Monday 27 November 2017

Day 1564

Day 1564;

19.59 was my BMI, 16,418 was my disappointing number of steps as wasn’t I aiming for 19,000 at lunch time and my number of calories were 1450.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: nibbley bits and a slice of pineapple upside down cake.
Dinner: cottage pie and I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snack: 1 mince pie.

Today I have got up, ate my breakfast, got dressed and then I have walked into town to get my hair cut. Then on return to my home I got myself very confused as I thought that the mince pie was my lunch so I checked my step counter after “lunch” it was only around 2000, so I had to get some more in, I went out the back of the house and I started jogging, then Tini came in the gate and asked me if I had had my lunch, of which I answered with a nod, as I thought I had. I checked my steps again at this point they were at some number like 6974, then the next time I checked they were up to some number just above 7000. 

I think the previous time of me checking was just after dinner, which was early tonight. So I got to do some more shuttle runs in the lounge before it was time for me to get body tested, and my BMI had dropped again.

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