Friday 26 April 2019

Day 2080

Day 2080;

BMI was 19.59, I had walked 26,973 steps or 17.37 km and I had managed to burn 1670 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: mini sausage rolls, potato salad and 2 slices of cakes.
Dinner: salmon, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrots, crochet potatoes, pastry (nectarine and peach) and Lindt chocolate rabbit.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow yet again I have got no idea of the plans, I’m guessing that I’ll probably eat at some juncture, then I will probably do something active tomorrow, what day is it tomorrow? It’s a Saturday isn’t it, which should probably mean that I have got boccia practice tomorrow. Then after that I think I’ve got the final game of the football season to go to watch. Then I’ll still

Now so far today I have had a thirty minute walk, on the treadmill, which has got my step count up to five thousand for the day so far (at least by my watch). Then after I had got myself dressed up for the day (I was in pyjamas before) I decided to go to the back of the house for a little thirty minute jog on the spot which I accomplished doing so it meant that my step count had exceeded my ten thousand goal, before I had even had lunch.

So if I could maintain my thirty minute pace for five hours, fourteen point four minutes I could get a marathon done in that time, if I was to state that my average speed was five miles per hour. Which probably would be my average speed if I had done any longer than half an hour as I had managed to get to an average speed of five point five miles per hour/I managed two point seven five miles, I had put a little spurt on for the last about minute or thirty seconds.

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