Sunday 8 September 2013

Day 64

Day 64;

Today I have been thinking about the past not the stuff that I can’t remember I mean the stuff that is too recent history. I mean the stuff that I can remember but I’m unsure if they are real memories of when I was blonde. With a pudding bowl haircut and it was before my hair line started to recede on both of the front left and right; or it could just be the style that the hair dressers cut it into I’m unsure of it if it has the word style used in a positive manner? But I’m still waiting for my hair to actually fall out as it will save me from having to go to the hair dressers every time Mike feels his hair has gotten to long and another reason for me going bald is that it stop Tina nagging me about messy natural state of my hair.

Hang on a moment what was I about to go into, pudding... haircuts...? Old times, no seriously old times, they were days when the Beano comic cost less than 50p weren’t they? I don’t know for certain that that was the cost or that the cost isn’t the same or cheaper than it was when I used to read it. Now that must be enough of a trip but no it’s not, I have to go back not to relive the good memories but to exploit the few most memorable mistakes, that I made which still haunt mw today, my number one on the list was my misunderstanding of what a Christian was as I thought it was like saying I am human when you said I am Christian, I seem to have always had thoughts that the god equation was bogus but I still thought that I was Christian/human when I was growing up, I occasionally said how wonderful it would be to all go to a magical place when we are dead, but now I have realised that was a lie it wouldn’t be wonderful it’d be horrific.

Girls #1- credits Image Comics Written by Joshua Luna Art by Joshua Luna

Girls is the name of a comic series by the Luna Brothers in the first issue of which is the only one that I have read, there’s a boy that the first issue is centred around, funny that is a comic that is called by the name given to a group of female’s and the first issue is centred around a male. The male that is masturbating on the third page and is humiliated on the seventh, by a woman, then from page 11 to 14 he looses his “cool” and then starts mouthing off at all of the girls in the place (pub) that he has gone to as I am thinking that he was supposed to be drunk, but he then drives his car unhindered by drink until he almost collides with a naked girl then after an attempted conversation the girl collapses and is driven off by the boy. But then on the page before the penultimate page it continues the story with two boys/men discussing the girl then on the penultimate page the older man states “That bitch ain’t gettin’ away”, but then on the final/ultimate page it goes onto a page of type which is titled Girl Talk.

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