Sunday 2 September 2018

Day 1844

Day 1844;

My BMI was 18.68, my number of steps were 12,790 meanwhile my distance walked was 8.42 km and I managed to burn off  1269 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and nectarine.
Lunch: chicken, bacon, sausages, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, roast potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese and ham), Tunocks wafer,  cake (lemon drizzle) and Batternburg.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.

Today I have had a short treadmill walk as a start, well it was only a just over 6000 steps one as I was thinking that today should be my rest day of the week, as isn’t that what professional athletes do, they have some down time  or they have a rest day (or two).

Well it was a rest day for me today and I have done some skiing on this day. But today while I was skiing I only managed to stack it twice, both times was when I was going backwards down the slope, I first stacked it as my left leg just suddenly gave way on me, I have no idea what happened to it but I’m thinking that I somehow must have caught my left ski on something as the second time that I stacked it was because I had tapped my right ski on a snowboard, and that sent me on another little tumble. But if you ski your always told to always put the downhill ski on first, what a load of balderdash, as when you’ve got one ski on and the other off then you don’t bother with that and you just put the other ski on, well I do at least.

But then in sports today it was a good day if you’re English, as a start an English man won the Grand Prix, in Italy, Lexis Hamilton managed to get past both of the Ferrari’s to win in Italy (which is where Ferrari initially came from, when Enzo Ferrari back in 1939 created it from Alfa Romeo’s race division), then in Cricket today England was victorious against the Indian’s (not American Indians the actual people of the country of India, you know in Asia), then Matt Wallace managed to win a four way playoff to win the Made in Denmark golfing competition before finally Simon Yates managed to pick up the leaders jersey in La Vuelta today (I know it’s said that he’s a British road/track cyclist, but it also says he’s from Manchester which is in England).

But now typing about Manchester, Manchester United managed to scrape by a win against Burnley 0-2, Arsenal managed beat Cardiff City 2-3 and then Tottenham managed to lose their unbeaten record this season by losing to Watford 2-1. So now the top of the Premier League looks Liverpool has won their first 4 games is in first on 12 points, Chelsea is in second position with 12 points and has also won their first 4 games and then in third spot of the league it’s Watford who have also won their first 4 league games and are on 12 points. 

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