Tuesday 23 April 2019

Day 2077

Day 2077;

My BMI was down slightly to 19.95, my steps were up 13,890 which was a disappointing 8.99 km of distance and I had only managed to burn 1067 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (ham in wholemeal bread), grapes, tunocks wafer and 2 slices of cakes.
Dinner: burger (chicken), lettuce, tomato, chips and tiramisu.
Snacks: orange, banana, pear, apple, strawberries, grapes and yogurt.

Tomorrow I don’t think that I have much planned except an appearance at the gym, at some point tomorrow, so I have got that to look forward to. 

Now today I have walked a bit around London then later I have had another little row which I do believe that I got 5 km in distance, according to the piece of gym equipment at least. Then I didn’t bother with my little jog on the spot for 30 minutes, as I’d already walked around London for over an hour previously today. I only actually got in a row because Tini kept nagging me to get on the gym equipment before dinner.

So I had been watching some more of game of thrones today, it wasn’t the newest episode, I watched that on Monday, Arya Stark and Genndry (son of Robert Baratheon) fucked Brienne of Tarth got her knighthood, and then a lot of other things happened in the episode, like how Bran decided not to tell the others about Jamie’s treachery at the beginning of the series (which was obviously as they needed everyone they could get to fight).

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