Wednesday 10 April 2019

Day 2064

Day 2064;

Today I have dropped another bit of my BMI 19.36, I had only made 17,869 steps (or 11.56 km) which is a decrease on yesterday’s in both counts and I had burned off 1527 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread) and carrot cake..
Dinner: macaroni cheese, scampi and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash,ginger beer, elderflower and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am planning on having a bit of a rest day as I have been noticing that my performance on the bike is getting somewhat worse, as I go on through the week. That’s not all as I may actually get a chance to go out on the tandem tomorrow as well as the little thing of that Zwift ride that I should be on tomorrow coming up, Friday so I have decided that to get myself in the best shape for Friday I probably shouldn’t go around expending masses of energy tomorrow.

Today Tini has made a request for my choices in items of clothing that I wear to change, from usually jeans to now tracksuit trousers (or jogging bottoms) as they are easier to clean. So I have decided to take her up on this suggestion, starting tomorrow, even if it started some weeks ago during week time at least. Except for on special occasions, of which I cannot remember. So that’s the change of my wardrobe, which I probably have been edging towards over the past few weeks/months, probably.

Is there to be any more changes over the next few weeks/years/rest of my life? I don’t know but I know that there should be Brexit coming up. The dream that we were all sold as warnings, is now looking less likely to happen. So what is going to happen in its place? The only two ways that I can see it actually happening is with either Mrs May’s deal or no deal, both seem to be almost equally unpopular with Mrs May’s deal seemingly to be the preferred option of the two, but what I would like to see is a vote in the commons on that question, it would be aye’s to the right for Mrs May’s deal x number of votes, no to the left for no deal y number of votes. Then if it’s a tie the speaker has the option of which way we proceed. So you’ve got Mrs May’s deal which has lost 3 times vs the only credible alternative which has lost once.

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