Sunday 30 September 2018

Day 1872

 Day 1872;

23,082 steps I had taken today, but I cannot g my BMI due to the reasons of yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham),  crisps, chocolate coated biscuits and a little mikado(sp) bar.
Dinner: barbecue (chicken, sausages and burger), salad, coleslaw, potatoes and barbecued banana.
Drinks: milk, fruit syrup and some fruit syrup in hot water.
Snacks: I’ve forgotten but I can remember eating something.

Now today I have had a nice little walk around the French town that I’m currently staying in. In fact I believe that I have actually been on 3 separate walks today. The first of the walks was to the local super store (big shop) and back, which was a giant shop, I’m thinking that it was bigger than the Tesco back home, which I used to think was a big shop but anyway what we did while we were there was purchase our dinner and lunch, I’m unsure of for how long though, it might have been just today’s food but I cannot be sure.

Then after we ate our lunch we went on another walk but this time it was a small walk about the town one way while the third was a walk the other way, but then the second walk had something humorous happen before we went on it. I’m typing about the Grand Prix as we had originally planned to watch that on the box at the cottage before we went off out but we were watching the Ryder Cup, as that was what was on the box before the Grand Prix started, which kept telling us that US were 1 up and other things that I suppose meant all tied among others, but Europe weren’t winning on practically any of the holes, at least not any that I saw. So you can imagine my surprise when I’d returned to the cottage at the end of the day to discover that Europe had “thrashed” the US in the Ryder Cup but then Woods had been given a standout mention, so he must have done something good. But then back to F1 as we were about to watch it they had got the lights on to start the race, the lights went out, and away the adverts went, attempting to get us to pay for a one month subscription to the channel, which cost something like ninety euros. But then we learned that Lewis Hamilton won the Grand Prix, by the teams orders; as his teammate was the first car on the road so Hamilton has stolen the victory from his teammate which increases his championship lead to fifty points. 

Saturday 29 September 2018

Day 1871

Day 1871;

So as for today I don’t know what my BMI is, as I haven’t got a set of scales or another device for the measurement of my weight. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana and chocolate croissant.
Lunch: meatballs and rice.
Dinner: I have forgotten and a slice of tart (rhubarb and apple).
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fruit syrup (French version of squash).
Snacks: fruit pastilles and fruit gums.

So today I have been traveling to France it’s a whole new experience for me, as I have never been properly abroad to go on holiday quite like this one is supposed to be. As I have been abroad for holidays like this one, a holiday where the main goal is to be lazy, but everytime prior that I have been on one of these types of holidays I have been staying in either England, Scotland or Wales (Britain).. Now we were supposed to go for another holiday similar to this many years ago, but I got myself walloped by an automobile before the trip, so that kind of scuppered that plan.

Now this is an unsusual holiday for me for another reason, as it’s my first holiday over seas which hasn’t been designed for sporting recreation, to theme parks (Disneyland Paris) or school trips, as I believe that I have been on. As I believe that I may have been to Disneyland Paris 3 times, once with my family, once with school and then once with college the drives through France is probably the closest that I have actually been to the real France, I feel asi have been on coaches through France many times, mostly to Austria, and back.

When I arrived at my destination there was the Frog (French man or women as she was in this case) who arrived late to let us into our holiday residence, but not being funny (actually I am being a bit) at least she turned up a few minutes late rather than something more attuned to 10 years late, as that is about how long since I got myself walloped by that car, so then that’s how long Mich has been waiting for this holiday and Tini’s given up on waiting as she no longer wants to visit France. Which just leaves Allergy, Emu and C to make up our 5.

Friday 28 September 2018

Day 1870

Day 1870;

According to Wii Fit my BMI was 18.24, steps were 17,985 which gave me a distance of 11.84 km and I have burned off 1442 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese) and cake (carrot).
Dinner: ham, egg, chips, peas and strawberry tart.
Drinks: milk (plain and chocolate), fruit squash, water and fruit juice.

Now today I have first up gone downstairs for breakfast, then I had gone to the makeshift gym, which had me do 15,000 steps before lunch. So I was hoping that I could match it in the afternoon, but no I couldn’t. My watch only tells me that I have done just over 20,000 steps, such a letdown.

What have I done for this afternoon, you may wonder (or not, I don’t care I’m going to inform you anyway) as I have been going to the actual gym, you know what they are, don’t you? Well it’s a room that has a lot of gym equipment in like; cross trainers, treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines, a whole array of weights and the sit down weight machines. Like in the gym today I have been on the lateral cross trainer followed by a cycle on an exercise bike..

But then everything else that I have done today has kind of vanished from my mind, the only other things that I can remember has happened today is the Ryder Cup has teed off, and after getting a 1-3 lead from the morning’s session the US have let it slip away from them, quite spectacularly, by loosing all 4 of the afternoon’s ties, to make the score 5-3 to Europe. Then that was it for Murray in the tennis,as he got knocked out of the Shenzhen Open, he had managed to reach the quarterfinal stage of the competition, but he couldn’t make it up those final 2 steps to get him into a final. But well done at least Mr Murray you have managed to exceed my expectations of you. 

Thursday 27 September 2018

Day 1869

Day 1869;

I have had a BMI of 17.93 today, which is bad, I have also done 31,678 steps which was 20,86 km of distance apparently and I still haven’t managed to burn off my calorie goal with 2056 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, carrots,tiramisu and strawberry tart.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.
Snacks: 4 Jaffa cakes.

Now what was it that Mich was telling me, this morning? Oh yeah that was it, I still have all of those out of date Jaffa Cakes to eat, for snacks, if/when I get hungry.

So as a start point of the day I had done 670 intensity minutes, for the week thus far, but before the close of play for today I had managed to get it up to 1014 minutes for the week, so therefore I don’t have to do anymore this week, but then next week I’ll be having a lazy week as it’s another holiday for us this year. But then we’re going to France. But we ain’t going to Paris for the Rider Cup, we’re going to another place which is further away from Paris, but it’s in France, baffles me, as I thought that Mich liked Golf.

Day 1868

Day 1868;

As a BMI I have got 18.34, I managed to get 26,548 steps which were apparently 17.48 km and I burned off 1615 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (chip and banana in white bread), rice cake and slices of cake (1 chocolate and 1 carrot).
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), tiramisu and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.

Yesterday while I was in the gym, and I was on the exercise bike, I was watching the television. On the television there was a large woman that was doing a show that was like Ground Force, from back in the day, but there was no Alan Titchmarsh or Tommy Walsh, instead she had two young, slim, blokes to back her up. But the large woman I couldn’t work out who she was but I thought that it was Charlie Dimmock but I kept doubting myself, and I thought if it is Charlie then she has really let herself go, as in put on quite a bit of weight and size. Then I was online searching up on her and then I found out that it was her and she has really let herself go. But then I saw this quote, on the internet; 
“Criticising Charlie Dimmock for putting on weight is horribly unfair… she still looks great” Lorraine Kelly.
Criticising her for putting on weight? I can’t remember doing that, I was only simply pointing out the fact that she has obviously let herself go. But if I was how would it even be unfair, let alone horribly, are you somehow disagreeing with the fact, that she has put on a terrific amount of weight? It’s a fact it’s not open for discussion, the facts don’t care about your feelings they just are, but then the little lie that you were spewing as an afterthought, “she still looks great” on what planet does a huge person “look great” I know that they can have a great personality and stuff, but in who’s eyes do they look great unless they were also fat or a liberal moron, that has been brainwashed into believing that healthy at every size bull.  So as I have checked out who this Lorraine person is, and she doesn’t look to be fat so it’s option 2 for her. She was just some left wing (probably) liberal virtue signaling bum basically, as that is the only reason that she’d find the need to defend someone that could care for herself better but doesn’t.

Just look at her, I cannot see how this Lorraine Kelly person can state that Charlie’s new found size is nothing to worry about all she likes and she can state that it’s a healthy eating plan not a diet that she needs all she wants, but I don’t care about your opinions Miss Kelly, they have absolutely no value to me, accusing me of sexism just for stating a fact (I don’t discriminate against anyone fat due to their gender, I just work with what I’ve got) ps; a diet should be a healthy eating plan, which is why they get you to cut out some of the rubbish that you’re eating, it’s just two ways of saying the same thing.

So today I have been on the treadmill for a small jog, the rowing machine for a row and the trampoline for a bounce, which was my morning. Then I ate my lunch and I did something or other before I got back onto the treadmill for a walk while I was watching Doctor Who on catchup. Then I had my dinner and I did my weight in before having my Wii Fit cycle ride, I had only managed to get myself 15.984 km today, so it was further than yesterday but it was still no where near my best.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Day 1867

Day 1867;

BMI is a bit worse at 18.46 well it was according to Wii Fit just as with the follow; 17,364 which were 11.44 km and I have burned off 1379 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and croissant (plain).
Lunch: rice cakes, tinned baked beans with mini sausages and 2 slices of cake (1 chocolate and 1 carrot).
Dinner: meat, carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes with cheese and something.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.

Last night it was a harvest moon, if I caught that correctly. Well it was big and orange in the black of a night sky as we were traversing our way back home, from athletics last night.

Then today I have had an important appointment to keep, it was a dental appointment. Well it was quick today as I didn’t have the whole flaf of having to see the dentist and the hygienist, it was only the hygienist that I had an appointment with. The hygienist is very nice she removed a piece of debris from the hole that the doctor left after taking my tooth from my mouth. I think that the debris was a small piece of food that I had eaten, well obviously I hadn’t eaten it if was still in the hole.

But today I have gone for a treadmill wander in the morning, before the walk to the dentist’s place of work, then on the way from the dentist my watch bleeped telling me that my step goal for today had been reached. Next up was my lunch which I had to wait until half an hours time after my dental appointment had finished before I ate or drank anything, something to do with the Floride that she’d put on my tooth.

Then when I had had my weight in I decided to give myself another half hour Wii Fit cycle but alas I went back wards in my distance cycled; as today I only managed to get myself 15.514 km. Musketeers is a good show as I have been watching it in between doing things.

Monday 24 September 2018

Day 1866

Day 1866;

So today my BMI was 18.50, I had only taken 15,993 steps which was 10.53 km and in doing that I burned off 1498 kcal which was a bit disappointing as it was out of 2189 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and croissants (1 chocolate and 1 plain).
Lunch: I’ve forgotten but I think I remember having some of those chocolate coated rice cakes.
Dinner: lamb, minted pear, carrots, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, rice and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk (plain, chocolate and strawberry), fruit squash 
Snacks: rice cakes (chocolate) and chocolate cake.

Now today I have been a bit lazy, with my only burning off 1498 kcal, instead of the 2189 kcal that I should be having to burn off a day in order to maintain my current BMI, and in equilibrium my fitness level. But then if I improve it anymore it’ll move back into underweight, so that’s the catch twenty two that I’m faced with unless my body starts acting as it should and is giving me muscle.

Then also today I had done some treadmill jogging, machine rowing and some boucing. Approximately an hour after I had finished breakfast, so I did a streamlined version of the exercises that I usually do, then I have also done some of the athletics training in the evening, which I have learned that the treadmill training that I have been doing doesn’t lead to quicker start speeds, but I managed to get myself ahead of the only competition in the race by the end of the one hundred meter straight that we were racing over, about half of the times that we ran it. The other half of the times I just gave myself too far to bring back as he had a better start than I did but I was getting stronger as the race progressed, which is pretty much the exact opposite to the last times that we raced, where he would have reached the end of the race track before me but I had the “jump on him” at the start. I wonder what would happen if we were actually racing, like in a competition e.g. Paralympics, but it’d probably never work , as I’m a T36 “athlete” and I’m unsure about his classification so it could but I thought that he wasn’t in any of my races when we both went to competitions last year, but I have him beat on the long jump, I think.

But then for another section of the day I have been being lazy as I have been (re?)watching “The Musketeers” which is a BBC TV programme. Which is another one of the shows that I think I have seen before but I cannot be one hundred percent sure that I have so I have just started it. But anyway I’ve got just about forty seven more episodes to watch through, I wonder how many I will get through if I decide to do another slow paced treadmill walk tomorrow?

Sunday 23 September 2018

Day 1865

Day 1865;

My BMI today was 18.87, seeing as yesterday’s was 19.13 not the amount that I put yesterday isn’t as bad, but today I had taken 10,774 steps or  7.09 km and I burned off 815 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, croissants (1 chocolate and 1 plain with raspberry jam), banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: lamb, carrots, broccoli, peas, green beans, minted pear, roast potatoes and queen of puddings.
Dinner: sandwich (egg mayo with tomato and lettuce), Queen of puddings and lemon drizzle cake.
Drinks: milk (plain), fruit squash, fruit juice and water.
Snack: Maltese chocolate.

Today was another lazy day. But I did manage to get in some time walking on the treadmill and a small amount of time on the tandem. I hate lazy days, they’re just so tiring and at the end of the day you get nothing out of it, which is just frustrating.

So I got back on the treadmill slightly later on in the day to get some more steps as I was lagging around 7500 steps then it went up to about 8000 steps, by my watch. So by the end of the day I had just over 10,000 steps, by my watch. But my steps thanks to Wii Fit would have been aided by the cycles that I have done earlier on today.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Day 1864

Day 1864;

My BMI for today was much improved at 19.93, I had done 11,457 steps which were 7.60 km and I had burned off 941 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwiches (2 quaters of prawn mayo and 1 quaternary of egg mayo) and 2 slices of lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: meat (I’ve forgotten), vegetables (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and carrots) and potatoes + cheese.
Drinks: milk (plain, strawberry and chocolate chip), fruit squash, fruit super juice (red) and fruit juice.
Snacks: Maltese chocolate and something.

Highway to the Danger Zone that is the only lyrics to the song by Kenny Loggins, which is really quite catchy and good. Pity my mind won’t work with me learning any more of the lyrics, to that song.

Now today I have had a lazy day, as even though I have gone out for some walks today, I haven’t actually done anything, in terms of my usual routine. I have been to boccia this morning where I got thumped four - two, before striking back by winning the majority of the individuals. I’m thinking that I got my ball closer to the Jack something like 5 times, Nut got her back closer to the white just about three times and J was yet to score.

Friday 21 September 2018

Day 1863

Day 1863;

My BMI was 18.40, that’s correct it has decreased since yesterday, as with my steps which were 21,372 as for my distance walked was 14.07 and my number of calories burned was 1700.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on toast and cheese.
Dinner: English Indian feast and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and water.
Snack: Maltese chocolate.

On this day I have been getting fitter again as a morning’s activity, with my little bit of treadmill jogging, then another little row before having another bounce. Which gave me above twenty thousand steps before lunch, by my watch. Then after lunch I had to get myself ready to go to the Snowboarding lesson that I had today.

Snowboarding was fun today apparently I have cleared level 1, the majority of level 2 and a couple of level 3 items on the list. But it doesn’t feel like I have even got that far.

Then I’m thinking that I cannot remember what if anything happened today in other news, unless there was all of that English success in the Europa League, and then it wasn’t too bad for those Scots in the Europa League as Celtic won and Rangers managed to get a draw out of there matches.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Day 1862

Day 1862;

Today I have had a BMI of 18.50, I have done 24,098 steps which was 15.87 km and I have burned off 1789 kcal, today according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: rice cakes with tinned baked beans + sausages and something,
Dinnert: pie, broccoli, carrots, green beans, Victoria sponge cake and Tiffin cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.

So today by lunchtime I had completed my 20,000 steps, by my watch which means that I had done quite a bit on the rowing machine which don’t count towards my Wii Fit steps, also today I had managed over 30,000 steps by my watch, which was helped a lot by my going on Wii Fit cycling, as today I have managed to cycle 16.978 km which is just over 33 kph (or slightly under 34 kph, if you wanted to be picky, 33.956 kph). Which I had done on top of my 3 hour morning makeshift gym session, as I did an hour on the treadmill, walking, an hour on the rowing machine, rowing, and an hour on the trampoline, bouncing.

So I think that’s about it that happened today, except Mrs May’s Chekers plan got, predictedly rejected by the EU, but I was more worried that they’d have accepted it, as it’s a terrible plan on the face of it, as having Britain just accept the rules of engagement with the other nations without having any say on what the rules are, it’d be like being in the EU, but then we wouldn’t be in the EU, which just doesn’t make any sense.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Day 1861

Day 1861;

18.37 was my BMI, I had done less steps than yesterday, big surprise, as I haven’t been out on the tandem today but I did manage to make my way up-to and beyond 20,000 steps.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, grapes and apple.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and pickle on white bread), 3 rice cakes (1 plain, 1 chocolate coated and 1 yogurt coated) and Batternburg.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quoin) and a tart (raspberry and strawberry cream).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, flavoured milk (strawberry) and fruit juice,
Snacks: biscuits (nice, bourbon, custard creams, malted milk and “naff” digestives) and some of my chocolate box.

My watch only tells me that I have done 1900 steps by lunchtime so therefore I am only allowing myself to have 1 rice cake, as a snack, today. But then I ate my full pot of rice cakes for lunch today, so I never got to have any for a snack today. But my my little morning workout started then it stopped after my first exercise, for what seemed like an age (well it seemed like a very long time, now looking back on it) by the time that I had finished my stop and then I had the other 2 parts of my routine it was already lunchtime. Pity that the person that had the task of making lunch was still in bed, yes I know it’s Wednesday it’s halfway through the month half way through the day and the chief is in bed

In the Champions League today again we’ve got a mixed bag of results, where the English teams are concerned, but the first game that was covered by the BBC was a bit of a shock, when the leading team of the Premier League (from last year) got beat, 1-2, but the fashion that they got beat by was fantastic. Then let’s move to Switzerland for Young Boys v Manchester United, of who the Men beat the Boys (0-3). 

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Day 1860

Day 1860;

Today I have had another body test, my results were a BMI of 18.24, my steps were 29,200 which meant that I’d covered 19.23 km and I had burned off 2351 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: tinned baked beans with mini sausages on rice cakes with oat cakes and something.
Dinner: fish (cod),, rice, carrots, green beans and tart (with cream and raspberry jam).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and fruit juice (innocent fruit juice red).
Snacks: chocolate coated rice cake and some of my chocolate box.

Now in sport today it has been disappointment for Tottenham but jubilation for Liverpool, as Tottenham were winning the game, from the fifty-third minute, up until minute eighty-five when Inter Milan scored their first to draw level, then seven minutes later, so in the second minute of stoppage time Inter Milan managed to put Tottenham to the sword, making Tottenham rue all of the missed chances that they had made for themselves in the game that they could have (probably should have) won. Then in the other Champions League tie that I have some vicarious links to is the fantastic 3-2 win for Liverpool by half time Liverpool had enjoyed success against  Paris Saint Germain after talking the early lead by 2 goals but before the half had ended PSG managed to claw one back (2-1). The second half started PSG struck again (2-2), after Mo Sala had his goal disallowed (which I am unsure about as if it’s disallowed it’s not a goal, surely) before the game ran on an additional 1minute before the next Liverpool goal, to make the games result 3-2, so congratulations Liverpool.

Then in my morning I have had another little walk on the treadmill, as well as another row and bounce before taking my shower (by taking a shower I mean using the shower not by actually taking it away or any other place) before walking down to the hairdressers for a haircut. I think that is about all that I did this morning, I must have eaten my snack, a chocolate coated rice cake, after lunch. As I’d only managed over 10,000 steps by lunchtime so therefore only one rice cake. But yesterday I’d managed to get upto 20,000 by lunchtime so therefore I could have 2.

Monday 17 September 2018

Day 1859

Day 1859;

My BMI was 18.37, even though I had only done 22,765 steps which was equivalent to 14.99 km, and I had only 2227 kcal burned off today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (salmon with white bread) and some chocolate orange trifle.
Dinner: pie, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans,
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and Wonder Green (which is an interesting Innocent smoothie [apple, pear and cucumber]).
Snacks: two yogurt coated rice cakes, a little tub of fruit (grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries) and a Maltese chocolate. 

Now for lunch today I had an Alex sandwich, now if you read what I had for lunch today you will realise that I have had a salmon sandwich but I have also stated in this paragraph that I had an Alex sandwich, who is Alex Salmond, the ex-leader of the SNP, he’s the man that should have done a much better job at getting Scotland’s independence while he had the chance.

I don’t think the Scottish people have ever wanted to leave anything, well they’re a very confused bunch, as they wanted to leave Britain until the results of the referendum came out , but they want to be members of the EU, which the rest of Britain collectively decided to do, which had me thinking, that if all of the other Remainers from Britain just went to Scotland and all of the Leavers from Scotland just came down here to England and Wales couldn’t we all just be happy with the Brexit that we got and then we just leave Scotland as part of the EU, I know Northern Ireland also voted remain but couldn’t they just move slightly south, if they voted against the general consensus?

Now today I have been on the treadmill for a good walk, then the rowing machine for a good little row before the trampoline for a pleasant enough bounce, and by my watch I had done slightly less than twenty thousand steps so then I went for a little jog around downstairs just before l had my two rice cakes. But then after I had finished the two rice cakes my mind has gone slightly blank but I know what I did afterwards, I ate my lunch before going to the gym for some exercise, which was long overdue. But then when I had finished in the gym I had a lazy day until about ten minutes before dinner when, myself and Mich decided to go to the back room for a makeshift gym session, he was on the treadmill, I was having a bounce.

Then after dinner I decided to go on the Wii Fit cycle and today I got slightly over twenty eight kph, which must be my best that I have done, at least when I was controlling it’s direction of travel, as I know that I have done 19.079 km before but I think that was back on the ninth of May, so therefore greater than half a year ago. But then I’m just despairing about how badly my form has dropped in the in between time.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Day 1858

Day 1858;

My BMI was 18.46, I had taken  28,325 steps which were 18.65 km and I had burned off  2529 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, nectarine and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with white bread), rice cakes, chocolate chip shortbread and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: chicken, sausages, bacon, bread sauce, peas carrots, broccoli, green beans, roast potatoes and chocolate orange trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate buttons, sponge cake, chocolate chip shortbread and tunocks wafer.

I ain’t anorexic, I just wanted to put that out there as I have absolutely no problem with eating any foodstuff. But Allergy has got the thought that I am rattling around Tini’s little head. But I have been nice to Tini as well, by saying that she could use the treadmill to perform one of her golden miles on all of the days that she’s not at school.

The following is from Wikipedia:

Anorexia Nervosa is a eating disorder characterised by low weight, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in food restriction. Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though they are in fact underweight. If asked they usually deny they have a problem with low weight. Often they weigh themselves frequently, eat only small amounts, and only eat certain foods. Some will exercise excessively, force themselves to vomit, or use laxatives to produce weight loss. Complications may include osteoporosis, infertility and heart damage, among others. Women will often stop having menstrual periods.

Ok... from the top, anorexia is an eating disorder... agreed. Characterised by low weight (ok guilty) fear of gaining weight (didn’t I have a goal to gain some?) and a strong desire to be thin? (Not guilty). So with a score of one out of three I do believe that that I am not an anorexic, as it says “and” meaning all of the problems have to be with you, for you to have anorexia. But denying that I have anorexia is could be meaning the opposite? Then again I don’t eat in small amounts generally as I generally have a big bowl of fruit in the morning then I can remember that I had a three egg omelette the last time that I had one, and I even finished off Tini’s omelette also, so I’m like a dustbin when it comes to food.

Then today by my watch I did just over 4000 steps but I covered 104 km of distance and I managed to burn off over 4000 kcal. Which was quite different from my disappointing Wii Fit score.

Also today Simon Yates finished off his first cycling GT win (and completing the GB clean sweep over cyclings GT), Lewis Hamilton’s F1 drivers championship lead grew to 40 points and GB’s won their Davis Cup tie. But then Mich and I have successfully completed the 100 km bike ride around for a local hospice, which was fun, the first twenty mile of the ride, Mich was saying that he didn’t use any energy but then by the mile 50 he was completely beat (out of energy) and I kept trying to increase the speed but it didn’t seem to work as it once did, maybe Mich’s feet got too heavy on the peddles or as probably is, I need to get stronger.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Day 1857

Day 1857;

This day my BMI was 18.43, I had managed 10,329 steps (but only just), I also made 6.80 km which is pretty disappointing but what’s more so is the amount that I burned off today as it was only 961 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelette (cheese, tomato, mushroom and ham) and something.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and some thing.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snacks: banana and biscuits.

Now today I have had a lazy day, by this I mean I had boccia this morning then I went off to watch a football match this afternoon. The football match was great, well the result was for the team that I was supporting, as the games result was 3-0, but in the first half the opposition should have been ahead with them scoring three goals in the first half which would have put a lot of pressure on the team that I support having them to have to get goals to stay in the match but then they didn’t manage to score in the game, so there goes it doesn’t matter how good your team is on the night if you can’t score past a team that you had put pressure on right the way through the first half, but then in the second half the better team had been put two goals down. But they kept playing they’re best until a third goal was conceded, then it was pretty much game over.

Until I returned home I had just sat down all day first was at boccia then it was at watching the football, so I took half an hour on the treadmill for a walk . Which was refreshing 

Friday 14 September 2018

kcal 1856

Day 1856;

18.27 was my BMI, I had walked 25,475 steps which were 16.78 km and I have burned off 2240 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: tinned baked beans with sausages on bread, cheese and cake
Dinner: ham, egg, chips, peas and raspberry tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, fruit juice and some Lucozade sport (orange).
Snacks: biscuits, Maltese chocolate and some more of my chocolate box.

On this day I have had a ninety minute walk before my thirty minute row which I had done between breakfast and lunch as usual, then again I had some of my snacks, biscuits, between as well.

But then today little Mr Yates managed to increase his lead in the Vuelta making it more probable to have the three of cyclings Grand Tour’s being held by three separate British people in one year, first the Giro was won by Chris Froome (who’s British even though he was born in Kenya), next up it was Geraint Thomas (who’s British even though he was born in Wales) and now there is to be this youngster Simon Yates (who even though was born somewhere in England) but the third one of those is only looking probable, at the moment.

Then also today I have been on another cycle ride in the afternoon but the weather conditions weren’t very conducive for a quick ride, we only managed to average at about 13.5 mph for the ride.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Day 1855

Day 1855;

BMI is 18.27 for today, I had taken 26,941 steps which was 17.74 km but I have only managed to burn 1883 kcal off, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese), banana and 2 slices of cake (1 carrot and 1 chocolate).
Dinner: salmon en croute, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes and raspberry pastry.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (orange) and fruit juice.
Snacks: some of my chocolate box and a Maltese chocolate.

Allergy voiced her concern to me today she thinks that I have anorexia, which is an eating disorder, as it is obvious to anyone that has more than enough braincells to rub together, I may have many things but anorexia isn’t one of them. But then she said that I do too much exercise, well that depends on your perspective as if my long term goals/ambitions are to, as they are, to get myself fitter so that I can compete at an Olympic Games and I wouldn’t mind riding myself into contention for a starting position at one of cyclings Grand Tour’s or the smaller ones are also acceptable for me to compete in, as the other day that I had a tandem ride we managed to get an average of 15 mph, which now let’s be honest is only good enough to reach the slowest group of our local cycle group, and Mich said that he wasn’t even out of breath by the time that we’d arrived back, so therefore we could both put more effort into cycling, then who knows how quick we could have gone?

So today I have gone on a 5 mile walk then I tried only a couple of minutes on the trampoline, to get my minutes of intensity up to the required number for this week. Before I did a little row. Then after that must have been the time that Allergy voiced her concerns, I probably should have laughed at her but I didn’t as I knew her tactics. As Tini also uses similar, like  she starts with the answer, being that “I’m perfect, and any change is bad” but then that change part counts me as well that must never change,

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Day 1854

Day 1854;

BMI has been 18.31 for today, I had done 22,977 steps which was 15.13 km and I had burned off 2151 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and nectarine.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese) and something.
Dinner: fish (salmon), carrots, green beans, potato + cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snacks: some of my chocolate box and Maltese chocolate.

Since today wasn’t going I wasn’t going to do the number of steps that I did yesterday, on my watch, as I had over 30,000 for yesterday. But today I have only managed just over 15,000. Now that may have been effected by the lack in doing a half hour Wii Fit cycle, but I'd already done an actual 20+ mile tandem ride, by the time that I did my weigh in.

So today I have got up, gone downstairs to eat my breakfast then I went on the treadmill which was followed by a row before I went back upstairs and got myself dressed into some of my more usual getup. From there it was another lazy day until the tandem ride. I can’t remember what I did for any of the time in between apart from eating lunch. But even that I’ve forgotten what I ate for desert.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Day 1853

Day 1853;

My BMI was 18.12, I had walked 21,404 steps  which was 14.10 km and I have burned off 2250 kcal today, according to Wii Fit. But according to my watch it’s a different story.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, nectarine and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham with white bread), chocolate cake bar and Batternburg.
Dinner: pie (steak and ale), broccoli, peas, green beans, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: Maltese chocolate and some of my chocolate box.

So today I have been on the treadmill and for a row, all while I was watching/listening to a couple of days of the Vuelta which brought me right up to date on La Vuelta, as this morning I was watching the two stages that I had already seen  in the past theee days, as there wasn’t a stage yesterday (it was a rest day).

But I’ve got three ambitions to accomplish before my end is upon me, as well as that goal that I have set myself for this year. My three ambitions are to get one of my stories finished and to ride a bike/tandem in one of cycling’s Grand Tours, or at least another minor tour of cycling, like the Tour of Britain. But my first ambition is to go to an Olympics (or Paralympics) to compete (and then hopefully bring away a gold medal), but the sport that I am hoping to do in it hasn’t been decided yet, as I ain’t really good enough athlete at any of the sports which are currently at the Olympics or Paralympics, I may not be half bad at some of the sports, but I am not up to the standards of proper athletes, at any. But then as another one of my ambitions is about cycling I guess I probably should attempt it at some cycling discipline, but then wasn’t there that skier that’s riding in La Vuelta? 

Then I have had another jog and another row, to get myself in better shape. “I gotta shape up” I’m sure they’re lyrics to a song, but I don’t think that I liked the song but the lyrics are true, nevertheless. Oh dam it the lyrics were from a song from Grease, not from the song by Kevin Quinn, of which I found when  searched for the lyrics online. But I don’t think that those lyrics are actually in the Grease song now that I’m thinking about it.

Now today I have been having another thirty minute cycle on Wii Fit so now today I have managed to get an average speed of approximately twenty five kilometres per hour and that was with my steering, if I had some other person steering me around the island then maybe I could have got to fifty kilometres per hour, again.

Then in La Vuelta today it wasn’t a stage win for any of the GC favourites today, it was a Time Trial. But in the TT Simon Yates managed to put some more time on his opponent contenders for this years GC.

Monday 10 September 2018

Day 1852

Day 1852;

18.31 my BMI was down again, I had only taken 11,300 steps  which was the equivalent of 7.44 km but I had burned off 1165 kcal according to Wii Fit that is.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, nectarine and pear.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, Batternburg and chocolate cake bar.
Dinner: tagliatelle bolognaise and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and fruit juice.
Snack: Maltese chocolate.

This morning I have done an hour jogging on the treadmill before I did half an hour on the rowing machine, which was after I had eaten my breakfast, which I found a pear in today, which was delightful. I felt good about the on coming day. Before my hour jog which was great as I had got to plus ten thousand steps and I had also managed to get further than five miles in the hour, so for tomorrow it will be to see if I can get over 6 miles. Then after that I gave myself a nice relaxing row.

Next up was lunch which was nice but then with the one of my five a day in the sauce to put me on six for the day. Then I have had a lazy afternoon, at least up until after I ate my dinner. But first I had to listen to Allergy tell me that a extremely fat woman had lost a whole me in weight thanks to her having part of her stomach removed but her weight was still more than my weight even at the loss of weight. Then also today Alistar Cook managed to make 147 in his final test innings so that’s made him get a century on his first test and his final test for England, now he’s retired from international cricket. But also Scotland won their first match in the international league.

Sunday 9 September 2018

Day 1851

Day 1851;

My BMI has fallen again 18.37, I have made 13,930 steps which were apparently 9.17 km and I have burned off 1072 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, nectarine and apple.
Lunch: poached egg, bread, butter, cake (sponge with white chocolate and jam), Batternburg and chocolate cake bar.
Dinner: lamb, minted pear, broccoli, green beans, carrots, peas, cauliflower, roasted potatoes and a banoffee tart
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: chocolate buttons and some more of my chocolate box.

Then today I have noticed something which I find disconcerting, I am quite aware that it may just be me that finds it so but I’m going to mention it anyway, it’s to do with cycling and La Vuelta as when I was watching some more on catchup today I noticed that by Geraint Thomas’s name, on a wall, they had the Welsh flag, but then by Ian Stannards name on the same wall they had the British flag; that’s a bit of a double standard if you asked me as I know that Geraint Thomas comes from Wales which is part of the Great British mainland so shouldn’t he have the British Flag up next to his name? Or shouldn’t Ian Stannard have the English flag up next to his, it just perplexes me. Why’s the flag of the dragon, a mythical beast that supposedly struck fear into the hearts of men (I’m meaning the human species), but the flag of an equally mythical man that supposedly slew the beast is no where to be seen?

On this day I have been attempting to make amends for my lacklustre performance, on my watch for yesterday, but when I just checked my watch I had got 18,000 steps for today. Which isn’t enough to make up for yesterday

I have been to the doctors in the morning it wasn’t even a mile away, so we walked into town to visit the doctors. Which surprised Mich as Tini walked me to the doctors. Of which I don’t see the reason to why it’s a shock as didn’t she walk me to the dentist, a few weeks ago?

But it was Julian Alaphilp has succeeded in winning the Tour of Britain, Thibaut Pinot won today’s stage, while Simon Yates keeps the winner’s Jersey. Then England have got off to a good start in the Cricket in the second innings of the final test.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Day 1850

Day 1850;

Today I got 18.62 as my BMI, I had also stepped 15,115 steps which is 9.95 km and I had burned off 1606 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and nectarine.
Lunch: omelette (cheese, tomato, mushroom and ham), salad (lettuce, cucumber and onion) and cake (sponge with white chocolate and jam).
Dinner: fish (cod), broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes and fruit tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: some tunocks waffer and a Maltese chocolate.

On this day I have had a lazy morning, as it was my first time back at boccia after the summer break. But then after I had been sitting down for the morning, I got up and I sat down again, on a bicycle (or a tandem if I was to be correct), but I cannot wait until Mich gets his”birthday” gift, or at least the one that he wants, as it’s a Zwift thingamajig, which we have been seeing advertised before La Vuelta, over the past about 2 weeks. What is Zwift, you may ask and then if you could find out it’s sort of like the cross between fitness and video games, which are 2 of my favourite things, so it would probably be better suited for me rather than Mich. But here’s the catch he’s the one that has been being hassled over the past few weeks about what he would like for his “birthday” and he has said that he would like a Zwift to prove once and for all who is doing the majority of the work on the tandem. As a Zwift is a software which goes with a turbo trainer which hooks onto the backwheel of a bike and offers resistance to simulate riding on proper roads around actual tracks and on real rides, all from the comfort of your home.

But now for what’s happened today is that England have lost their first National League encounter, which was with Spain, 1-2. But in better news England cricket team is doing pretty well against India, in La Vuelta Simon Yates also won the stage and took himself back into first position in GC and in the Tour of Britain Ian Stannard, a rider for team Sky (and he was also born in Chelmsford, England), won the stage which is the second day in a row for team Sky, on the Tour of Britain.

My laziness of today was on my watch as I had only managed to get to something between 1500 and 2000 steps, which is massively disappointing for me.

Friday 7 September 2018

Day 1849

Day 1849;

18.46 was my BMI of the day, I had made 25,675 steps which must be the equivalent of 16.91 km and I had burned off 2155 kcal, at least according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and nectarine.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and pickle) and cake (sponge with white chocolate and strawberry jam).
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and lemon tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snack: Maltese chocolate.

Today I have been on a five mile little stroll while I was rewatching yesterday’s Tour of Britain. Then I was listening to the start of the new day for the Tour of Britain, while I was having myself a little row, before I had a ten minute jog on the treadmill.

Lunch was the next thing I had which was when we ate the cake which was supposed to be eaten yesterday, something to do with the dates and stuff, which reminds me of something that happened earlier on this week. It was GM that was thinking that her bottle of milk that was dated the 11th of September was out of date, I was confused as my watch was telling me that the the date was 5th of September, I attempted to inform her but it took until Mich had returned to explain to her that the milk was still in date.

Yesterday there was also the start of the UEFA Nations League and Wales trounced the Republic of Ireland, 4-1. Then today there was another international friendly between Scotland and Belgium, but unfortunately Belgium won the game in emphatic style, the result was 0-4. But then tomorrow will be the second day in the UEFA Nations League as it is England v Spain, which should probably mean that it’s a Spanish win, but anyway I”ve got to hope that England can get a positive result out of the game, or at least a draw.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Day 1848

Day 1848;

18.81 was my BMI, 11,396 was the number of steps that I took which was the equivalent to 7.51 km and I had burned off 1168 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, melon, watermelon, apple and orange.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese with white bread), grapes, melon, watermelon, apple, orange and a strawberry tart.
Dinner: salmon, broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snack: some of GM’s “birthday” cake.

Today I have been watching La Vuelta on catch up, while I was walking on the treadmill, as in the Tour of Britain it has been the team Time Trial (so it was on later than usual). Well I was watching it until the device that I was watching it on ran out of charge, so I went upstairs to put it on charge, then I went out to the treadmill for a half hour jog, before a half hour machine row. On composition of the formentioned exercise I had to get myself showered and dressed as Allergy was making my lunch then but Allergy was too busy knitting for the start to lunch but she arrived in time for the strawberry tart, I have no idea of what else, if anything, she had for lunch. Apparently we weren’t even supposed to have the strawberry tarts for our lunch today, so it looks like I’ve mucked up again.

 I have also been listening to the new Nations League on the radio, which was a great victory for Wales, four to one against the Republic of Ireland. Which was a great score for Wales not such a great score for Ireland, obviously.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Day 1847

Day 1847;

BMI 18.87' I had taken 12,605 steps of which must be 8.30 km and I had managed to burn off 952 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on bread and cake (lemon drizzle).
Dinner: prawn balls, prawn toast, egg fried rice, noodles and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.

So today I have been acting as a vaccum to stop the waste of some food such a pity that Tini doesn’t feel like the same,and she just leaves about half of her dinner on her plate, anyone would probably think that I’m the obease one of the two of us, but it’s not the case. It’s not as I do a bit of exercise but then Tini does do the golden mile on occasion, apparently.

But then again I have walked, rowed and jogged a bit each today, I was watching the first bit of the Tour of Britain when I started walking, but then it got to lunchtime so I stopped and I watched the next bit of the Tour in the lounge, until Mich got me for lunch... not by the means or eating me for lunch as in the means of there’s a table that Mich got called me to sit at so that I could eat my lunch.

Then after I had finished my lunch I have forgotten what I did but it included watching the rest of the Tour and saying goodbye to Mich, as he’s off somewhere with his work, for the next day or so long, I cannot remember. Which means that we have had another takeaway dinner tonight, which could be why I gained a bit of weight on yesterday.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Day 1846

Day 1846;

Today my BMI was 18.56, my steps were 8808, I have walked 5.80 km and I have burned 682 kcal, according to Wii Fit. But just to make sure that I have done the required number of steps for today I have just been jogging on the spot and my watch is now up to over 13,000 and Wii Fit is up something like 10,808.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: pizza pockets, Pringles, banoffee tart, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: tomato pasta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit squash.
Snack: a Maltese chocolate.

Now my morning was interesting as I started up by the usual things but then I didn’t manage to make it for a jog, I just managed to get some walks in on the treadmill, and a row on the machine.

The other day a friend of mine told me that she had all muddled up internal organs which got me thinking about where my internal organs are and where they are supposed to be. I get that your heart is supposed to be on the left side of your chest and your lungs are supposed to be behind it, but on both sides, your stomach is supposed to be below that with your bladder beneath it. But I don’t really know how to feel all of the organs apart from lungs while when you breathe in your chest is supposed to get bigger than when you breathe out your chest is supposed to get smaller, which it generally does, then your heart your supposed to be able to feel when you place your hand to your chest, which I do get a beating pattern from my chest , well it’s slightly lower than my left breast. But that’s just me at the moment I don’t know how to feel except the way I do feel, could be part of my selfish discontent, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel which is why I enjoy films as they basically tell you how you’re supposed to be feeling at almost every turn.

Monday 3 September 2018

Day 1845

Day 1845;

My BMI was 18.46! I had only made 19,331 steps which was 12.73 km and I’d burned off  2128 kcal  apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with white bread) and cake (lemon drizzle).
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey steak and a banoffee tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: a pot of strawberries with cream and a Maltese chocolate.

Today I have been on a treadmill jog before I had a gentle row, of which I completed after I had done a little fitness routine, it started off by doing 5 push-ups, 10 crunches, 15 squats, 5 lunges, 10 reverse crunches and a 15 second plank; 5 times.

Now once I had done that it was about time for lunch, which I ate as usual. Before after lunch I went back into the makeshift gym, and I had some more exercise I think it was another jog and then row, but I do believe that I forgot to do another set of 5 of the first exercises, so that was a bit of a disappointment, but then when I had finished the I started warming The Fades, again,I watched the complete first series then I started to watch In The Flesh which is about zombies. So I’ve been watching a lot of zombies in a show called In The Flesh, which is an interesting take in the Zombie formula, with there being a cure to whole Zombie thing which doesn’t involve rekilling the Zombie.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Day 1844

Day 1844;

My BMI was 18.68, my number of steps were 12,790 meanwhile my distance walked was 8.42 km and I managed to burn off  1269 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and nectarine.
Lunch: chicken, bacon, sausages, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, roast potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese and ham), Tunocks wafer,  cake (lemon drizzle) and Batternburg.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.

Today I have had a short treadmill walk as a start, well it was only a just over 6000 steps one as I was thinking that today should be my rest day of the week, as isn’t that what professional athletes do, they have some down time  or they have a rest day (or two).

Well it was a rest day for me today and I have done some skiing on this day. But today while I was skiing I only managed to stack it twice, both times was when I was going backwards down the slope, I first stacked it as my left leg just suddenly gave way on me, I have no idea what happened to it but I’m thinking that I somehow must have caught my left ski on something as the second time that I stacked it was because I had tapped my right ski on a snowboard, and that sent me on another little tumble. But if you ski your always told to always put the downhill ski on first, what a load of balderdash, as when you’ve got one ski on and the other off then you don’t bother with that and you just put the other ski on, well I do at least.

But then in sports today it was a good day if you’re English, as a start an English man won the Grand Prix, in Italy, Lexis Hamilton managed to get past both of the Ferrari’s to win in Italy (which is where Ferrari initially came from, when Enzo Ferrari back in 1939 created it from Alfa Romeo’s race division), then in Cricket today England was victorious against the Indian’s (not American Indians the actual people of the country of India, you know in Asia), then Matt Wallace managed to win a four way playoff to win the Made in Denmark golfing competition before finally Simon Yates managed to pick up the leaders jersey in La Vuelta today (I know it’s said that he’s a British road/track cyclist, but it also says he’s from Manchester which is in England).

But now typing about Manchester, Manchester United managed to scrape by a win against Burnley 0-2, Arsenal managed beat Cardiff City 2-3 and then Tottenham managed to lose their unbeaten record this season by losing to Watford 2-1. So now the top of the Premier League looks Liverpool has won their first 4 games is in first on 12 points, Chelsea is in second position with 12 points and has also won their first 4 games and then in third spot of the league it’s Watford who have also won their first 4 league games and are on 12 points. 

Saturday 1 September 2018

Day 1843

Day 1843;

My BMI was 18.27, I knew I had done 10,000 steps from my watch as I had just done a treadmill walk worth 10,000 steps but I’m guessing that the majority of the 39,243 steps that I did today was on the tandem but that number of steps must be the equivalent of 25.84 km and I had burned off 3118 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange,nectarine and pear.
Lunch: omelette (cheese, ham and mushroom) and some Batternburg.
Dinner: gammon, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Lucozade sport (orange), shandy (beer and lemonade) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: Maltese chocolate and some malted milk biscuits.

So today I have been out on a tandem ride, on the ride we conquered the hill of boxes, in a new personal best time. But it may have been the slowest time of the day, at least until we found someone slower than us had given it a go later on in the day, by the time that we uploaded our ride data we were at something like 34 out of 34 but now we’re at about 42 of 45.

Then when we had gotten home I checked my watch, I had only taken 499 steps so that had to be remedied. I decided to give myself another walk on the treadmill which was just over 10,000 steps in just under 1 hour 25 minutes.

Now the reason why I am drinking these shandy’s nowadays is because Mich received them from a neighbour, he tried 3 and he didn’t like them so now he’s fobbing them off on me, but as shandy’s. It’s almost the same with these biscuits that he’s giving to me to eat with a mug of hot chocolate, as he was saying it’s to stop him from eating them as he has been getting a better BMI as of recent days, like today he managed to reach his BMI goal again, and he said that it was down to the 60 mile that we had done today