Tuesday 7 November 2017

Day 1584

Day 1584;

Today my BMI was 19.43, but I took my body test early, but even though I had taken it early my steps were still 10,291 and my total number of Kcal that I had burnt was 1318. But yesterday I burnt off in total 1535 Kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch; ham sandwich (white bread) and batternburg.
Dinner: margarita pizza.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: ham sandwich (white bread), 1/2 a tub of mango and 1/2 a tub of pomegranate.

As you may know I’m not interested in saving the world, but if you look at what the vegans want to do it’s literally the same even though they dress it up as protecting the animals. Meanwhile removing themselves from the animal kingdom. Checks and balances every system needs them, like I think it was Mufasa (anyway Simba's father in lion king), it’s the circle of life. Which was demonstrated quite expertly by the thing about the cats on that island which were killing the birds so the human population decided to get rid of their cats and the bird population decreased, due to the increased number of rats, as you should know that rats are willing to eat anything even the birds eggs, shell and all. Britain's native red squirrel is also pretty much extinct throughout the majority of the UK because of the introduction of grey squirrels to the British isles which was felicitated by humans. So this useless species is inherently flawed especially with its technology, so now how won’t veganism work? The point I’m attempting to make is if you are attempting to make the world better, a fairer ecosystem you should first start by killing off a few million of the inhabitants, I’m volunteering to be one of the first to go also it’ll be my service to the human race, I’m just stating that humanity has got too complacent in controlling its population and me a man that’s literally worthless to everyone else on this rock, I am a nothing, a no-one literally.

So who should get the boot from this world? The wastes (I include myself in that category) and then perhaps the clinically Obese? As the only thing that they're good for is cleaning up food which would probably feed the thousand hungriest people.

As today I got up, sat around for a bit eating my breakfast, then I played a bit on Link's Awakening. Next up I went down to eat my lunch, then after I had finished that I went for a 20 minute jog around the garden. Following that I went for a half hour "sprint" on an exercise bike at the gym, after that I can't really remember what I have done apart from I did my body test then I ate my dinner.

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