Wednesday 8 November 2017

Day 1585

Day 1585;

Now today I have increased my BMI up to 19.79 as I did it after I had eaten my dinner. My steps were also up to about 16,269 as were my calories burnt today at 1566.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: tomato pasta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: pineapple chunks and jelly babies.

Now today I have decided to focus. I have decided to focus on building my game. Which game I ask myself, but I'm guessing that I won't know that until I get myself focused.

But today I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, got ready for the gym then after I had got myself ready for the gym I remembered that I had forgotten to do the most basic of thing this morning before I got dressed, so I had to take a lot of now necessary attention when I was to brush my teeth to be sure not to muck up my top, and the whole outfit for that matter. But because I was already in the room to brush my teeth I actually remembered to shave today, see miracles do happen. Ok sure. What you can’t be serious! Ok,,, ok... I wasn’t being sincere when I stated ok sure it was more of a comment akin to whatever floats your boat. Now can I get on with my morning jog?

So I got on with my morning jog, 100 sit-ups, consecutively, and I have done 100 crunches all before lunch, I think I’ll get on with the 100 press-ups and 100 squats after I have eaten lunch. But just after lunch I was shepherded off to the gym, for another half hour “sprint” on the exercise bike, of which I did 7.76 miles in my half hour slot. Which was excellent for starters but I should be aiming further, as I only managed to get 15.5 mph as an average speed according to the bike. Press-ups 30... 50... 20 so that makes up 100, now it's finally time for squats that'll be 100 done, so that's it for my exercise for today.

I noticed that the toilet was leaking a few days ago and I've only just got around to getting it sorted, how it went down... I noticed some water was on the floor in the shower room, so I mopped it up with a towel, I just thought that someone had used the shower and not dried up the room after themselves. But then I next went back into the shower room, the same problem consisted I think I may have tried the positioning of the towel in some places before figuring out it was the toilet that had broke. But I wasn't sure so I put a towel next to the toilet on the floor and by jove had the puddle problem stopped, So today as I went into the shower room I remembered the puddle problem as the towel was there so I went downstairs to get Mich to fix the problem. I learnt something about plumbing today also.

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