Monday 15 April 2019

Day 2069

Day 2069;

My BMI was 19.76, steps I had taken were 19,642 (which was 12.76 km) and I had burned 1350 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, strawberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef) and carrot cake.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast (noodles, rice, pork, carrots, peas, green beans).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and Ribena.

Now today, day 2069, I have decided to call it my new beginning. As I have decided to put all of the things I have learned about anything and everything into action today even the things that I have forgotten, which is pretty much all of them.

Tomorrow I will be getting to doing some more of my fitness stuff. At least more than I did today as today I did a half hour jog on the spot, which was before I broke the Zwift bike, i don’t know how I did it, I was just cycling up a nice pleasant hill, it may have been a 9% hill but I was in the lowest gear possible at that interval, then I was pedalling  up the hill minding my own business when the gears went, by this I mean as in when I was pedalling the bike wasn’t moving so I put the bike into a higher gear and it got some purchase on so I thought that is good I can get on with my cycle so I turned it down on the gear front, and it was fine for about the next minute before it stopped there was nothing I could do to get it to go again from here, I tried all that I knew but no, it stopped, the gears just weren’t clicking into alignment, so that was that, in my new fitness regime for today.

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