Tuesday 21 November 2017

Day 1598

Day 1598;

Today my BMI was 19.66, steps were 8516 for my day up until the time of my body test and I had burnt off 1254 calories. I managed to get my step count up to 11,441.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (white bread) and Battenberg.
Dinner: margarita pizza and rocky road sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snac: pineapple chunks

Now today I have woken up slightly later than planned, but I have still cleaned up all of my pots, and a bit extra as well. But lunch was also later than I had planned also, but as I had finished my sandwich so I was getting stuck into my Battenberg, not literally, the door knocked so I went to it, I answered it and to my surprise there was a delivery man standing there and he said something but I cannot remember what it was but needless to say that I accepted the parcel and I shut the door the delivery man seemed to be very grateful that I had come to the door, as he kept saying thank you to me, I would have liked to say thank you to him also because he had done his job and delivered the parcel but I couldn’t as I cannot speak. But I couldn’t see him probably also as I hadn’t got my specs on and I was still in my pyjamas when I got to open the door, so as you can probably tell I wasn’t really properly  attired well for the task at hand, so I just got on with it.

do was drink a nice pleasant cup of teaWhat would Arther do in my place? Which Arther you may enquire, to which I would say, if I could that would be, Dent. Arther Dent the main character from the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The English man that was whisked away on a fantastic journey around the galaxy and all he wanted to do was drink a nice pleasant cup of tea. And he spends the majority of his time in his dressing gown, as it was what he was wearing when his friend Ford Prefect saved him from the Earth just before it was destroyed.

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