Wednesday 18 September 2013

Day 74

Day 74;

Whoa, when I started this post series 74 days ago I never realistically expected to get up this high, at least without the assistance of drugs.

I haven’t used any within the production of my blog not even caffeine which can be found in drinks like coffee and tea but in tea the dosage of caffeine is minimal relative to coffee.

Some of the side effects of caffeine range from moderate effects, like headaches and difficulty concentrating (of which I find that the first often leads to the second, which hasn’t hindered me in writing these blogposts; too much), towards the serious afflictions, including panic attacks and prolonged depression, which I may say I have never suffered either of; at least not to my knowledge. You could view both of the lists on either the website that I copied the following two lists off ( or the two following lists.

Moderate effects include:
            Increase in breast tenderness
            Mild insomnia
            Increased heart rate
            Increased blood sugar
            Difficulty concentrating
            Mild stomach upset
Severe effects include:
            Panic attacks
            Irregular heartbeat
            Sleep deprivation
            Continuous stomach problems
            Prolonged depression
            Sleep disorders

But I should probably get onto topic about what happened to me today, well nothing much happened to me this morning except my headache was turned up a couple of notches from my get go, this morning. but the things that really got my head hurting today was Alice whining and my opticians appointment, which did some more than just told me I had to get some new spectacles. It also told me that my left eye has gotten a lott worse than my last appointment.

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