Sunday 21 April 2019

Day 2075

Day 2075;

My BMI was 19.71! I had made 26,810 steps which was apparently 17.36 km I have burned off 1817 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, pear, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (duck egg) and Batternburg.
Dinner: chicken, green beans, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and Ribena.

Tomorrow I won’t have any plans for, at least I don’t think I have any plans tomorrow. But (I hate that word) today I have had another little cycle around Wattopia. Then before that I made a nice little 30 mile cycle round trip to my GM)s place of residence. I almost managed to get 10/16 stars on the Zwift ride today as I lost my foot just before the notice came up, at the same position that Mich had made 6, out of 16 stars 2 days prior, which was an achievement. Now it’s only 2 stages to 1, so an improvement on my part, pity it was only one that was concerned with the amount of power that you were putting down at certain intervals, it had a set time basically, with everyone that was in the ride finished within the same few minutes.

Also today I have watched some more of Game of Thrones season 1 and then I had even watched I think that I watched a couple of the episodes into the second season, of which I thought was good. From the beheading of Ned Stark to the worrying fondness of the iron islands only surviving heirs to the salt throne, not that they won’t be disputed by their uncle I do believe.

Yesterday I believe that I also managed to get in another little jog and a row,  which today I upped slightly by having two cycles and then my daily jog.

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