Monday 30 September 2013

Day 86

Day 86;

I had a great way to start this post off I came up with it whilst I was eating my breakfast this morning but then I took so long eating it I had forgotten it by the time that I sat down to write it.

But I can tell you good, bad or indifferent members of the outside public. I'm more of an indifferent person myself, but on the things that I feel strongly about, like religion and honesty. Two concepts that don't belong in the together, without an odd number of negotiations between them. So like this "religion is not honest" that hard 1 negotiation in between but if it had 2, 4, 6, 8 or any other about of even number of negatives makes it a positive, like "religion wasn't not originally constructed as a precursor to science", which means that it was originally meant to explain unknown back then, I'm the past, phenomena, like why it rains.

We now know it rains due to the many billions of water-vapour particles within the air that we breathe, daily and nightly. Group together in gaseous formations that we call clouds, and then when the tempers is cool enough up where the clouds form it rains. But within more privative times some cultures imagined a god that they gave the credit to for watering they're fields and other shenanigans of a similar nature. Well sure we've grown up from that kind of superstition we all know that there is only one god. No most likely that god is a dilution also as if you look at all of the gods that you don't believe in, ask yourself why not.

If you can think of a reason that's any better and more honest than you were born at a time or you live in a place when/where the Bible, Qur’an or another myths was/are propagated as opposed to the alternative mythologies that have been created throughout human history please share it with me by using the comments bellow.

Whoa I got slightly sidetracked. with that point. But I have found a news show that I thought was interesting. It’s by the Huff post live people and it’s called “Foreign but Familiar”.

Within which the first topic of discussion is the Syrian calamity with the rebels joining loosing their faith in the exile leaders and shifting to Al-Qaeda, which is a whole different type of faith it’s a faith in Islamic extremism. But then the UN is getting it’s deal on the chemical weapons that Assad claimed to not exist.

Bashar al-Assad AKA. the handsome man beneath this text. is the President of Syria, General Secretary of the Ba'ath Party and Regional Secretary of the party's branch in Syria. He has served as President since 2000, when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad, who led Syria for 30 years until his death. You can find out more about him by looking at the wiki page that I got the above information on him from, here.

Bashar al-Assad

Aster that stuff they had time to go onto the topics of marijuana decriminalisation for Mexico, I don’t know whyy trhey have such things as illeagal drugs. Surely it’d be simpler for all of the governments to legalise all of the drugs, not soley to make a literal fortune in tax, which they could always use to fund the tax breaks for the needy, they could also make sure that the produce was fit and safe for human consumption + in drugs education st schools they could instruct you on how to use them sensibly.

They talk about more in the actual video but I have typed enough

Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 85

Day 85;

We’re onto fat lady number 6 of the ten that start with her.

So where is S.H.I.E.L.D. on the US agenda thingamabob as in government is on one level right at the top, I mean in the Marvel universe?

Now I would say that the Strategic. Homeland. Intervention. Enforcement. and Logistics. Division is a made up, by the people at Marvel, supposedly secret government department that is above the government similar to MI5-6, CIA, FBI, KGB, Mossad, Zimbabwe’s CID and the rest of them.

I’m saying it is on top as it wasn’t known about by anyone that was outside of the organisation apart from the select few, which had powers of the supernatural scale and Tony Stark and the closest affiliates of him, but if anything was supernatural about Tony I am willing to say that his arrogance is probably his only natural quality which qualifies him as a superhero; the rest of what makes him a Superhero is his suit that his father’s technological greatness helped him make it.

But now for news I have seen an article that I thought was almost unbelievable, but then again it’s Ireland which makes it believable.

Well they have got lessons in atheism now in Ireland how mad does it get over there? I know it's approximately an hour, or less, flight away from my local airport, but it's not very far away from where I live and one of my grandmothers comes from Ireland, as well. But what is there to learn about atheism that needs a complete class about it? But I am an atheist and I wouldn't mind sitting in on a couple of the classes of it to see if I agree with they're teaching methods because they could depict us all as bad people, if they have a very religious teacher.

So atheism, all you need to know can be told in 1 minute and then you could have the rest of the lesson to answer the questions on the subject then it could be over in one lesson not the 10 classes of 30-40 minutes each.

Ok then I shall explain all that needs to be said it the first lesson is that “an atheist is a person just like any you know, but they don’t believe in a god. End of class any questions?” then the people with questions would pit up there hands then we get the person taking the class to answer the questions sensibly, by the way I’m free on almost all days except Wednesdays so I’d be able to come over their and explain myself to the primary school children if you want, my only fee would be the cost of getting there and back as I would do presentation for nothing/free, I’m thinking that I’d have to with the majority of your money in Ireland being wasted on the Church; maybe that’s why you went broke (a slang term which means run out of money), could be but it’s probably not as if it was the reason you’d have gone broke a long time ago but it could potentially be something to do with the currency that you adopted the euro.

Or alternately it could be both they both played a part in your countries fall into finical ruin.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Savage Sporting Fix P6

Savage Sporting Fix P6

Ok I’ve got a television guide for BT sport lead out to my left hand side, and it’s telling me that there was a big rugby weekend, from Friday the 6th till Sunday the 8th of September and there was a football match between Manchester United and Crystal Palace on the 14th of September.

Then it goes onto the 21st of September with Norwich City against Aston Villa, which I listened to with Mike on the Radio in the car, when we were going to se a brilliant 1 a piece draw at the Community Stadium, back to Rugby and Gloucester Rugby beat the Northampton Saints just by 26 to 24 points, my cousin and uncle will be pleased then to finish off the days news in sport is UFC 165 which I am guessing is some kind of boxing match/classification. I was correct, and the fight was between a Mr Jones and a Mr Gustafsson, the fight scoring went like the following:

Judge Richard Bertrand,

Said that Jones won the match 48-47, while winning rounds 2, 4 and 5, but he scored rounds 1 and 3 for Gustafsson.

Judge Doug Crosby,

Also said that Jones won the bout 48 to 47, but the rounds that he won were slightly different as Gustafsson, won the first two rounds in this judges opinion but jones still managed to win the last 3 rounds.

Judge Chris Lee,

The third official scored the fight 49-46 to Jones as he only gave the first round to Gustafsson. But the results stayed the same no matter who was scoring it and Jones won.

I found the previously mentioned information on about Jones vs, Gustafson fight here.

The next day, the 22nd it was a foreign football match from the Ligue 1, now I think that league is in France. While the game is Paris Saint-Germain v Monaco, I think that they are each in France anyway, and they are the top 2 teams in French football at the moment, you can view the league table by clicking here.

That’s it for this months BT sports coverage, up to this date at least there’s two more dates for your diaries for September, and then on it goes to November.

The final two dates for your sporting diaries for September go as following, umm can you actually count? I know that I probably should have said 3 days as the tennis starts on the 28th and it finishes  a week later on the fifth of November so it carries on over the last 3 days of September, but I didn’t so chill. (I was wondering why Alice tells me to chill almost every time that I start questioning her, answer is it feels good),

So on the 28th it’s Tottenham v Chelsea football, Harlequins v Saracens rugby and it’s the start of the WTA China Open, Finally  for September on BT sport is on the day of the 29th unless you are watching the Chinese tennis open, as the rugby between the Exeter Chiefs v Lester Tigers

That is it for the month that has just gone by.

Day 84

Day 84;

It’s the forth day since the start of the 10 day period of my diary entry’s that start with a fat lady, bingo numbers.

Typing of fat you can view what I've completed my new edition of Savage Sporting Fix, and it should be up by 10:00.

But on my post titled day 81 it got google +1ed and I was unsure if that had ever happened to this website before, so I went on a ++ hunt, ++ literally translates as +1 so you could go into programming and you set it up so every time A is clicked it adds one to the variable score, you could either do score=+1 or you could do score=++ within some programming languages, like C++ and JavaScript.

But I have discovered that it wasn’t the first time that I have gotten +1’d, as I had got a whole series of seven consecutive posts dating from the 30th of September 2011 until the ninth of October 2011, It started off with one that I had titled “What are you?” which was a properly short introduction to me, towards a post about Firefly  and what Shepard book said to River Tam, “You don't fix faith”, which was what I titled But that wasn’t the last time that I got +1’d, as I have recently rediscovered, that I had a post which had 2 +1 attached which was me on a rant in red class, that morning. click here to view.

This lunch time I was getting even more disturbed than usual. As there was a person outside of my home ringing a bell. But their wasn't a single word said by the person which meant that it wasn’t the man that comes around shouting for scrap metal, or could it? but he wasn’t shouting? as the only other person that I know carries a bell around with them even remotely similar is the town crier but again I couldn’t hear any crying or calling out.

I got a letter today as well buts t was a hospitals NHS foundation trust to be exact as it read it’s subject was “ear, nose and throat; voice clinic”.

Dear (My name)

My hospital number      My NHS number

Small talking text/blab blab blaaa, you know the usual lies about how thrilled they are that we have selected them when I didn’t realise that we had a choice of hospitals.

Then it gives me Information on contacting them by telephone... How stupid are these people if I could use the telephone then I wouldn’t need them.

Now let’s get on to the topic of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, of which I covered on this blog yesterday, I was happy with it, for a first episode, but ideally I’d like to see a bigger part for the two geeks of the team as they seemed to be spare parts just to crack the occasional joke and they only really had a small physical presence. If it was on the BBC which would mean that it wouldn’t keep having advert breaks every, I don’t know, about seven and a half minutes I probably would have enjoyed it more. But that is my opinion.

Friday 27 September 2013

Day 83

Day 83;

So today started with a breakfast that was equal to the old style of breakfast, that being a bowl of chocolate wheat-a-bix followed up by a tub of banana.

If you knew that I enjoy playing games then this might not surprise you, but I have been playing Candy Crush Saga lately, which should be a game that I have mentioned at least once, I think it was when I told you people about my attempt to engage a sibling rivalry between Alice and I, which failed but she still talks to me about it like by saying that she’s on level 62 of which I congratulated her with just before getting asked what level I was on so I put eight fingers and one thumb signalling nine, but Alice managed to gather my meaning of over ninety from the following signs, she’s clever like that. Then I played more games on my tablet and my PC, which is also a laptop.

So I found out today about a new television programme which is on television tomorrow, today, the day before yesterday and three days ago, all from the different time zones. It’s a new Marvel television show but it has got real people acting in not cartoons, which I want to say is a bit of a let down; but other than that once I won’t.

By the time zones I mean tomorrow from my current sit point, no it should be perspective not sit point, today from when this is posted, and the other two would be if I was an American, as in America the television programme was aired before the UK get it, as it is “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D”.

So I am wondering how I should/could watch it as it is on at 8:00 PM 27th of September with agent Cousin back from the dead on Channel 4, and my television hasn’t actually been working, for that purpose for quite some time now, isn’t ready. But fortunately I have been told that I can use a different television.

Other stuff;

iOS 7.0 looks snazzy but in it’d overall practicality it has stayed pretty much the same from my brief look at it the only big change was a tracking system for your iDevice built in, another change is the new page cycle feature, what I mean is when you used to us four fingers to swipe upon the screen you used to pull the screen up and you could select which page you wanted to view from the list of icons going across the bottom of the screen. Now onto the looks as it should have looked all along with a preview of what the pages actually look like above the icons congratulations apple.

But I’m unsure on which Icons I prefer it’s a toss up between the old more complex icons or the newer simpler ones which are in retro colours and they have been simplified, so they look like a work of art deco.

Above is an art deco sign.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Day 82

Day 82;

Today I completed my “Aren't we all undead” blogpost, which I have scheduled for the first of October at 12:00 (noon) BST.

So you’ve got that to look forwards to, if my typing a new blogpost is ever something to look forward to, for me I just do it for something to do, apart from all the stuff that I mention myself doing, and to help me remember what I have been doing/thinking about for the limited amount of time that I can remember.

Also today I have been to the gym, apparently I lifted some heavy weights today with my legs, obviously as my arms are like weeds. 60 k the man that I get to go to the gym with, at a discounted price as I have medical problems which is what you get from being hit by a car and suffering brain damage; which isn’t pretty. But then again neither was I before the incident and I don’t think that much has changed, except I keep getting hairier.

I noticed that when I was getting undressed for a shower this morning but I know I may have disobeyed one of your Gods tenants for modesty then but it’s not my God, and I’m a man so it’s ok for me to strip my clothes off and have a shower; by the way that was a little Jab at the Muslims that defend the hijab for women on the grounds that “Allah likes modesty” while allowing the men of your community to get away without covering up. If your God/Allah likes modesty so much shouldn’t his rule be applicable to the whole of your community not just some; by stating that your god and then by not covering everyone up within your community just takes what the person said to about your god and it just flushes it down the toilet.

[/end religious tirade]

But as I was stating before I so rudely interrupted as I was in the shower today I decided to make a mental note of where the hair was on my body, for the purpose of reporting my findings on this, my, blog.

Starting from the top, of me; I have the top and back of my head covered in hair, then coming down from the top front of my head to eyebrows I’m naked of hair, next things down is my eyelashes, then my sideburns, nose hair, then below is my semi shaven off moustache, now you come to just underneath of my bottom lip as I have hair there but then you’d also see a bald patch just beneath that which is on the crease between my lip and chin, now if you off of that bald spot onto my chin you then find my badly shaven beard which curls around my chin going up to meet my sideburns and the lower part of my beard has covered the underside of my chin. 

That’s about all for the hair on my head. So I can see a lit of tiny hairs covering my main torso within parches it becomes more defined like the patch between my breasts, of which I’m thinking has something to do with the pectoral muscles but I don’t really have them so I’m saying breasts not like man boobs as I don’t have them either. So my arms have got a lot of thin light hair on them so you may not notice it, but it’s thicker on the side of my arm which faces out the inner arm has a more sparsely populated concentration of hair, upon it. Until you arrive at my armpits they are like jungles. Now it’s time for me to move on to lower torso then legs and you’ll know where all of my bodily hair is on me on day 82.

So my belly, yes that is part of my lower torso isn’t it? I think so, so I’m about to tell you a bit about my belly as it too has quite a considerable growth of hair on it, but it looks like my genital hair has grown up and is now resting on my belly button, Now finally my legs. Yes my legs have a thick coating of black/brown hair, so similar to a chimpanzee? No I wouldn’t go that far by any stretch of the imagination unless you were in a massively obese stretcher of imagination.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Day 81

Day 81;

Today I heard a story about a little misled bigot.

The story was about a young Muslim child as he was telling Maria the tale that his parents made up to make the child hate the Jews. But then the child didn’t know that the story was what his parents had made up he actually believed what he was preaching according to my source.

What he was saying was it wasn’t Muslims that attacked the twin towers on 9/11 all of those years ago, which he would have correct if he just shut up there, as it wasn’t your everyday speak to in the street as you’re walking around town/where ever you live.

This is where the child goes wrong; he blames the Jews at the moment that Maria announced that part to me I was fuming within that moment I was actually thankful for the first time since my accident that left me speechless that I can no longer speak as I would gave gone on a rant that had so many “bad” words/expletives in it it’d make Gordon Ramsey blush.

It was the Islamic extremists they are a lot like the Christian right but they are Muslim not Christian, but some of there methods are a bit more devastating than the modern-day Christians methods (I'd say that the WBC is still in the dark ages with all of their celebrating as something terrible happens).

So I got my computing gadget of which enables me to speak, of which I managed to put as politely as possible of course that the child is a misled little bigot, and I hope he changes his attitudes quite a lot if the time comes when he meets me, which is unlikely .

Tirade over

Now on with my actual diary entry;

Well I can’t actually remember what I was doing this morning as the above kind of over ran my brain but I know what I was doing around about the same time as it. As while I was doing it

As I started to made another few blogpost articles, like “Jebus behind the fridge” (which is about a growth of mould that some people have said looks like Jesus; how would they know what Jesus looked like?), and I have my post called “Aren't we all undead, except the dead?” almost completed, I also have almost completed another instalment of Savages Sporting Fix

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day 80

Day 80;

It’s finally the days that start with an 8, so in bingo terms a fat lady, which should have been how pretty much all of our days on this rock started; I mean inside a fat lady unless your mother was one of two things, number one is one of those women that never looked as if they were pregnant, or 2 you weren’t born from inside of a woman.

The second of those two options I do not believe the technology is available, yet. But then on the other hand wasn’t their a channel four documentary about that man that got pregnant? I think so but I never watched it so I probably shouldn’t type about it any more.

But what else except that that bit of pondering on biology have I done today?

Well I have...

Taken a personality test online today you can take it also by clicking here.

I have also been playing a new; to me at least, game on my mobile device, the new game was called Castleville, which I started playing years ago on my PC but then I must have last played that version about last year sometime; I loose track of time very easily I have found.

Also today I have been writing down my thoughts on the Bible but not on Genesis today I was working on a separate chapter which is another book of the Bible, Philemon.

But I seem to recall already putting on this website the start of Philemon it was about Paul being the legal position of Jesus Christ. But now I shall put on this website the second part which is now bellow:

To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker— also to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier—and to the church that meets in your home:

Now the two names that were mentioned seem to me like Greek names, which I have no problem with, but it’s just that I thought the names would probably still be the Jewish names things like Joseph, Simon and Seth. Then I got myself thinking about what the actual names of some of the bible characters, if they were actually real as Jesus’s name wasn’t actually Jesus within the originals it was more of a Yeshua.

But if you look at the names of the bible characters the name Thomas the doubter wasn’t even called Thomas his name was actually Judas so they changed his name to Thomas, as in Twin. So there was two Judas’s one was called twin the other one was a traitor, and just an odd coincidence even though I am an only son of my parents a long time ago I must have been between the ages 4 and 7, or there about and then I had a very good friend called Conner, my spelling might be a bit off. His anniversary day was on the same day as mine; so we were like twins in that way. 

Monday 23 September 2013

Day 79

Day 79;

So it has been day seventy nine in my diary attempt, which I appear to have actually achieved for the past seventy nine days if I don’t mind having a host of them later than the seven am cut off point.

I am unsure if I should count the ones that I put on late as successes.

But now onto some of the stuff that I have done today, now what have I actually done today?

That’s funny I cannot actually remember that much well I know that I woke up this morning (well I think I did), I ate my breakfast, I had myself a shower got dressed and I am thinking that I had my lunch what ever I did in-between all of that stuff I cannot remember if anything, it was just another standard day of my life in other words.

Now I was on youtube after lunch and I found a youtube video by a Youtuber called MrRepzion, who is a vloger on Youtube, obviously. He had 2 videos that I would like to type about for today the third is one that the second of his videos is responding to. But then I then I will get back onto the topic of my daily routine.

So now where did I get up to? Oh yes this:

The evil of radical feminism, disgusting is the picture that Mr Repzion paints within this video but I only have one complaint with his stance upon that which is that he says that removing the testicle was removing the whole penis.

1.                                 castration  

Neutering a male animal by removing the testicles.

Even if Mr Repzion is going a little bit too far on that one point I agree with him.

The second and finally on this list of mine of the videos of Mr Repzion that I am going to type about is going to be his response to a video called Why Masturbation is Evil, see below;

Of which I agree with Mr Reczion again, I’m sorry. But I’m about to end this blogpost with the complete.

video that he is quoting/displaying in the video.

But she has stated that sexual intercourse is not supposed to be used for pleasure well you should have told one of Tina’s dogs that were lesbians as one of the dogs, Molly, she kept getting on top of the other dog who was also female and then it was like the clothing dryer was bumping up and down underneath the two of the dogs bed. But I’d say that they were masturbating and they were acting on natural urges.

Dog that was naturally homosexual and it was masturbating, aren't they two of the things that your bible (big book of falsehoods) forbids?

My final part of what I did today was finish typing the above out to get it to go online tomorrow, eat my dinner and drink my final beacker of milk; for today.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Day 78

Day 78;

10 days later than that one with bingo numbers just under the title.

Then just near the bottom of that post was my few words about Miss Charmander’s post that was something about mince pies and then one of her friends had the nerve to like my serious comment which did worry me because it was a sincere comment from me to Miss Charmander and the friend liked it as if it was a joke.

Lady Stansa stark and Tyrion Lannister is the only real joke I have seen that Tywin Lannister from the Game of Thrones; anyway if Bran (Brandon) Stark knew he’d probably be celebrating as the inventive genius of Tyrion (or his ability to copy from a book) allowed Bran to get back on the saddle and fire a bow and arrow from it, so he is now a brother in law to the imp. Which allows me to remember Arya Stark and Jon Snow will also be celebrating, as they are now also in-laws to the Imp and that is about it on the Stark children that have spoken either to him or about him in the Game of Thrones television series that like the imp. So Stansa should like him as well before too long in the Game of Thrones.

Now today was the Carnival but I had a football match to go to watch today so I only got to see the tribute act for the band Queen, which was called Queen 2, the fireworks and a bit of a man singing songs like Jump by Van Halen, and he was by far the best thing (vocally) that I heard that night, this night, but the 2 electric guitars and drum set that was being played by the Queen 2 men were the best music that I heard when I was down the singing that accompanied the music was a shambles. I’m missing Found Guilty which was an awesome band that was at the carnival the year before last, but then if they played at it this year I might have been made to miss it as I had another football game to watch, at the stadium/ground unless they got to be the band that’s just before the fireworks, therefore knocking out Queen 2, but then I might have missed the beginning of their performance or go after the fireworks, then I might have stayed around until the end of the carnival.

But now I only have two topics to type about left for today and both have me typing on “spiritual” matters so if your name is Alice or you aren’t interested in this atheists personal opinions on “spiritual” shenanigans then you should probably change the blog that you are reading, but then if not then read on at your own peril.

So first on the list is a website is a charity which is called For Emma Jane and I have put it onto this website as I realised that the web address that it was on originally no longer worked so I told the people whose page it was as I thought that they may want to fix it, but no it seems that I was incorrect, and they told me to google it. As I did now that is why I have put it in my post.

But now second and final on this list is a thing that should get you thinking, potentially about stuff that you may have thought about yesterday, which is about the full face veil on women only and apparently your god likes modesty; we learn that in here. Your god likes modesty approximately as much as you’d probably hate non-existence in a flesh body/a ghost that was deaf, dumb and blind; it’d be as if you weren’t there at all. Which is actually correct in a way, by that I mean that after you die your body decomposes, the gasses that escape from inside of your body and depending on how you describe the term ghost/.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Day 77


Now the seventy seventh day is here.

But now I’m here to apologise for my incorrect discourse over the course of yesterdays post I meant to repeat what Alice stated to me but I got somewhat sidetracked. It was that wouldn’t I feel offended if someone criticised your belief structure, like I have been doing to others within my blog? (meaning my bible study) I paraphrased it down a lot from what she actually said, another thing that she spoke about was my arrogance in typing what I typed, and my unwillingness to accept anyone else’s personal interpretation, bur I thought that I had already cleared all of that up it the following post “A Bible study of a Thomas”, well hadn’t I?

Well I have kind of, but it could be clearer,

 Ok, so I’ll make it clearer for all of you decent people, and a couple of you not so decent people.

So I have finally updated some of the text within my bible study.

And here it is:

Now in this book study it shall be my, no more valid no less valid than the people that sit in pulpits preaching this stuff to you, it is going to be an opinion driven article my probably irrelevant opinion, to you at least. now the only reason I decided to do this was because I to know what was actually in the bible in context, so I though that I would share what I have found, it’s  no definitive  unless you want my personal definitive take on the bible which it shall be when I’ve completed it.

Now that I have updated that post with some stuff that I thought was important, about it.

Now I do not appreciate being called arrogant in my disbelief because I’m betting that you wouldn’t be saying that to someone of their belief, even if it clashes heads with your personal morals, just because they believe in something? Like in some Islamic countries Muslim women have to wear the whole face veil/niqab as a standard dress code. But a Muslim woman stated in court, “I see it as an act of modesty that’s pleasing to my lord,” I’m sorry that I haven’t progressed very far through the Qur’an in my studies as of yet then why did it create man and woman naked? Also what about equality, why do only women have to wear it; why not men surely if modesty is as big a thing a you say it is to your lord then it’s a two way street, by the analogy “it’s a two way street” I was using it to mean that if one gender has to wear it but the other doesn’t that is only allowing for one direction, no not them please don’t force me to listen to that terrible band, don’t worry, I’ll try again to make my point. If your god/Allah was truly a god of modesty then why wouldn’t he make all of us born with clothes already on,, I’m sure that you have already typed that once, and why doesn’t his modesty laws affect the complete population that are Muslim? By that I mean males and females.

Why the inequality from a god that’s Judgement is supposed to be absolute, or was it supposed to be absolutely unfair?

But if a gods Judgment wasn’t absolute then what’s the point of it.

But now I have managed to reach a point of the level of insanity within this post has just maxed out, which usually happens when I have done a bible study chapter in one day, usually it takes me longer to do as I need a break something like half way through my writing, so I have time to do stuff in between then and putting it online like watch some Doctor Who, Firefly, Life on Mars, Torchwood, some other television programme which could be sci-fi related or listen to some music currently I’m listening to Killer Queen by Queen, which is odd as I am sitting here without any instrument to play music actually playing it as I am playing in my mind. But by the way my mind isn’t like a CD player or even iTunes it’s more like a tape that keeps repeating the same song.

Friday 20 September 2013

Day 76

Day 76;

Today was the day that came before day 77.

Also on this day Alice told me how much she disapproved of this “hard line” that I have been drawing around religion, but she was more appalled by how high up my sub-series  A Bible study of a Thomas, was 4th in the top 5 on number of times viewed which is surrounded by my third most viewed page/“Islamic Disgrace?” on which type about the vandalism done by the group of Muslim people in public spouting nonsense while they are doing it and fifth is on “My response to an Islamic webpage” which did actually get two responses to the first was by a person that called them self exceed the limit and then I responded to him/her/it within another post which was called “Thank you Exceed the Limit” and then the second reply that I received was from another person but this person was named Alia of which my response to can be found at the similarly titled “Thank you Alia”.

I am unsure if they ever actually managed to receive the responses that I made but they should have managed to read them once at least. They still haven’t gotten back to me; at least I haven’t received any additional responses. But I must have been doing something correctly to manage to get three of my religious posts to manage to get onto the page of the most popular posts, the part 7 of my bible study is due on the first of November 2013, now if there is a god that is all just, fair and merciful then why am I still here? Surely the simplest thing for your all powerful all knowing sky daddy to know that he should of ended my life previously? Why are there still starving children in the world and why is there wars still wars around today?

I’m sure that your god has got a quaint solution for this but if prayer actually worked then the above list would all be sorted, from the naive children at C of E schools being coerced into sitting there while one of the vicars from the local C of E churches leads a sermon, so when you went home that evening you thought that all should be ok in the world now but then when you get home turn the television on you realised nothing has changed, and then before you go to bed you’d say some words in your head or out loud before you went to sleep naively thinking that your words actually mattered of which they would if they were heard by the intended listener but it never listened until it was about something small like a test which you’d sit down in a room the night before the test and you’d read/practise about the matter of which you’d be doing a test on the next day, and then you’d hopefully pass it.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Day 75

Day 75;

It was the day that reached three quarters (3/4) of the way to 100 days.

My headache has been bad today but I have been able to control myself better today, which meant nobody noticed so they could all just continued complaining about the person that had annoyed them over the top of me who was sitting in the same room as my headache.

But It might not have got so bad if I had drunk more over the course of today, as I went to the gym also today, and that gets me worn out and thirsty *one big splash of drink down my throat and I feel better, not perfect but better* but now I shall share with you good(?) people some of the videos that I have been watching today.

First up is Rocking and Fucking Rolling – tenacious D but I am unsure if I should censor the name because some people think that the words that literally means ‘having sexual intercourse’ is a bad word.

Next up I have a clip from American Idol the one when Mr Jack Black makes his way onto the stage and he actually does a pretty good rendition of Seals song ‘A Kiss From a Rose’ apart from he mucks up on the wording of the song but I thought that it was sung well, so what I’d like to say about the clip would be that it was staged, scripted and it was rehearsed prior to that appearance.

Now the final youtube video that I am going to put n this website for this post at least has got to be the school of rock’s Battle of the Bands concert from the film of the same name; with the films name being ‘The School of Rock, which came out 10 years ago; oh how young and even more naive I was.

Ok now I’m in a bit of a bother, but no worries it’s a slight bit of mental bother, it’s about a word, the word is nigga. It’s one of those words that you’ve never really used partially as you think it’s a bad word (you think it may offend) and the other part is that I don’t understand the correct context for it to be used in.

Now the reason why I have brought this topic up is because it has been posted to describe a gif that I have recently seen. Click here to view.

So I decided to search the internet, for that word. The general consensus of meaning was that it was a word that is acceptable for people of darker skin tone to use but for a so called fairer complexion to use the word it is an almost capital offence.

Google have defined it as an:
nigger: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person; "only a Black can call another Black a nigga".

Which I can further deduce is from the two similarly spelt words that are nigga and the derogatory word nigger, and the fact that both of them were defined as different by the rap artist, I think, Tupac, when he said;

“NIGGER- a black man with a slavery chain around his neck.

NIGGA- a black man with a gold chain on his neck.”

This analogy was found on a website which is called Urban dictionary.

The number 2 definition from the website is;

“A word a white person can NEVER say while a black person is present or they will be beat down. but they say it with fellow white people”

Which I think is, honestly, morally wrong, so what I would like to see happen from this day is that if you are “black” and you’re wearing a gold chain around your neck if someone, anyone black or white, comes up to you and calls you a nigga congratulate them for getting the correct terminology, but then if anyone, black or white, comes up to you and calls you a nigga when your not wearing a gold chain around your neck I would first like for you to explain the error of their ways to them, and then you could get your posse (group of friends) together and beat them onto the dust if you so pleased. That is my instructions for anyone and everyone black or white, which could change the world or at least it could change the enthuses of that word to the colour (I know the majority of my page views are from the USA, but this is how you spell your word color correctly) of your jewellery (necklace) instead of the colour of your skin.

I am sorry for any offence occurred breaking news you’ll live, for now at least, but on the plus side you’ll die within the knowledge of how to spell the word colour correctly.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Day 74

Day 74;

Whoa, when I started this post series 74 days ago I never realistically expected to get up this high, at least without the assistance of drugs.

I haven’t used any within the production of my blog not even caffeine which can be found in drinks like coffee and tea but in tea the dosage of caffeine is minimal relative to coffee.

Some of the side effects of caffeine range from moderate effects, like headaches and difficulty concentrating (of which I find that the first often leads to the second, which hasn’t hindered me in writing these blogposts; too much), towards the serious afflictions, including panic attacks and prolonged depression, which I may say I have never suffered either of; at least not to my knowledge. You could view both of the lists on either the website that I copied the following two lists off ( or the two following lists.

Moderate effects include:
            Increase in breast tenderness
            Mild insomnia
            Increased heart rate
            Increased blood sugar
            Difficulty concentrating
            Mild stomach upset
Severe effects include:
            Panic attacks
            Irregular heartbeat
            Sleep deprivation
            Continuous stomach problems
            Prolonged depression
            Sleep disorders

But I should probably get onto topic about what happened to me today, well nothing much happened to me this morning except my headache was turned up a couple of notches from my get go, this morning. but the things that really got my head hurting today was Alice whining and my opticians appointment, which did some more than just told me I had to get some new spectacles. It also told me that my left eye has gotten a lott worse than my last appointment.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 73

Day 73;

By the way a couple of days ago literally two from when I’m typing, Alice and Mike returned from their little, well a week long, excursion to Greece; thankfully I didn’t have to go.

In there tales of their trip Alice highlighted how she got stopped by security before boarding the planes twice once on the way there and once on the way back. So at the airports they could tell one of the dodgy characters was but Mike didn’t get stopped once. Then one of the questions that one of the airport security asked Alice when she’d been stopped was do you have anything sharp, of which Alice said the oblivious answer, it being no. But I am slightly disappointed with Alice’s answer as she should have said “only my wits now as she didn’t she obliviously isn’t witty, her cleverness is in different fields/on different trains of thought.

Memories of Earthworm Jim, girls girls girls (including the song and a bit on boys and girls) but firstly what have I done today.

What I have done today? I have contemplated the meaning of life within this cosmic vacuum of nothingness except everything, I do that a lot and I have decided that we are just like wolfs howling in the darkness, for one reason it’s better than silence, all that we have done in this world no matter how good, grand or just plain old great will matter, just think about it how many great civilisations have lived on this earth, which is a stupid question as how are we to know what classes as a great civilisation should it be by the number of the dead bodies buried in and around certain structures? It could be on the scriptures of ancient cultures practised? Or it may even be judged on the levels of structures constructed? Or it could be on many ages it last? I just do not know. As what percentage of civilisations do you think are human civilisations? Their has been many ant colonies under the patio out the back of my home I would call that a civilisations, as I know that when I or someone around lift up the slabs the feeling of amazement that I get as I look down at the construction with all of those tunnels which allow a little ant to travel anywhere within the world, underground, that they have created, they look like the coal mines just a lot tidier.

Earthworm Jim I can remember from going around a friend of mines home and they had it on their Sega Megadrive, or was that a different game that they had I’m more to thinking that the first time that I saw Earthworm Jim was before that occasion and it was at a different friend of mines home and his father was playing it on the PC, the Sega Megadrive friend‘s game could have been Street Fighter, but was it even a Sega console as I seem to remember him having a Nintendo 64 back then. Now this was before I had got my Gameboy Colour back in some time before 1996 or soon after most likely, back when 24 bits was the standard for graphics now it’s HD as standard for the most part. What about the way that your games play.

So now it’s time for a song, no not to sing along to just to listen to, but you could watch the following youtube video as well if you’d like.

From the video to the text;- please go to the youtube page to view;

Now that is the Mötley Crüe version not the Jay Z version as I actually have some standards on what music/noise I’m willing to live up to, standards! What happened to them while Miley performed her two ear-breaking “songs”, I put them on hold. Just for the durations of the two songs but I do warn people before watching.

Monday 16 September 2013

Day 72

Day 72;

So if someone says that you’ve lost the plot direct them here and that could prove to them that you still have the plot, how? I mean relatively too me.

So what do I have to type about today? Well we have the Japanese but before all of that I have to [well you don’t have to but you are anyway] do a bit on squirrel girl from marvel.

So who is Squirrel Girl?

Thank you wikipedia of which I just stole the bellow data off of, so when I say stole I literally meant took without asking, even if it is still there for anyone to find.

Squirrel Girl, real name Doreen Green, is a fictional character and superheroine in the Marvel Comics Universe. Her first appearance was in Marvel Super-Heroes vol. 2, #8, a.k.a. Marvel Super-Heroes Winter Special (cover-dated Jan. 1992), in a story plotted and drawn by Steve Ditko and scripted by character conceptualizer Will Murray. Her ability to control squirrels is surprisingly effective and has allowed her to defeat major supervillains. She was a member of the Great Lakes Avengers for much of the duration of that group, and later began serving as nanny to Danielle Cage, the daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.

Ok now that’s enough on that, so why were you typing about her anyway? Now I was typing about her because I have unlocked her to purchase in the game Marvel Avengers Alliance, which is on faceybook, it was so disappointing when I discovered that I’d have to pay with in game points, command points. Which you can buy more for money of which I have none is of any actual use regarding the purchase of anything. But I found her first issue where she’s in a comic from 21 years ago the comic is actually 2 months older than me. Which was an issue where she kicks Dr Dooms behind and saves Iron Man, the state that I found it in was barely readable so I have decided to edit it slightly just to make it more readable and I am putting it on my list. But before that I was looking through some of the pictures of Squirrel girl on google and as son as I saw the one bellow I thought it looked like a slightly older version of Arya Stark from the Game of Thrones.

Squirrel girl

Japan is the world leader in creation of the video game systems, as it has two of the 3 giants of that field based there, which are no need to mention but I will anyway Nintendo and Sony. I liked both of these manufactures back in time and probably still do, like both, but for me Sony got stuck on they’re high note with the Playstation 1 which I enjoyed immensely before it broke. Before this happened I had got a GameBoy colour and it was still working, as long as it had some batteries. But my family got a Playstation 2  which was fun but it left me with disillusioned senses, it didn’t thrill me as I had bought myself a GameCube, with the money that I had saved up and I had received for doing jobs around the house, and the garden like cleaning up the lawn after the dogs had done they’re business on it. Which was excellent with so many buttons and joystick things on the controller, it gave me so much more to do, which was a change as the Playstation 1 – 2 all that ir really was a graphics upgrade.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 71

Day 71;

Today it has been another day another day that was disturbing.

Not only because it’s another day in my mind, which is enough to drive anyone to the edge and probably a bit over it as well. To what edge? The edge of your sanity/the brink of insanity, I really need to get that flash project of the inside of my mind underway, obliviously I’d have to tone it down a bit for children a bit more for Christians and a lot more for Muslims, if you are religious but your do not practise either of the two major modern-day religions then you might be more or less as disturbed as the majority of mainstream Christians if you went rooting around in my head/brain.

It was disturbing as I had to go to the hair dressers today, as you might know from reading my diary entries from a few days ago, I think, that I commented a little bit on it. it goes is like this, Mike says to me “would you like to your hair cut with me?” my answer is generally a shake of my head, and he starts saying things like that wasn’t a question, I am usually like well actually when you ask me anything as you just did you question me; but I only said it in my head/brain as I cannot speak. Then Mike does his usual little tap dance, and then end up accompanying him to the hair dressers for getting what he wants to be done to my hair implemented. This always is a short trim so it’s just off of the ears.  

But the above idea probably won’t get off to much as my mind is probably as dark as my dress sense aka mostly black with few glimpses of colour.

I’m unsure if a flash project is really where I want to go with my concept, I slightly want t plan my almost ever changing world of inside my head on flash and then I could later literally build the world in 3 dimensions so if nothing else I can play inside of my head outside of my head and so could you, my public, now you/I did not just do that, did we? We didn’t do what? We didn’t just call our readers of this website our/my people? urg yes we did, you imbecile I’m ashamed to be related to you as we don’t own any of our readers no matter how much you would like to own some of them, no slaves! But what if I promised to treat them all nice and stuff. Still no a slave is a slave and what makes you think that I’m going to take your word? Potentially as I am you, oh shut up me.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Day 70

Day 70;

So it’s day 70, dun dun dunnn, what in the name of Kermit did you do that for, don’t you understand why I have duned?

As I have done it to acquire some suspense, not much just a little but I have gone and wasted it all now; I bet.

I have been reading some stuff which I am unsure about it was on the escapist forums, and just to let you know now I don’t make a habit of going on forums, anymore at least, especially not one that are foreign to me.

I clicked onto this forum page after searching on google for the Game of Thrones character that is an atheist, as in the man that goes along with Stannis Baratheon saying that he should be king even though he knows that he shouldn’t be king, as he must have figured it out that Gendry/Roberts eldest bastard and king Roberts only living descendent has the most right out of anyone for the throne. That was including the Targaryen Dragon woman, see below.


I’m sorry but Daenerys your claim to the throne died on the day that Jamie stabbed the mad king in the back and when fat king Robert took up the throne. So the only ways that Daenerys Targaryen can take back the iron throne is by either Dragon fire and the man power that she has built up or by joining her house and the Baratheon house by marring either of Robert’s so called children both bastards but only Gendry is his only true descendent but the other is the king and he has no right to the throne by blood, as he is a Lannister by blood.

But I clicked on the link that got me to that page and I found a post by a man whose screen name was Da Orky Man and he had quoted another user that goes by the screen name of Ieyke and just so Da Orky Man/everyone on this site knows I have absolutely no problem with Da Orky Man. It’s just going to be about Ieyke and his misinterpretation of what Atheism is even if the title of the post says athiest I do not know any of these. Now I get to the part where Ieyke calls me arrogant for as I’d title myself an atheist, not an agnostic.

But what he epically fails at is his terminology of use as by saying you’re an agnostic you’re actually answering a different question, as in the real world, that’s the world around you while you are awake, gnostic means of or relating to knowledge and theism is a belief system. So what your saying is you do not know what you believe which is fair enough just don’t go off on one with your uncertainty about what you do not know and say to people who do know their own minds and tell them that they might and probably are also as the number of atheists that identify as agnostic atheists grossly out number the number that identify as gnostic atheists. So we should already know that from your stupidity and through haste to judge people that don’t fit into your very small circle (of which I think is more of a dot) mould of what you would like to call yourself then just don’t bring the wider community of people into your dot on this pale blue dot, with you.

With the pale blue dot thing, this one you tube video was made by Mr Seth Andrews/The Thinking Atheist (TTA) as a tribute to the atheist Carl Sagan who died in 1996, when I was in the forth year of my living existence.

So the quote from Ieyke is here;

“I assume and hope that the majority of Escapists are actually Agnostic rather than Atheists.
You actually have to be a complete moron to be an outright Atheist.
Agnostic Atheist is perfectly acceptable.
The key is that you accept that you DO NOT and CAN NOT have all the answers, and whether you believe in a god or not, you accept that it's completely possible that you are wrong. That's the difference between an Atheist and an Agnostic Atheist.
Atheists are arrogant fools who somehow assume they know something that is impossible to know.”

Do you see what I meant now he’s labelled all who identify themselves with the correct term as an atheist is now automatically a gnostic atheist, thanks for the vote of confidence I think?

Please note the double standard that he is holding calling the people that identify themselves as atheists complete morons, I could feel insulted if I hadn’t already concluded that the person making those absurd claims has not got a clue about the correct terminology else wise it’d be every believer irrespective of religion would be arrogant fools, as they would have to be to fit into your world view.

This is Da Orkey Man’s response;

“I'm not sure about that. The term 'atheist' refers to what the person believes, NOT knows. So, someone who truthfully describes themselves as an atheist. simply believes there are deities.
However, 'agnostic' is indicative that you haven't decided yet.
Under your definitions, anyone who calls themself 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or any religion at all are, quoting from your own words, "arrogant fools who somehow assume they know something that is impossible to know." Simply because they believe in something”

I found the following passage on a website called It’s a bit about Gnosticism in modern-day Judeo-Christianity;

“Gnosticism and Judeo-Christianity Today
Much (but not all) of Gnosticism today is rooted in Judeo-Christian sources. Gnostics man or may not also identify themselves as Christian, depending on the amount of overlap between their own beliefs and Christianity. Gnosticism certainly does not require belief in Jesus Christ, although many Gnostics include him in their theology.” 

Friday 13 September 2013

Day 69

Day 69;

Is it a belief if it is backed up by the evidence? I do not know but I think it is.

even if it’s a fact your beliefs in a fact can still be called a belief because I could state that I believe that when you’re dead you’re dead, no one would, I’m sorry should disagree with that statement of fact but then you’d get some people that could say stuff like they believe in ghosts or something’s along those lines but that wouldn’t escape you from the fact that they had to be dead first and they are still physically dead, hence why Zombies are alternately called the walking dead.

I’m saying t0 do with the whole BBC managing directors and all of that flaf is to scrap them all and hire me, as you wouldn’t have to pay me much at all. Probably as I am willing to sort out the mess at the BBC for free staring at one problem and moving on to the next when it’s sorted. As I was good with numbers the last time I checked and I know that you can not go over the amount of expenditure than you have set over the start of the period of time that you are using.

So I know that it's a cruel world, that world outside of your window, there's a world of dread and fear; I know I have accidentally stolen some of the lyrics from a band aid song/the overtly Christian song  let them know it's Christmas Time which is literally a feel good song for Christians and it brought awareness of the poor around the world up for Christmas Time just so that Christians can have a great Christmas Time knowing that they have helped the poor so when you tuck into your turkey, or the meal of your choice come the supposed Christmas Day you can enjoy it thoroughly within the knowledge that you have dozen something to make the world a better place.

But then what happens when the money you have given to the people runs out and it's no longer Christmases time what has to happen to all of the people that were going hungry Christmases Time came along will they have to go hungry until next Christmas now?

And who went out of there way to buy this item Christians, fans of the singers members, people wanting to do good or people that like the song. So pretty much everyone except xenophobic Eric that is,

But I am concerned with the lyrics of the song, as it says that I should thank god that it’s them instead of you. Which doesn’t fill me up with pride or thanks for god it fills me with disgust that has been called a god of love by so many people could be so unfair with the people that were born into different families have such poorer chances to achieve what we take for granted and I seeing many people desperately trying to help others from much less privileged backgrounds than themselves attempting to make a tangible difference in the world while your god either doesn’t exist or doesn’t care enough about humanity, the very species of chimp that he apparently created in his own image.

 Osiris, now this is the proper way to do gods, from way back in time as this bad boy was the ancient Egyptian god of death

Smiley Osiris has done it again; she has made another appearance almost naked, for the most part at least. Yes Miley Cyrus has made another video this time for her new single called Wrecking Ball, and from a musical stand point it is actually ok, for the start, but when she gets into the first part of “I came in like a...” which comes in just after 41 seconds when she attempts and fails to go all heavy metal on us, now I actually like heavy metal music, now just please don’t attempt to put your popey voice to it, I mean with you singing, I guess, “wr eee ck me” as that is just painful. But as an honest assessment to her music ability I have to say it’s an improvement from her VMA performance which should be expected as she wasn’t singing this one live and thanks to the audio masterpieces of technologies such as Auto-tune and other devices that she could have used within the studio and if I was to say she sounds a lot better it’d be an understatement but I still wouldn’t listen to it again if I had the choice. But you can view the video below and you could read my comments on the video below the video, for the following video viewer digression is advised as it may not be deemed as appropriate for younger viewers.

It starts with a camera shot of Miley’s head and then her lips start moving as she sings a little too high at some points but I’ll call it singing. Then it shows her with a big hammer, which I’d call a sledge hammer, then she starts demolishing the set around her and she’s wearing her skimpy outfit which is a vest and a pair of pants, as in underwear, but they are probably hot-pants, I get confused between the two. She then starts swinging around on a wrecking ball strips off except her shoes and dances suggestively on the wrecking ball and then the following camera shots vary from being her nude on the wrecking ball to her being in her skimpy outfit and to her face. I know it may just be because I’m slightly perverted or because I’m male or just because  I’m me but I think she’s just one of those people that look better when she’s naked than dressed, even as to when she’s not wearing very much.

Which is probably as I feel that clothes define the wearer as well as the wearer defines his or her clothes which is why I wear mostly black t-shirts and blue or black jeans, as I’m lazy and I can’t be bothered with the latest fashions so I’m happy enough just with the same old things that fit me comfortably.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 68

Day 68;

So it’s day 68 it’s almost like 88, two fat ladies, sorry bingo numbers.

What should 68 be in bingo numbers? Could it be a fat man/gentleman and a fat woman/lady? If it is then 66 should be two fat blokes/men/gentlemen.

But that’s bingo now where should I start, at lunch, breakfast, dinner, the gym? As they pretty much are the milestones of my day. Or I could type about other things, things like a girl that I have a common acquaintance, friend on faceybook, the friend of mine and hers is none other than one Miss Charmander. Well I recently saw her status which was about mince pies being in stock so early; so I replied to it stating “Don't they have them the whole year long. as mince pies aren't just for Christmas, they're tasty all year long?” and a human clicked that they liked my comment I was shocked. The human that had clicked that they liked it was a female whose initials were LV, so I wondered who’d be sad enough to click to like one of my stereotypically uninteresting comments. But what did I find after I clicked on her name was a load of her faceybook wall posts and a her profile picture which I knew onw of the people in it was so I guessed the other person was her, but just as I was about to close down the tab with her page on I saw the following post “I'm very excited to announce that Jenna and I are going on a world tour! Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, LA, Costa Rica and Brazil!” and I thought now that isn’t a world tour what about South Africa, Cuba, Uganda, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, Canada to name a few not to mention the rest of the USA , as you have only mentioned LA.

Breakfast was the new usual a portion of fruit followed by a bowl of cereal, which was today something like Nesquik as you probably know rabbit droppings in milk but they’re tasty. Lunch came and I ate a ham sandwich and a pork pie I like eating pork, my favourite pork cut is sausages which bring me up to dinner when I had 2 British pork sausages, potato waffles and spaghetti hoops, which equals delicious.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 67

Day 67;

So if you’ve visited my blog within the last 12 hours to view my diary, if not then please look at my day 66 post to see my revelation it’s not signed posted or anything, probably as I think of that word, revelation, as a kind of bad word as in it has been jaded enough by the bible/God’s inspired word of revelation to mankind as I remember being told by I think an elderly gentleman, senile? Most probably I also have the feeling that he was a vicar.

Now so that’s why I think revelation is a dirty word, and not really one to be taken seriously just the reason why I have used it is as the paragraph could be a revelation to you. I know that most of my readers are intelligent people intelligent enough to know that I don’t even believe have a soul let alone any of the hogwash that you would call religion, I have a conscious and just if I can do right by that I don’t think that I am going to have any unwelcome sleepless nights.

Yes I’m an antitheist and an atheist just to make it worse/better, depends how you look at it I am also an antichrist. How do I define the words that I have just used simply I’m an non-believer in any of the phantasmagoria and stuff like them to do with all religions as in totally disillusioned by all of it as that is all it is illusions a set of parlour tricks, it’s basically all smoke and mirrors. By calling myself an Antichrist I am adverse to all teaching of Christianity as if it’s fact, as it’s not factual it’s a load of stories, not a history text book. None of what I have typed should offend anyone, I’m sorry if I did offend you.

They are my opinions depending on what websites you use you can validate or dismantle my opinions on some websites you can do both at once because there’s an unsinkable ship of faith with your name on it out there somewhere if you care to look hard enough, what’s yours you may ask me, well the truth is I haven’t really found one yet at least. But I try to live scientifically which isn’t perfect but it keeps adjusting it’s footing to get a better look at the world that surrounds us, I see what you have done there, me what, yes you using personification on a concept the concept being the scientific method. I wouldn’t really call that personification I would call it more of using an application of the scientific method on alternate sources. 

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Day 66

Day 66;

I have found a disturbing news article on this day, day 66, and it did rain on me yesterday/when I wrote the following.

The disturbing news story was about an 8 year old female, so a young girl from Yemen has died after getting married to a man 5 times her age; the man was 40. What did she did of, I may hear you ask but most likely I’m not. So I’m going to have to tell you anyway; she died on her wedding night and was believed to have suffered a tearing of her genitals and a uterine rupture.

Now I didn’t know what a uterine rupture was, so I googled it. The following is information about a uterine rupture;
Uterine rupture is when the scar from your previous caesarean section tears open. Though it's uncommon, you should be aware of this risk, particularly if you are thinking about giving birth vaginally next time.

It's possible for your scar to gape slightly while you're pregnant (scar dehiscence). This is unlikely to cause serious problems for you or your baby, because the edges of the scar stay healed.

Uterine rupture, however, can be life-threatening for your baby. Though the risk of it happening and causing serious complications is very small, only happening in two to three in every 10,000 cases. 
You can find out more information about it by looking here (at the

Which means that she was pregnant before and maybe that was the reason that they were getting married like in some religions it is mandatory for the rapist of a girl to marry the victim. Logically that means that he could have raped her and got her pregnant before this specific incident, now I’m not saying that is what happened I am just stating what a little general knowledge (about the rape victims thing) suggests to me what happened before the rips in her genitals which could be an indication of how roughly they, or he, were, or was, conducting themselves, or himself, in the act of consummating they’re marriage.

Back to more pleasant matters, like the Walking Dead.

Now why when they know that the gun fire attracts the zombies, why do they keep shooting off, with guns I mean.

That isn’t safe, for anyone.

But I have written a monologue for the comic that I’m writing, so it’s about a whole new universe from the one that you live in and it’s that one that I’m typing about in this monologue.

Just I can’t help it if I pulled some parts of it out of my observations of the universe that we live in.

So here goes...

There is only one thing that has always existed it's not a God or anything super natural, no they're all the imaginings of generally men, power hungry men. The thing that I type of isn't really a single thing no matter how much some of it's people have personified it as a woman and they have given it titles like the mother and Gaia, for it is the Mother Nature that I am typing of who within all the cold indifference has allowed a species so bent on it's final fall that it invented gods to protect them from the final event of all creatures great and small, the event of death.

Monday 9 September 2013

Day 65

Day 65;

It’s the sixty fifth day of my diary, now what have I done on it?

I have... eaten a new breakfast type of thing which started with an apple which got me thinking all scientific like, about apples and oxidisation of the apples. I have forgotten what the cereal component was but I have got a scientific experiment to do or not.

But before that within either the latest hours of yesterday or the earliest hours of this morning I came to a conclusion. About comics and it goes like this: tell me what comic book characters story actually started in the first issue, I know all of them but which of them started with the super heroes birth in issue #1 I don’t know maybe Superman’s story but I don’t know, and I found a copy of my original Jackdaw story last night/this morning and It doesn’t start at the very beginning and I of the hero and the life story of the hero/main character is told through flash backs and by alternative means, isn’t it? Else wise that would put newer readers further behind than is really necessary.

The Savage act Comic book label like DC, Marvel and Image:
Idea originated from and started to write on Sunday the 23rd of June 2013/a day that I got rained upon. But it wasn’t until the 7th of December that I finally decided to increase it to the label name to allow the Comic Books actual name to be the unspoken like how I had originally planned now so the following story is his origins story not where the comic book starts from, as the comic starts from the time equivalent of mid/late 21st century CE. TSA has covered some of them but it still hasn’t gotten up to the part when he gets shot in the head and the start and he wakes up in hospital with the previous 112054 years of his life missing. On the day that I thought up this I also got rained upon.

But then...

I found an amazing video of a man and his girlfriend “working out” the man is one Mr Frank Medrano and his Girlfriend is one Miss Antoniette Pacheco I found the video on the faceybook page that I was looking at over intervals in a great American zombie apocalypse TV program, zombie apocalypse TV programs seem to be one of the only things that the USA do consistently and well which is like the other thing that the USA seem to be doing constantly over the past last decade the thing is starting wars in the middle east but I am unsure if it’s a good idea them starting all of these wars.

Just to clear up a few things, I know the page that the page that the video is on is a Faceybook page called Bodybuilding Motivation despite how this may seem I’m not “in” to body building, I just go to the gym to get fitter than my natural prerogative which would be sitting in front of a computer watching stuff like the Walking Dead and Doctor Who, with a good healthy side portion of Star Trek.

The zombie apocalypse TV program is called the Walking Dead the first episode resembles the comic book issue #1 but them in the TV program the endings is different and but there is some less startlingly different changes like before when he was about to shoot the first zombie killed in the TV program his friend tells him to conserve his ammunition in the comic.

Which can be found free and online comixology, if you’d like to read it; it’s under the banner that indicates free comics.