Monday 6 November 2017

Day 1583

Day 1583;

My BMI was down, to about 19,79, at least I think it was, and my steps were up to 13,966, but my calories burnt were up past 1000.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese, tomato sauce toastie and chocolate cake.
Dinner: sweet sour chicken balls, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, coke and tap water.
Snacks: 1/2 a pot of mango chunks and 1/2 a pot of pomegranate.

So today I was going to go to the gym after lunch so I decided to go for a little jog around the garden before hand, just to be sure that I’d be able to get enough steps done.

My cycle at the gym was disappointing also, I only managed to get 12,96 miles done in 72 minutes, which is a drop of at least 0.0r miles, as I have forgotten the actual number of miles I did last time but I know that I managed to get 13 miles. But I also know that I did more after in the 12 minutes of cool down as I remembered that I had actually managed to get to 10.6 miles (or something around that) by 60 minutes the last time I was on the exercise bike but today I had only managed to get to 10.03 miles by the same time.

Jihadi John's old folks are suing the government for not allowing their son back into Britain, as I say that he shouldn’t be allowed to stay out there. I don’t care what he has done both if he’s a British problem then he should be brought back here kicking and screaming if necessary to be the recipient of full British treason punishment, I think the penalty is being hung drawn and quartered, at least it was back in Guy Fawkes's day, pity he didn’t live long enough to get the full treatment, as he was only hung which snapped his neck apparently.

Then I also found the dead chaps grave, in Link's Awakening, and I have just been attempting to defeat the boss of level 5, unsuccessfully. But the thing is even though I can’t kill it, it can’t kill me, so we’ve been at a stalemate until I just decided to leave it be, for now at least.

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