Thursday 5 September 2013

Day 61

Day 61;

Tywin Lannister is just one of those characters that I kind of have to agree with his motives even without totally understanding them as I don’t think his goal is really worth anything let alone as much as he has put upon it. As he says it is all about legacy.

Legacy what is it?


An amount of money or property left to someone in a will.

So basically it’s what is left behind after death.

But I have been thinking about that passage and I am proposing that a man’s words and acts should be worth of more value than a family name or blood, and by that I mean that Jamie Lannister should have obeyed the mad king’s orders to attempt kill Tywin if he had pledged his loyalty to the king; and if the king had really ordered him to, not just stabbing the king in the back. So I am aligned with Ned Stark on this matter and I’m thinking that if Jamie got sent to the nights watch after that incident. Then no Joffrey and Ned Stark could have died a different death, one that’d be more honourable probably. Therefore Robb mightn’t have brought dishonour on the Stark family and he also wouldn’t have been able to cause a rift between the Starks and the Karstarks.

Theon Greyjoy also found himself at the mercy of a man called Ramsay Bolton that made an incision on Theon that would probably be the most painful incision that any man could have to endure, and then after that incision would any of us still be a man?

Now moving swiftly on, towards things that I did on this day.

I went to the gym today and I felt that I was ok but my legs were only a little worn down and my arms were worn out worse, which I found odd as when I was in the gym I was doing mostly stuff with my legs, like the leg weights and I started off by doing a length of time on the treadmill, I wasn’t keeping track on it I was too busy attempting to work out what the political parties were saying about Syria and I only managed to get that they both agreed on the majority of stuff as Mr Ed kept saying that he agreed with the Prime Minister.

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