Saturday 22 September 2018

Day 1864

Day 1864;

My BMI for today was much improved at 19.93, I had done 11,457 steps which were 7.60 km and I had burned off 941 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwiches (2 quaters of prawn mayo and 1 quaternary of egg mayo) and 2 slices of lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: meat (I’ve forgotten), vegetables (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and carrots) and potatoes + cheese.
Drinks: milk (plain, strawberry and chocolate chip), fruit squash, fruit super juice (red) and fruit juice.
Snacks: Maltese chocolate and something.

Highway to the Danger Zone that is the only lyrics to the song by Kenny Loggins, which is really quite catchy and good. Pity my mind won’t work with me learning any more of the lyrics, to that song.

Now today I have had a lazy day, as even though I have gone out for some walks today, I haven’t actually done anything, in terms of my usual routine. I have been to boccia this morning where I got thumped four - two, before striking back by winning the majority of the individuals. I’m thinking that I got my ball closer to the Jack something like 5 times, Nut got her back closer to the white just about three times and J was yet to score.

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