Monday 13 November 2017

Day 1590

Day 1590;

BMI was 19.46 which is a pretty significant fall, it may also be as I had to do my body test before I ate my dinner, but also I had only done 8885 steps by the time that I had my body test but I had also burnt off 1054 calories.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti bolognaise, toast, fruit cake and batternburg.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, roast potatoes, dumplings and apple blackberry crumble with ice cream.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Now today by the time that I was getting for my body test I was really let down by my steps, as it was saying that I had only done 8885, and I had gone for a walk to the opposite side of the town that I live in, as Mich was walking over to fetch the car so he dragged me along also. That was with another 30 minute "sprint" on the exercise bike at the gym. So I have done another about 1500 steps in the lounge just after I got my body tests result so that should've improved my steps total for today.

But today I was watching some of the new episodes of Robot Wars. It's pretty good but Dara O'brian and his assistant just aren't as illuminating characters as Craig Charles and his numerous assistants, hell I even preferred Jeremy Clarkson's performance but it could be as I have only just started rewatching series 8 today so maybe he grows into it as the series progresses?

What is happening about PESCO? As I know it's some kind of EU army or just the thing which is detailed below.
In thee article it still says the EU 28, on the diagram I get that it is using some old data, data from 2014 and 2015, and I have also seen in it the UK does not share an interest in a closely integrated European defence

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