be as in the beginning of Majoras Mask, you as in young Link fall a long way down and you fall into what seems like a basement of the clock town clock but the basement could have been at the other end of a gap/portal between worlds with Hyrule at the top and Lorule at the bottom.

If you would like to read my peeve on warp drive tech enology It should probably be up in two weeks.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Day 471

Day 471;

So yesterday I was thinking about comic books for one reason, but the reason isn't my only reason, it was as a new faceybook friend of mine; but I have known him for years.

But this man that i'll call Tom... or how about Mat... Ato... as he created Tomato Comics dot com, I think. was the internet address but it no longer works as a website. I  initially thought that it was  I thought that is was supposed to be a brand of comic books like Marvel, DC (Detective Comics) and Image. Basically a publisher of comics but Tom-Com was never supposed to be a new version of anything as it was supposed to be a version of the book the Bunny Suicides but it was thought up before the book the Bunny Suicides was published before he'd finished his  anthology. As it was about tomatoes getting destroyed in may different ways, apparently. But he fell out of "Love" with tomatoes, apparently.

But today in the Legend of Zelda: the Minish Cap, I have just acquired the climbing thing, to help me ascend the Mountain.

And I have forgot what happened to me before that today, maybe I will fill the blanks tomorrow.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Day 470

Day 470;

Now today I first won a chess game but it was by time out after each of us only playing 1 piece, it was on time out, and then I lost a game of chess that both of us were actually playing in, so my score come down to 15 wins and 15 losses and my chess points score plummets to new depths.

But today I have done nothing, as obviously as everything that is false, as I had to have done something today even if it is only breath otherwise I wouldn't still be here to type, unless this is all a figment of my imagination or I could be part of someone or something else subconscious or/and conscious thought we all could be.

Ok so I have thought of a lot of shenanigans today and I have seen the death of Thor today and the rebirth of Thor in a new female body, which was interesting Thor without his hammer got him killed by an elf, a dark elf, and then only in the closing pages of the comic you got to see her, Thor.

Then I read through a bit of Harley Quin and the issue that I read was interesting as Harley was putting money on her own head (meaning that she was hiring assassins to attempt to kill her) while she was asleep, poison ivy was her co-star and then there was those men well one man (the man that shots the assassin that says he's going to keep attempting to kill Harley),  Then the last one was a Hamster, I think, well it was supposed to be a rodent at least that was talking to her, so it could have been a hallucination for all I know.

Ok so now i'm onto the topic of Zelda of which I haven't managed to get my act together to play on any Legend of Zelda game.

Friday 17 October 2014

Day 469

Day 469;

So today is the day that is 469th in my trail of days for my diary.

I remember when rock was young, me and Suzie had so much fun
Holding hands and skimming stones
Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own
But the biggest kick I ever got was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock

While the other kids were Rocking ‘Round The Clock, we were hopping and bopping to the Crocodile Rock
Well, Crocodile Rocking is something shocking when your feet just can't keep still
I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will
Oh lawdy mama, those Friday nights when Suzie wore her dresses tight and the Crocodile Rocking was out of sight

That was the lyrics to one of good old Elton John's songs, which one?

I don't know, maybe it's beyond the yellow brick road?

How dense are you, it's obviously got to be the Crocodile Rock, why else would it have the lyrics Crocodile Rocking in it's lyrics?

But today I have also been playing a bit on Legend of Zelda; Minish Cap, but also I have been playing a bit on Crimal case saga on faceybook, I like the case Good Cop, Dead Cop, which is apart for the sentencing hearing for the end of the murder enquiry four years prison time with the possibility of parol after just two, lets get this straight so you take a life away from another person and you only get a maximum of four years in the lock up?

Thursday 16 October 2014

Day 468;

Day 468;

Today I have been to the gym, and I have seen both of my Mat friends in one trip to the local super market.

I also went into the dentist today in the dentist they've gone all high tech, with their new improved little screens like tablet things, I wonder if they could do with a hand actually working in their IT department, I could perhaps land myself a job over their, maybe.

Or maybe not, you got confused when the people that were employed their acted as if they actually knew toy as you had forgot who they were, and one of them even lives on the same estate as me and I know here son apparently.

Ok... Ok, Red,Now that should be about enough on the topic of my cock-ups of today,

Enough, enough you say, No way is that enough I haven't even got onto the start of your cock-ups for today as I have only got the dentist so far but we have forgot all before then but you can probably guess that =I made some terrible cock-ups, within the hours before the above mentioned events. 

But now moving onto the topic of Zelda and I thoroughly disappointed myself today with my absence from the consoles due to a worse headache than I usually have, I know what you could call me  e.g. a wimp and other names, for complaining,

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Day 467

Day 467;

I like my mind, it's a good place to sit and ponder while my body is doing something completely different.

Like when I was wandering around I was wondering about what I had been thinking about when I was in bed this morning as I knew that it was an important issue but it was just getting hold of it again which was my I was racking my brain attempting to remember.

And that was it not the article about women's bras, which was a truly interesting read. It instead was about UKIP and how Nigel Farrage's party in Wales is still opposed same sex marriage, 

And you had prepared that whole tirade on the subject?

Yes I had Red but I have forgot it for the most part, I will attempt to remember it after I have finished comprising my email to the politely ask them, quite literally, what the nonexistent hell?

But anyway it was originally from the following website on the 20th of March 2014, so the only places that I can see the following statement is on both this website and on the predeceasing website, it's no longer on the UKIP Wales website (at least not where I have looked).

But I'd wouldn't like to imagine that they'd make something like that up, but on the UKIP website about what they stand for they put;
Return Power to the UK,
Protect Our Borders,
Rebuild Prosperity,
Safeguard Against Crime, 
Care And Support For All, 

Free Speech and Democracy,

As in policies for the people they typed:
Repairing the UK Economy 
Reducing debts we leave to our grandchildren
Honouring the Military Covenant
The National Health Service
Controlling and managing our borders 
Foreign Aid
Housing and planning

Employment and Small Businesses

At no point in that spell did it mention anything about marriage, unless you want to conclude that as it reducing debts we leave to our grandchildren which could potentially be a very tenuous link in there, but looking through that list it seems very agreeable.

I shall post their response on my blog no sooner than I get one, which won't be at least until I have sent it.

The page on Bra's that I said was interesting above. I stating interesting as the title states " Study Claims Bras Are A 'False Necessity' And I Wholeheartedly Disagree” the title states that a study claims that Bras are a false necessity, and you may disagree with the statement but it was true, a study did claim that Bras are a false necessity. But lets read into the article some more, she starts by stating some sarcastic notions, as in her little thing about burning a mountain of Bras, then there’s a picture, following on she states two sizes of breasts that she has had as she has attributed puberty to the first and Microgynon (which is a contraceptive pill; Microgynon 30) just for the impressional young readers, and old, that may read this Please consult with a doctor before you attempt to get the pill to as I have been reading up on the side effects of taking Microgynon and it says there are a lot of increase risks associated and the increased breast size doesn’t effect all women that take it, she was just lucky/unlucky. But then she states that she spent £100 on a Bra, and I felt lucky that I’m not a girl/woman if that is how much money that you are willing to spend on a device that is a false necessity from what the person hat typed the article defending bras, at least, as he was only stating that bras are unnecessary to keep your breasts up and they may actually be doing more harm than good; as with people like Charlie Dimmock and Anne Hathaway it can be proved, now you shouldn't push your insecurities onto others as you were doing attempting to ridicule the frog, oh I'm sorry I meant French man.

But today my adventures in Hyrule continued in adventure mode today, as I am attempting to unlock all of the characters for use in free mode.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Day 466

Day 466;

So today I was going to the usual athletics practise for the disabled, like me, of which was fun seeing as there was only 4 of the usual many people there to participate, as well as three parents/careers, and three staff; so in total ten people there. 

So basically today it rained so we had to go inside for the athletics thing, today. We were split into two groups of two in each, so I went with the group that was older, I think that we both are the same age, but probably due to her disability she looks to be some age like thirteen but her personality shows me that she's older.But what I can't understand is why the girl that looks thirteen's carer thought that Allergy was older than I, which could be that as a side-affect of my conditions the muscles in my face are getting tighter and so now every so often I get  rat poison injected into my face.

So if you hadn't guessed by the actions of this morning I didn't have enough time to play any Zelda games today so instead I wrote a a new line into my Fan-fiction,

Monday 13 October 2014

Day 465

Day 465;

Now today I attempted to remember an incident from at the football yesterday so here goes.

They can't have been starring at me, about a brunette girl and her older accompaniment. The brunette sat exactly four rows in front of me the older woman sat one space to the brunettes right they were sitting on Row I, I think in the seats numbered 164-165 I, again, think anyway they were staring towards me before they had got to their seats so they were standing on the steps just about to come up.

Stupid superstitions well I heard this one today "you'll make it rain if you wash the windows" it'll rain when it reaches the correct temperature, or the density of the water particles in the air are at a correct density, in the atmosphere for there to be rain it doesn't depend on wether you have washed your windows or not or in areas effected by drought they wouldn't conserve the water for drinking they would just wash windows, wouldn't they?

Allergy received some shoes the other day, I don't think they are bad at all but Allergy is like they're horrific, but I do not see how they could be described as horrific? They're just shoes that you view as ugly, so can you get over yourself Allergy, please.

But if you know anything about me then you should know that I'm very interested in religion as if any aspect of my personality is going to live forever in any kind of hell or something similar, like heaven; I mean no matter how blissful that heaven actually is how could you even think about having a good time with hundreds of the people that you know all screaming and wailing in pain down beneath you but if your Lord your God, was going to wipe your brain/mind of all of the good people that you knew throughout your life that didn't share your beliefs how could you say that that is heaven, with only some parts of your memory intact? So you'd be up there in heaven praising your God all day everyday In probably in an orgasmic state of ecstasy for ever, well I know that it looks good a apart from the praising which I am guessing that anyone would probably get used to it, and you even might do it without thinking about it [thinks of the last time that I heard about a woman having an orgasm, apparently she said "Oh God" a lot], . But I have been thinking about it quite a lot really and I and the oxymoron is quite considerable as we all hate  being preached to, unless the circumstances are correct so if I ever wanted to et preached to about the sinfulness of my ways I'd go to a church, a mosque or another religious establishment. Just as I wouldn't go to the local domino's pizza place if I wanted to purchase a decent warm pizza to eat, I'd go to the local Turkish fast food place my reasons for both are that's cheeper, Second up is the pizza dominos pizzas the actual cost of the pizza's are higher probably due to the many different types of crust that they do, stuffed crusts as well as all of the flavours that they get in that they have to order in over the stock required so thad they don't run out of ingredients on any day but the Turkish restaurant gets away with as they have more diversity from within they're trade... I know it's a terrible excuse I'm rubbish at making them especially if I have no idea why they're so much cheeper in one place to the other which is exactly my problem. and my reason being the same but in a different type of cheeper as of why the last time that I went to a religious building would have been when I was playing in the schools band, a trumpet, at one of the yearly churchy things, and a different type of cheeper being it is cheeper on my personal level of self respect. As I know what I do is wrong by the people around me reactions, not all of the time; I know this revelation may come as a surprise to some of my three or two readers... ... I'm not perfect.

But today I was going to write some more on my Legend of Zelda fan-fiction but I got sidetracked for the majority of the day, but I fortunately managed to squeeze in a couple of minuets writing before the day was over, but I'm still working on the first chapter, it's not going to be a long chapter not in the slightest.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Day 464

Day 464;

Wow... today I have been shocked, by a rare victory at their home ground for the football team that I support.

As the team usually starts the matches off on the front feet, but then they'll usually score a goal part of the way though the 45 minutes and then they'll be on the defensive for the at least until the other team scores, which usually gets the game as a tie at the half time, then the half time passes and the other team appears from the tunnel at the start of the next half and then they score one maybe two goals and the team that I support always tended to loose when those circumstances were employed.

But not today, even though the team that I support had the best chances of the opening fifteen minutes or so the ball broke when the team that I was supporting was attacking the oppositions end, then the opposition player ran with the ball towards the goal of the team that I supports goal and he just scruffily slotted it into the home sides net, so the score was 0-1, but then the opposition team started on the the offensive to attempt to make the score 0-2, but then just five minutes from half time, six if you include the minute of stoppage time that the referee added on the end, their was the goal that levelled the scores up at 1-1. that was the first half and in the second half the team that I supported managed to get a second goal, actually the player that scored the first goal for the team that I support also scored the second goal for the team that I support, so he was to be the man (player) of the match.

The oxymoron of who will actually vote for UKIP in the next General Election as I would have thought that it isn't going to be the old farts, like me, as they're a relatively new Party and we all tend to stick with a single party/candidate throughout our lives as an old fart that is, which could be why UKIP won that seat as we have an ageing population which means more old farts than young
chickens (chicks) and the young people that vote don't want UKIP to get into power as they view them as a "racist" party.

But no Legend of Zelda today as I went to the football match today.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Day 463

Day 463;

I have finally discovered what ISIS is an anagram for, it means Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.

I discovered that on this website.

The political landscape of Britain has changed for better or worse, only time will tell. Ever since those European elections that we were having a while back, the ones that UKIP won, I'm guessing that the political tides are really turning around the countries that are in the UK.

Now the reason that I state this is as the former conservative MP Douglas Carswell, becomes the first UKIP candidate, ever, to be elected to the House of Commons; as he as been elected as the MP for Clacton.

UKIP had got 0% of the votes for Clacton within previous elections but within this by-election which was triggered by Douglas Carswell resigning his seat before defecting to the UKIPpers; which he didn't have to do. He won his seat in the house of commons more comfortably this time, apparently.

Nut not all of yesterdays by-elections went UKIP's way, as there was two by-elections the one mentioned above was a conservative seat and the other one was a Labour seat, of which those Lab-rats managed to keep their claws embedded within. As the Lab-rats received the highest proportion of the votes and they actually increased their share of the votes by 1%, Liz McInnes was the Lab-rats candidate, but then the surprise within that constituency was those UKIPpers, whose share in the votes were up by 35% and that was a supposedly safe Lab-rat seat, which has seen the majority of the votes for Labour only taking a 612 lead but this was only at a turnout of 36%; so those numbers could shift quire dramatically either way between now and the 2015 general election, as with the UKIPpers seat victory but there was a turnout to that seats election of 51%, so assuming that everyone that voted votes the same way he should manage to cling onto his seat.

But now that enough about boring old politics, even if it's something new, now I am moving on to a topic about Hyrule Warrior, and what I was attempting to do today was to do today was to collect the Gold Skulltulas, I so far have four. 

Friday 10 October 2014

Day 462

Day 462;

On this day it rained that's about all that I can remember about the day other than I had the longest lunchtime of my life today at least I think, which could be explained, a bit at least, by my playing of the Legend of Zelda Minish Cap throughout, well at least until the batteries had run out of charge.

Now so that was also my day of playing the Legend of Zelda, I fixed the clock which is older than me as well the other day, so it now ticks and makes a noise as the minute hand reaches each of the quarters including the top of the clock when it bangs out the hour mark like one bang for one o'clock, two for two o'clock and three for... oh you get the drift now. don't you (disclaimer I don't mean that you get the drift as in car drifting, and shenanigans like that' wall I meant by that was that you can understand me correctly)? As it is a clockwork clock in preference to an electric clock which should mean that we will still be able to tell the time even after the Aliens invade knocking out all of the electric devices , but anyway If they knocked out all of the electrics, how would you know what time to set the clock to every time that it'd run out of time.

What is immortality?

Immortality is a waste go time. The same goes for reincarnation as how many times would you have to reborn until you reach Nivarna/the only exit for the endless circuit of life and death, so the worlds problems are more numerous than anyone think.

Ans Isis vs the the Kurds, go on you Kurds.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Day 461

Day 461;

Today was day numbered 461 there was nothing abnormally special about this morning except it was Stormin' as a Norman, which is a kind of plug to the book Stormin' Normans, by Terry Deary.

But anyway I decided a name for one of the three characters for one of my characters for my CNthree little tale thing; one I should name Norman. I could perhaps call the other two Duncan and Angus, and they could be a scotch pop band (group), but that would be terrible as the only scotch song that I know goes like this; "you take the low road and I'll take high road..." and then it says something about a bonnie loch Lomond before ye I think that's how the lyrics go at least but I'm not to sure as my Scottish friend hasn't spoken to me in a long time but I haven't actually spoken to him in a longer still amount of time.

Now today what did get up to?

Well I went to the Gym today and I still failed to beat my high score on the rowing machine, by my high score I meant my quickest time for rowing 1000m.

But recently I have been having a discussion on my friends faceybook wall with a Christian who was on the defensive for Christians when christians weren't even being mentioned in the faceybook post until she put a stupid article from into the discussion which was expelling how Atheism is a religion, well it was supposed to at least, it didn't do a very good job. Both of the people that were already involved in the topic at the begging had agreed to disagree on the topic of which I hate as it's just a different way of stating that they haven'y agreed on the point of contention, and it reeks of dishonesty; to me at least.

She said why couldn't I just let the conversation die and I steed in response as you keep asking me questions and you still haven't answered mine, of which she still hasn't answered mine.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Day 460

Day 460;

Today was the day that I had been waiting for since Sunday, it was the day that I got to go around someones house and look after their Dog, for them as they were going to be gone for 5 hours so they wanted me to let him out of the house when he wanted to go outside so he could go to the loo, not on they're carpets.

Of which was fun But the thing that happened when it was over got me a bit confused as before it started the lady, whose dog I was sitting with, said that It might be either her or her daughter that'd be around to relieve me of my duty in about 5 hours, which was more like approximately 4 hours 30 minutes. But it was her daughter that arrived first so I had to type "are you so n so" well it wasn't actually that I HAD to type and even if they weren't what would they say? 'No I'm a burglar"? No, I kind have half knew who it was it was just my mental image of the girl was slightly out of date, as my mental image may have been more of a mini version of the lady. But then she followed me to my home to make sure that I could get back inside my home of which I could.

But today in Legend of Zelda, i played a bit on a Link Between Worlds