Friday 6 September 2013

Day 62

Day 62;

Sorry that this is a quarter of a day late. 

As soon as finally I turned my PC on this day the time was 21:01 it was the first time today that my headache even though it was still in the back of my head it had been moved to the very back. Which was good, the best I have been feeling all day in actual fact, which comes a day after Alice told me that I wouldn’t get as bad headaches if I didn’t sit in front of a computer, so engage my true story telling abilities of today;

I woke up and the first thing that happened to me was my headache bleared up again

Then I saw a Faceybook advertisement saying something about bikinis being sexy, this was what it said “Sexy Bikinis Swimwear”, so I decided to question google as to why is a bikini sexy? Just as I was curious, as within my opinion it is just another type of Swimsuit/Bathing Suit. But google didn’t Day 62;

As soon as finally I turned my PC on this day the time was 21:01 it was the first time today that my headache even though it was still in the back of my head it had been moved to the very back. Which was good, the best I have been feeling all day in actual fact, which comes a day after Alice told me that I wouldn’t get as bad headaches if I didn’t sit in front of a computer, so engage my true story telling abilities of today;

I woke up and the first thing that happened to me was my headache bleared up again but in the more manageable variety/the usual story, but it got worse as soon as I went down stairs as Alice was downstairs attempting to either break glass with her voice or sing  one of the two I can never tell which but I was told by Alice the day before that I should try and not g on the computer as much as that should sort out my headache problems, which I have tried and of which has failed. Now lets get on to more stuff that interested me on day 62.

Then I saw a Faceybook advertisement saying something about bikinis being sexy, this was what it said “Sexy Bikinis Swimwear”, so I decided to question google as to why is a bikini sexy? Just as I was curious, as within my opinion it is just another type of Swimsuit/Bathing Suit. But google didn’t have any answers for me but on the search page it did link me to a page on another website called and on that website I found this video, it is called: the six girls you’ll date in college. But I went to college and there wasn’t enough time to have 6 Girl friends, as in dates/partners not for me as I didn’t even have one, but I don’t know anyone that had 6 Girl friends in college not even if I take the video to mean as it is probably supposed to mean university but it was using the American version of it which actually is a lower type of education in Britain/a type of education you have to complete to gain admittance to university. But the six girls that you could date in college go like this:

1.                  The sporty one
2.                  The one that likes to party
3.                  The one who goes to church
4.                  The dumb hot one
5.                  The friend
6.                  The perfect one

But I actually got to the above mentioned page by first clicking on a link to see the following picture/the ape in a bikini

Ape in a bikini

So I’m guessing that sexy is a little algorithm of amounts of skin to body hair, but it has to be modified for each individual person?

Like there’s another page I got to on the same college humour website I found 4 pages with stuff on that interested me; 3 of which have the word bikini within the title of the page.

The first of the 4 which I can say is also the first of 3 is called Kate Upton in a Bikini Doing the Cat Daddy it has got an image of a women of which I am guessing is Kate Upton that is wearing a positively skimpy little thing and she’s doing a dance which is more of a jig, I am guessing that is the cat daddy.

The second I find more humorous partially as it’s absurd, it is called Double Bikini Action, which is absurd for multiple reasons the first of which being who could swim in that thing? The answer being only one of the two the other would most likely die, who would then provide a raft for the alternative other. Another reason for its absurdity is the face fuzz on the man; now that just tops all face fuzz.

The third and only one that isn’t related to a bikini I have put here just to state how cool a little pig can be Pig Should Be a Action Movie Stunt Double so from this day I don’t want to see, or hear, anyone complaining that they were called a pig.

The fourth is also the third (about bikinis) which is a bikini made out of CDs which I have put on thus website as I was impressed by the random ingenuity of this creation but honestly why did you make a bikini out of the CDs? With as many CDs as you have got there you could make some actual clothes not just that little thing.

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