Saturday 14 September 2013

Day 70

Day 70;

So it’s day 70, dun dun dunnn, what in the name of Kermit did you do that for, don’t you understand why I have duned?

As I have done it to acquire some suspense, not much just a little but I have gone and wasted it all now; I bet.

I have been reading some stuff which I am unsure about it was on the escapist forums, and just to let you know now I don’t make a habit of going on forums, anymore at least, especially not one that are foreign to me.

I clicked onto this forum page after searching on google for the Game of Thrones character that is an atheist, as in the man that goes along with Stannis Baratheon saying that he should be king even though he knows that he shouldn’t be king, as he must have figured it out that Gendry/Roberts eldest bastard and king Roberts only living descendent has the most right out of anyone for the throne. That was including the Targaryen Dragon woman, see below.


I’m sorry but Daenerys your claim to the throne died on the day that Jamie stabbed the mad king in the back and when fat king Robert took up the throne. So the only ways that Daenerys Targaryen can take back the iron throne is by either Dragon fire and the man power that she has built up or by joining her house and the Baratheon house by marring either of Robert’s so called children both bastards but only Gendry is his only true descendent but the other is the king and he has no right to the throne by blood, as he is a Lannister by blood.

But I clicked on the link that got me to that page and I found a post by a man whose screen name was Da Orky Man and he had quoted another user that goes by the screen name of Ieyke and just so Da Orky Man/everyone on this site knows I have absolutely no problem with Da Orky Man. It’s just going to be about Ieyke and his misinterpretation of what Atheism is even if the title of the post says athiest I do not know any of these. Now I get to the part where Ieyke calls me arrogant for as I’d title myself an atheist, not an agnostic.

But what he epically fails at is his terminology of use as by saying you’re an agnostic you’re actually answering a different question, as in the real world, that’s the world around you while you are awake, gnostic means of or relating to knowledge and theism is a belief system. So what your saying is you do not know what you believe which is fair enough just don’t go off on one with your uncertainty about what you do not know and say to people who do know their own minds and tell them that they might and probably are also as the number of atheists that identify as agnostic atheists grossly out number the number that identify as gnostic atheists. So we should already know that from your stupidity and through haste to judge people that don’t fit into your very small circle (of which I think is more of a dot) mould of what you would like to call yourself then just don’t bring the wider community of people into your dot on this pale blue dot, with you.

With the pale blue dot thing, this one you tube video was made by Mr Seth Andrews/The Thinking Atheist (TTA) as a tribute to the atheist Carl Sagan who died in 1996, when I was in the forth year of my living existence.

So the quote from Ieyke is here;

“I assume and hope that the majority of Escapists are actually Agnostic rather than Atheists.
You actually have to be a complete moron to be an outright Atheist.
Agnostic Atheist is perfectly acceptable.
The key is that you accept that you DO NOT and CAN NOT have all the answers, and whether you believe in a god or not, you accept that it's completely possible that you are wrong. That's the difference between an Atheist and an Agnostic Atheist.
Atheists are arrogant fools who somehow assume they know something that is impossible to know.”

Do you see what I meant now he’s labelled all who identify themselves with the correct term as an atheist is now automatically a gnostic atheist, thanks for the vote of confidence I think?

Please note the double standard that he is holding calling the people that identify themselves as atheists complete morons, I could feel insulted if I hadn’t already concluded that the person making those absurd claims has not got a clue about the correct terminology else wise it’d be every believer irrespective of religion would be arrogant fools, as they would have to be to fit into your world view.

This is Da Orkey Man’s response;

“I'm not sure about that. The term 'atheist' refers to what the person believes, NOT knows. So, someone who truthfully describes themselves as an atheist. simply believes there are deities.
However, 'agnostic' is indicative that you haven't decided yet.
Under your definitions, anyone who calls themself 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or any religion at all are, quoting from your own words, "arrogant fools who somehow assume they know something that is impossible to know." Simply because they believe in something”

I found the following passage on a website called It’s a bit about Gnosticism in modern-day Judeo-Christianity;

“Gnosticism and Judeo-Christianity Today
Much (but not all) of Gnosticism today is rooted in Judeo-Christian sources. Gnostics man or may not also identify themselves as Christian, depending on the amount of overlap between their own beliefs and Christianity. Gnosticism certainly does not require belief in Jesus Christ, although many Gnostics include him in their theology.” 

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