Wednesday 15 November 2017

Day 1592

Day 1592;

BMI of 19.92, steps were 6653 and my calories burnt off were 1103. So I had failed on my daily step count. So I was appalled at my laziness for today, and I realised that I had gone to the body test machine late, It was that and I still had more or less than 4000 more steps to do, so I got a shift on and I managed to get up to about 10,239.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: a sausage roll, pork pie and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, pineapple chunks and aero chocolate mousse.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Today I have had another mistake on the past to do with brushing my teeth again, I just keep doing the same thing, meaning I keep eating my breakfast and then going upstairs and getting dressed instead of going to brush my teeth, so I have again had to attempt to not muck up my trousers which I have done relatively successfully.

Waste not want not, are the best words of advice I think I have ever heard, so I try [sometimes successfully sometimes not] to live by those 4 words, or 3 unique words within the sentence.

Today I went to the gym, but it wasn't to do any of my rides on the exercise bike, as I started off on the lateral trainer and then I finished my  work out on the arm weights machines. But the pectoral fly machine, i started using my actual pectoral muscles today, apparently as I had been using my arms to lift the weights apparently.

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