Thursday 2 November 2017

Day 1579

Day 1579;

19.59 I weigh 9st 6lb apparently and my step count was at 14,561 for today, still no sign of man boobs, yet, but I’ll tell you that my shoulders are uneven as they both have got these little nodules on top of them, but on my left side it’s really quite big.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and 2 chocolate cakes.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, croquet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and elderflower pressé.

So I had woken up and I had been downstairs, I ate my breakfast and then I came back upstairs to get myself dressed. Then I had got up by about 6:44, which is funny as I

After that had been completed I went back downstairs in order to give myself a little jog after I had completed that I checked my steps for the day so far, at least I think they are. My step count was up to 5124 or there about, which was at approximately 10 O'clock in the morning. That should give me about 14 more hours to get about 5000 more which is possible if I keep stepping at approximately the same rate.

I have been to the gym for a ride on an exercise bike, and I’ve had an hour ride, it was only a 10.07 little ride, but I was doing one of the rides that had me going from level 10, 20, 30 to 40 for 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute. In succession 6 times and in doing that I managed to get 10.07 mph as an average speed. And that was before the 12 minute cool down that I did after the 60 minutes was up. After I had finished my cycle I checked my steps again it was saying that I had done over 14 thousand, so this month is looking good for me from the off, with me making at least 300 thousand for this month as there is 30 days in November 30 times 10,000 = 300,000 simple mathematics.

So I didn’t manage to keep myself stepping at the same rate as I was earlier as I have just been playing on Breath of the Wild, until body test time, which was conveniently when the batteries on the Switch was running low, so I had to put it into its docking station. But I found# another Korok today it was in the Knights room thing I’m thinking, anyway it had those Lizafoes and that 1 Moblin in it you break in one side and the other side you have to place a bomb barrel (well you can probably do many things to open the gate, but that way was the first that worked on my try) on the switch to open the gate.

But I have just watched Treasure Planet, it’s a good film to be honest. Pity that the end of it was too much  of a traditional Disney cop out. With the “Hero” learning what to do with his life and then all of the characters having a brilliant life set up for them after the credits roll, that and the breathable space air, even though there’s none in space, which is why it’s called space. The fact that all of the planets were just basically in walking distance from one another, was a slight annoyance also.

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