Friday 13 September 2013

Day 69

Day 69;

Is it a belief if it is backed up by the evidence? I do not know but I think it is.

even if it’s a fact your beliefs in a fact can still be called a belief because I could state that I believe that when you’re dead you’re dead, no one would, I’m sorry should disagree with that statement of fact but then you’d get some people that could say stuff like they believe in ghosts or something’s along those lines but that wouldn’t escape you from the fact that they had to be dead first and they are still physically dead, hence why Zombies are alternately called the walking dead.

I’m saying t0 do with the whole BBC managing directors and all of that flaf is to scrap them all and hire me, as you wouldn’t have to pay me much at all. Probably as I am willing to sort out the mess at the BBC for free staring at one problem and moving on to the next when it’s sorted. As I was good with numbers the last time I checked and I know that you can not go over the amount of expenditure than you have set over the start of the period of time that you are using.

So I know that it's a cruel world, that world outside of your window, there's a world of dread and fear; I know I have accidentally stolen some of the lyrics from a band aid song/the overtly Christian song  let them know it's Christmas Time which is literally a feel good song for Christians and it brought awareness of the poor around the world up for Christmas Time just so that Christians can have a great Christmas Time knowing that they have helped the poor so when you tuck into your turkey, or the meal of your choice come the supposed Christmas Day you can enjoy it thoroughly within the knowledge that you have dozen something to make the world a better place.

But then what happens when the money you have given to the people runs out and it's no longer Christmases time what has to happen to all of the people that were going hungry Christmases Time came along will they have to go hungry until next Christmas now?

And who went out of there way to buy this item Christians, fans of the singers members, people wanting to do good or people that like the song. So pretty much everyone except xenophobic Eric that is,

But I am concerned with the lyrics of the song, as it says that I should thank god that it’s them instead of you. Which doesn’t fill me up with pride or thanks for god it fills me with disgust that has been called a god of love by so many people could be so unfair with the people that were born into different families have such poorer chances to achieve what we take for granted and I seeing many people desperately trying to help others from much less privileged backgrounds than themselves attempting to make a tangible difference in the world while your god either doesn’t exist or doesn’t care enough about humanity, the very species of chimp that he apparently created in his own image.

 Osiris, now this is the proper way to do gods, from way back in time as this bad boy was the ancient Egyptian god of death

Smiley Osiris has done it again; she has made another appearance almost naked, for the most part at least. Yes Miley Cyrus has made another video this time for her new single called Wrecking Ball, and from a musical stand point it is actually ok, for the start, but when she gets into the first part of “I came in like a...” which comes in just after 41 seconds when she attempts and fails to go all heavy metal on us, now I actually like heavy metal music, now just please don’t attempt to put your popey voice to it, I mean with you singing, I guess, “wr eee ck me” as that is just painful. But as an honest assessment to her music ability I have to say it’s an improvement from her VMA performance which should be expected as she wasn’t singing this one live and thanks to the audio masterpieces of technologies such as Auto-tune and other devices that she could have used within the studio and if I was to say she sounds a lot better it’d be an understatement but I still wouldn’t listen to it again if I had the choice. But you can view the video below and you could read my comments on the video below the video, for the following video viewer digression is advised as it may not be deemed as appropriate for younger viewers.

It starts with a camera shot of Miley’s head and then her lips start moving as she sings a little too high at some points but I’ll call it singing. Then it shows her with a big hammer, which I’d call a sledge hammer, then she starts demolishing the set around her and she’s wearing her skimpy outfit which is a vest and a pair of pants, as in underwear, but they are probably hot-pants, I get confused between the two. She then starts swinging around on a wrecking ball strips off except her shoes and dances suggestively on the wrecking ball and then the following camera shots vary from being her nude on the wrecking ball to her being in her skimpy outfit and to her face. I know it may just be because I’m slightly perverted or because I’m male or just because  I’m me but I think she’s just one of those people that look better when she’s naked than dressed, even as to when she’s not wearing very much.

Which is probably as I feel that clothes define the wearer as well as the wearer defines his or her clothes which is why I wear mostly black t-shirts and blue or black jeans, as I’m lazy and I can’t be bothered with the latest fashions so I’m happy enough just with the same old things that fit me comfortably.

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