Tuesday 25 September 2018

Day 1867

Day 1867;

BMI is a bit worse at 18.46 well it was according to Wii Fit just as with the follow; 17,364 which were 11.44 km and I have burned off 1379 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and croissant (plain).
Lunch: rice cakes, tinned baked beans with mini sausages and 2 slices of cake (1 chocolate and 1 carrot).
Dinner: meat, carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes with cheese and something.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.

Last night it was a harvest moon, if I caught that correctly. Well it was big and orange in the black of a night sky as we were traversing our way back home, from athletics last night.

Then today I have had an important appointment to keep, it was a dental appointment. Well it was quick today as I didn’t have the whole flaf of having to see the dentist and the hygienist, it was only the hygienist that I had an appointment with. The hygienist is very nice she removed a piece of debris from the hole that the doctor left after taking my tooth from my mouth. I think that the debris was a small piece of food that I had eaten, well obviously I hadn’t eaten it if was still in the hole.

But today I have gone for a treadmill wander in the morning, before the walk to the dentist’s place of work, then on the way from the dentist my watch bleeped telling me that my step goal for today had been reached. Next up was my lunch which I had to wait until half an hours time after my dental appointment had finished before I ate or drank anything, something to do with the Floride that she’d put on my tooth.

Then when I had had my weight in I decided to give myself another half hour Wii Fit cycle but alas I went back wards in my distance cycled; as today I only managed to get myself 15.514 km. Musketeers is a good show as I have been watching it in between doing things.

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