Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day 67

Day 67;

So if you’ve visited my blog within the last 12 hours to view my diary, if not then please look at my day 66 post to see my revelation it’s not signed posted or anything, probably as I think of that word, revelation, as a kind of bad word as in it has been jaded enough by the bible/God’s inspired word of revelation to mankind as I remember being told by I think an elderly gentleman, senile? Most probably I also have the feeling that he was a vicar.

Now so that’s why I think revelation is a dirty word, and not really one to be taken seriously just the reason why I have used it is as the paragraph could be a revelation to you. I know that most of my readers are intelligent people intelligent enough to know that I don’t even believe have a soul let alone any of the hogwash that you would call religion, I have a conscious and just if I can do right by that I don’t think that I am going to have any unwelcome sleepless nights.

Yes I’m an antitheist and an atheist just to make it worse/better, depends how you look at it I am also an antichrist. How do I define the words that I have just used simply I’m an non-believer in any of the phantasmagoria and stuff like them to do with all religions as in totally disillusioned by all of it as that is all it is illusions a set of parlour tricks, it’s basically all smoke and mirrors. By calling myself an Antichrist I am adverse to all teaching of Christianity as if it’s fact, as it’s not factual it’s a load of stories, not a history text book. None of what I have typed should offend anyone, I’m sorry if I did offend you.

They are my opinions depending on what websites you use you can validate or dismantle my opinions on some websites you can do both at once because there’s an unsinkable ship of faith with your name on it out there somewhere if you care to look hard enough, what’s yours you may ask me, well the truth is I haven’t really found one yet at least. But I try to live scientifically which isn’t perfect but it keeps adjusting it’s footing to get a better look at the world that surrounds us, I see what you have done there, me what, yes you using personification on a concept the concept being the scientific method. I wouldn’t really call that personification I would call it more of using an application of the scientific method on alternate sources. 

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