Sunday 28 April 2019

Day 2082

Day 2082;

My BMI was 19.95, I had walked 32,587 steps which was apparently 21.10 km and I had burned 1997 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (duck) and 2 slices of cakes.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, tart (banana and toffee) and Lindt chocolate rabbit.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am going to athletics, so I probably should get myself warmed up prior to the event as it’ll be a long trip in the car to get to athletics.

So today I had a thought, and that thought was what is the point of underwear? Now I know it can be used as an excuse of modesty thingamajig, I think. But is it really? No I say not as you don’t just wear your underwear, you have something to put over it, which is why it’s called your underwear, be it trousers or a skirt that you put over your pants/panties. No true Scotsman apparently ever wears any under his kilt but that’s just putting the men from the other parts of the world to shame, as how much of a wimp is every other man that wears a pair of trousers and pants, 2 layers compared to Scotsmen who only wear 1 layer, when the wind is kind else wise they wear no layers covering their undercarriage and the wind is rarely kind in Scotland.

Then earlier on today I on my bike, well I wasn’t on my bike, it was Mich’s tandem that we were on while we were cycling around to the GM’s care home, then in the afternoon Mich and I walked around to GM’s abode to get it fixed up as she wants to put it up for rent or something like that.

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