Monday 17 September 2018

Day 1859

Day 1859;

My BMI was 18.37, even though I had only done 22,765 steps which was equivalent to 14.99 km, and I had only 2227 kcal burned off today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (salmon with white bread) and some chocolate orange trifle.
Dinner: pie, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans,
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and Wonder Green (which is an interesting Innocent smoothie [apple, pear and cucumber]).
Snacks: two yogurt coated rice cakes, a little tub of fruit (grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries) and a Maltese chocolate. 

Now for lunch today I had an Alex sandwich, now if you read what I had for lunch today you will realise that I have had a salmon sandwich but I have also stated in this paragraph that I had an Alex sandwich, who is Alex Salmond, the ex-leader of the SNP, he’s the man that should have done a much better job at getting Scotland’s independence while he had the chance.

I don’t think the Scottish people have ever wanted to leave anything, well they’re a very confused bunch, as they wanted to leave Britain until the results of the referendum came out , but they want to be members of the EU, which the rest of Britain collectively decided to do, which had me thinking, that if all of the other Remainers from Britain just went to Scotland and all of the Leavers from Scotland just came down here to England and Wales couldn’t we all just be happy with the Brexit that we got and then we just leave Scotland as part of the EU, I know Northern Ireland also voted remain but couldn’t they just move slightly south, if they voted against the general consensus?

Now today I have been on the treadmill for a good walk, then the rowing machine for a good little row before the trampoline for a pleasant enough bounce, and by my watch I had done slightly less than twenty thousand steps so then I went for a little jog around downstairs just before l had my two rice cakes. But then after I had finished the two rice cakes my mind has gone slightly blank but I know what I did afterwards, I ate my lunch before going to the gym for some exercise, which was long overdue. But then when I had finished in the gym I had a lazy day until about ten minutes before dinner when, myself and Mich decided to go to the back room for a makeshift gym session, he was on the treadmill, I was having a bounce.

Then after dinner I decided to go on the Wii Fit cycle and today I got slightly over twenty eight kph, which must be my best that I have done, at least when I was controlling it’s direction of travel, as I know that I have done 19.079 km before but I think that was back on the ninth of May, so therefore greater than half a year ago. But then I’m just despairing about how badly my form has dropped in the in between time.

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