Thursday 20 September 2018

Day 1862

Day 1862;

Today I have had a BMI of 18.50, I have done 24,098 steps which was 15.87 km and I have burned off 1789 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: rice cakes with tinned baked beans + sausages and something,
Dinnert: pie, broccoli, carrots, green beans, Victoria sponge cake and Tiffin cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.

So today by lunchtime I had completed my 20,000 steps, by my watch which means that I had done quite a bit on the rowing machine which don’t count towards my Wii Fit steps, also today I had managed over 30,000 steps by my watch, which was helped a lot by my going on Wii Fit cycling, as today I have managed to cycle 16.978 km which is just over 33 kph (or slightly under 34 kph, if you wanted to be picky, 33.956 kph). Which I had done on top of my 3 hour morning makeshift gym session, as I did an hour on the treadmill, walking, an hour on the rowing machine, rowing, and an hour on the trampoline, bouncing.

So I think that’s about it that happened today, except Mrs May’s Chekers plan got, predictedly rejected by the EU, but I was more worried that they’d have accepted it, as it’s a terrible plan on the face of it, as having Britain just accept the rules of engagement with the other nations without having any say on what the rules are, it’d be like being in the EU, but then we wouldn’t be in the EU, which just doesn’t make any sense.

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