Thursday 4 April 2019

Day 2058

Day 2058;

BMI of 19.79, steps of 10,769 which were 6.97 km and I have burned 1113 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in white bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, baked potato and something.
Drinks: milk , fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

So for tomorrow I’m unsure of what is going on but I am planning to go on the Tour of Wattopia, Zwift ride, tomorrow evening, I do believe. Now today I have been lazy as I have been waiting for the insects to arrive then they hadn’t arrived until later on in the day as we had gone to the gym, which was a bit of a disappointment but then they were left outside so Tini didn’t miss them, which is good.

The NAZI party was a political party of the left, the German National Socialist party was on the left of the political spectrum, but because they didn’t line up 100% with the Communists which were also on the left they were called right wing. Just look at the Lib Dem and Lab, they're both left wing parties but then neither of them have started a world war, even though those Labour did start Britain’s involvement in Iraq, which has been a catastrophic failure in Europe with it being the cause of a lot of the hostility around here which has in turn lead to Brexit, so Mr Blair, you’re as much at fault for the Brexit as I, the only difference is that I want it you don’t (which isn’t a big surprise, as you bred the monster of Brexit with your foreign wars so the result was no more than a reaction to the Lab/Con/Lib miss running of the country, of  the past. Then as I was saying before I got distracted the NAZI party was on the left of the political spectrum because they are only considered a far-right party because the National Socialists of Germany A(I’m unsure of what that could mean) Party clashed with other socialists parties, then because of the clashes they ended up being branded “right”, only because the communists were already branded left, that doesn’t seem to be a very compelling argument, as of why they’re right, it almost seems as if the “left” has decided to disown one of its children, as the nazi ideology is extremely close to the communist ideology. So what is left and right it’s the ideologies that separates them, if you’re in a left wing party you are more interested in bigger government, more regulations and higher taxes for the rich, then if you are on the right you are generally more interested in smaller government, lower taxes and less interference from the state.

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