Thursday 9 November 2017

Day 1586

Day 1586;

My BMI was down 19.71 as were my steps 12.061 even my calories burnt today were down, at 1382. So it's been a bad day for me in that respect.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch:  cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and tap water.
Snacks: jelly babies.

The game now which one, which one should it be? Which time zone, i'm not meaning as in GMT or whatever I mean, which period in history or the potential future? As we should all know what the future is going to look like. A desert wasteland void of the human infestation, as we will probably kill ourselves off as soon as there is nothing left to fight for, on some self righteous crusade of inclusivity, as no one can be left behind. How about the age of the savages? Let's go back to an age without roads so you can make your own way in the world on paths never before discovered there are trees all around not a farm in sight so it's kill to eat, kill to clothe yourself and kill to do basically anything, so now that's decided it's going to be set in a world when it's still tribal living. Now al I need is an endpoint to the game. How about a final showdown against the forces from over the seas a battle for survival.

Brushing my teeth this morning I realised I needed the loo so I had to run downstairs to go to it, due to the fact that the one that I usually have use of is currently out of action.

ButVI only got an about 20 minute walk around the garden today, which was before my 70 minute cycle at the gym with a 14 minute cool down, I think I managed to get over 14 miles completed, and it said my average speed was 10.5 mph, I was doing an up and down the levels routine today.

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