Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day 80

Day 80;

It’s finally the days that start with an 8, so in bingo terms a fat lady, which should have been how pretty much all of our days on this rock started; I mean inside a fat lady unless your mother was one of two things, number one is one of those women that never looked as if they were pregnant, or 2 you weren’t born from inside of a woman.

The second of those two options I do not believe the technology is available, yet. But then on the other hand wasn’t their a channel four documentary about that man that got pregnant? I think so but I never watched it so I probably shouldn’t type about it any more.

But what else except that that bit of pondering on biology have I done today?

Well I have...

Taken a personality test online today you can take it also by clicking here.

I have also been playing a new; to me at least, game on my mobile device, the new game was called Castleville, which I started playing years ago on my PC but then I must have last played that version about last year sometime; I loose track of time very easily I have found.

Also today I have been writing down my thoughts on the Bible but not on Genesis today I was working on a separate chapter which is another book of the Bible, Philemon.

But I seem to recall already putting on this website the start of Philemon it was about Paul being the legal position of Jesus Christ. But now I shall put on this website the second part which is now bellow:

To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker— also to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier—and to the church that meets in your home:

Now the two names that were mentioned seem to me like Greek names, which I have no problem with, but it’s just that I thought the names would probably still be the Jewish names things like Joseph, Simon and Seth. Then I got myself thinking about what the actual names of some of the bible characters, if they were actually real as Jesus’s name wasn’t actually Jesus within the originals it was more of a Yeshua.

But if you look at the names of the bible characters the name Thomas the doubter wasn’t even called Thomas his name was actually Judas so they changed his name to Thomas, as in Twin. So there was two Judas’s one was called twin the other one was a traitor, and just an odd coincidence even though I am an only son of my parents a long time ago I must have been between the ages 4 and 7, or there about and then I had a very good friend called Conner, my spelling might be a bit off. His anniversary day was on the same day as mine; so we were like twins in that way. 

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