Thursday 13 September 2018

Day 1855

Day 1855;

BMI is 18.27 for today, I had taken 26,941 steps which was 17.74 km but I have only managed to burn 1883 kcal off, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese), banana and 2 slices of cake (1 carrot and 1 chocolate).
Dinner: salmon en croute, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes and raspberry pastry.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (orange) and fruit juice.
Snacks: some of my chocolate box and a Maltese chocolate.

Allergy voiced her concern to me today she thinks that I have anorexia, which is an eating disorder, as it is obvious to anyone that has more than enough braincells to rub together, I may have many things but anorexia isn’t one of them. But then she said that I do too much exercise, well that depends on your perspective as if my long term goals/ambitions are to, as they are, to get myself fitter so that I can compete at an Olympic Games and I wouldn’t mind riding myself into contention for a starting position at one of cyclings Grand Tour’s or the smaller ones are also acceptable for me to compete in, as the other day that I had a tandem ride we managed to get an average of 15 mph, which now let’s be honest is only good enough to reach the slowest group of our local cycle group, and Mich said that he wasn’t even out of breath by the time that we’d arrived back, so therefore we could both put more effort into cycling, then who knows how quick we could have gone?

So today I have gone on a 5 mile walk then I tried only a couple of minutes on the trampoline, to get my minutes of intensity up to the required number for this week. Before I did a little row. Then after that must have been the time that Allergy voiced her concerns, I probably should have laughed at her but I didn’t as I knew her tactics. As Tini also uses similar, like  she starts with the answer, being that “I’m perfect, and any change is bad” but then that change part counts me as well that must never change,

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