Saturday 11 November 2017

Day 1588

Day 1588;

My BMI dropped today to 19.79, but my steps increased to 11,639 and my calories dropped to 711. So could I say 2 out of 3 ain't bad if I wanted to quote Meatloaf but I would only be able to have 1 out of 3.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette, banana, strawberries, apple and 2 + 1/2 pastries (apple, raspberry and half a cinnamon).
Dinner: shepherds pie, apple + blackberry crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: 2 packs of Haribo scare mix.

Now today I have had a lazy day but I have remembered to do a jog around my bedroom for about an hour, which should have helped in counteracting the lazy day. Due to my morning that had been filled up with playing boccia, which is a sport, ok, but you have to be sat down to play it. is it any real surprise that 66.6% of men and 57.2% of women aged 20+ are at least overweight/have a BMI of 25 or higher.  But that is from using old data, data from 2013 so it is probably much worse by now.

This Maajid man iss great, as he literally says that he's an atheist Muslim without stating it that plainly, he says he's a non-devout muslim, meaning he's a muslim that doesn't believe in a literal burning hell and doesn't believe in a merciful god, I know you could say that he didn't say those exact words as he said it's nuts to believe in a literal burning hell and a mercyful god. As both of those things are mutually exclusive you can't have one with the other (if you disagree please inform me by means of commenting on this article and I will attempt to get back to you).

But  I don't celebrate Eid as I don't know how, If you told me how and why, but I think I know what it's a bout, issn't it about like you have been fasting for a month going up to it, then you have a big celebration on the day of Eid where you eat? have I got the correct celebration? So if it was a feast then count me in but then if there was other shenanigans like saying grace over your food before you start, I'm sorry but i'd have to pass,as I can't speak for starters and I have never done such a thing, How big an insult would it be to the person that has just spent hours cooking the feast for you if you were to say thanks to some invisible man for cooking the food that he had no hand in cooking.

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