Friday 27 September 2013

Day 83

Day 83;

So today started with a breakfast that was equal to the old style of breakfast, that being a bowl of chocolate wheat-a-bix followed up by a tub of banana.

If you knew that I enjoy playing games then this might not surprise you, but I have been playing Candy Crush Saga lately, which should be a game that I have mentioned at least once, I think it was when I told you people about my attempt to engage a sibling rivalry between Alice and I, which failed but she still talks to me about it like by saying that she’s on level 62 of which I congratulated her with just before getting asked what level I was on so I put eight fingers and one thumb signalling nine, but Alice managed to gather my meaning of over ninety from the following signs, she’s clever like that. Then I played more games on my tablet and my PC, which is also a laptop.

So I found out today about a new television programme which is on television tomorrow, today, the day before yesterday and three days ago, all from the different time zones. It’s a new Marvel television show but it has got real people acting in not cartoons, which I want to say is a bit of a let down; but other than that once I won’t.

By the time zones I mean tomorrow from my current sit point, no it should be perspective not sit point, today from when this is posted, and the other two would be if I was an American, as in America the television programme was aired before the UK get it, as it is “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D”.

So I am wondering how I should/could watch it as it is on at 8:00 PM 27th of September with agent Cousin back from the dead on Channel 4, and my television hasn’t actually been working, for that purpose for quite some time now, isn’t ready. But fortunately I have been told that I can use a different television.

Other stuff;

iOS 7.0 looks snazzy but in it’d overall practicality it has stayed pretty much the same from my brief look at it the only big change was a tracking system for your iDevice built in, another change is the new page cycle feature, what I mean is when you used to us four fingers to swipe upon the screen you used to pull the screen up and you could select which page you wanted to view from the list of icons going across the bottom of the screen. Now onto the looks as it should have looked all along with a preview of what the pages actually look like above the icons congratulations apple.

But I’m unsure on which Icons I prefer it’s a toss up between the old more complex icons or the newer simpler ones which are in retro colours and they have been simplified, so they look like a work of art deco.

Above is an art deco sign.

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