Thursday 30 November 2017

Day 1567

Day 1567;

BMI was 19.40, steps were 15948 and my amount of calories burnt off were 1619 kcal. Apparently I also covered 10.33 km today.

Breakfast: cereal and mango chunks.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and mango chunks.
Dinner: sausage, mash, peas, carrots, pomegranate and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Today I had another lazy morning I had only done slightly over 2000 steps by about 2 o’Clock in the afternoon so I decided to go outside for a little jog in the snow, while it was snowing on and off as you know the snow ain’t gonna last forever, so you’ve gotta make the most of it while it’s here. I came in after approximately half an hour to check on my steps it was only at just over 4000. So I went back outside to get my steps up a bit more and by the time I stopped at something like 27 minutes of jogging about in the back garden and checked the gizmo again it was up past 8000, I thought this can’t be right. Then Tini got home and I went out to the gym for a little 30 minute “sprint” on the exercise bike.

Then what have I done the rest of the day,.. I cannot remember, minus I’ve been having a conversation with a good friend of mine.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Day 1566

Day 1566;

My BMI stabilised today it was 19.49 again, But my steps had decreased from yesterday to 11,321 and I had burnt off  1390 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: forgotten what I ate at lunch.
Dinner: chicken, chips and a chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: pineapple chunks.

So what is this mixed race thing they are talking about when they’re talking about Meghan that’s going to marry prince harry, surely she can’t be part dog now can she? She looks fully human to me. As that is what race we are, supposedly (I only say that as Prince Harry, is he really human or is he part of the ginger master race?)I get that her mother is black skinned which means... that her mother is a black person, Meghan is white in the colour of her skin, I’m sure she’s gained a lot of other characteristics from her mother also like her hair colour and/or eye colour, hell even her height has some bearing on her genetics. But what I’m getting at is this whole thing is petty, really petty, I don’t care if the monarchy lives for the next for the next one hundred years or for the next one hundred seconds. Just tell me how his life decision has effected you in your normal day to day life and if it’s not at all then get back on with your life, but then if it has effected you please may you tell me how I would like to know how insignificant your life is that you care about something that’s beyond your control and concern, it must be a more insignificant existence than my own. 

So today I have been to the gym for an hour long cycle, with no cool down, which by the time I got to the hour before body test time I checked my step counter it was only at about nine thousand and thirty six, so I had a sprint for an amount of time. Which made the number of steps what they were.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Day 1565

Day 1565;

19.46 was my BMI for today, I had done 19,319 steps and I had burnt off 1344 kcal, by the time that I did my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch:  cheese burger and chips.
Dinner: cottage pie, carrots and peas.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water. 

I walked the streets of London this morning, to get myself all injected up with rat poison to help me with my sight. Or more exactly my blepharospasm.

Now today I had above1300 after I had got home from walking the streets of London, and I had done over 19,000 after I returned home from supporting England’s women football team smash five goals past Kazakhstan. At the game it kept saying that it was a sell out crowd, which it may have been, but not all of the seats were filled. It was as if at least one coach load of people had just not shown up. But it was the most dominant England performance at football that I have ever seen. If England’s women have a similar challenge ahead for them in the World Cup next year then I 'd etch their names on it already. But alas it won’t be in the actual World Cup they play the best countries in the world, not one of the worst. Same could be said for the men’s football team, if they ever won anything comf

Monday 27 November 2017

Day 1564

Day 1564;

19.59 was my BMI, 16,418 was my disappointing number of steps as wasn’t I aiming for 19,000 at lunch time and my number of calories were 1450.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: nibbley bits and a slice of pineapple upside down cake.
Dinner: cottage pie and I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snack: 1 mince pie.

Today I have got up, ate my breakfast, got dressed and then I have walked into town to get my hair cut. Then on return to my home I got myself very confused as I thought that the mince pie was my lunch so I checked my step counter after “lunch” it was only around 2000, so I had to get some more in, I went out the back of the house and I started jogging, then Tini came in the gate and asked me if I had had my lunch, of which I answered with a nod, as I thought I had. I checked my steps again at this point they were at some number like 6974, then the next time I checked they were up to some number just above 7000. 

I think the previous time of me checking was just after dinner, which was early tonight. So I got to do some more shuttle runs in the lounge before it was time for me to get body tested, and my BMI had dropped again.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Day 1563

Day 1563;

Today I had only done just over 1000 steps, my BMI was down also and the calories that I had burnt off today was somewhere that was so low I thought it was in Australia.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: scampi, salad, chips, apple and pear crumble.
Dinner: nibbley bits, pineapple upside-down cake and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

So I have had an especially lazy day today as all that I have done today is go out for lunch, the rest of the day I have spent either sat down or sat down eating, but that should just mean that I have to do 19,000 steps before lunch tomorrow I’m thinking, which may be a bit of a tall order, but I should grow into it, sharpish.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Day 1562

19.95 was my BMI for today, I had only done 6565 steps though and I had only burnt off 714 calories. But after I had done a small jog I had done 10,506 with 210 more calories burnt.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: cheese omelette and I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten...
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Today was another one of my lazy days, as I had boccia this morning. But I don’t think that I did anything all day.

Friday 24 November 2017

Day 1561

Day 1561;

My BMI for today is 19.69, but my steps were 9147 and my calories burnt off were 1254. Fortunately I had another little jog around and I got my steps to 10,632.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese omelette, chocolate sundae, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and knickerbocker glory sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

I have been to the gym again today, I’m obsessed I believe. I’m obsessed with fitness,

What if... now recently it has come to my attention that both of the girls at school that I apparently had feelings for had Russia in their blood, by that I mean one was actually from Russia, the other had Russian blood, as in their mother was Russian. Could it be a coincidence, obviously, or is it something more? Now what if I had said, yes to either of the accusations how different would my life have turned out? Would I still be me? Would I still be friends with one of the two girls, the one that’s Russian by blood?

Thursday 23 November 2017

Day 1560

Day 1560:

BMI was 19.79, I had only done 9928 steps and I had burnt off 1333 calories. But I managed to give my steps a boost to 10,144 before too long afterwards.

Breakfast: cereal and mango chunks.
Lunch: pork pie, chicken mayo sandwich (brown bread), Aero mint mousse and mango chunks.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and white chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, tap water and cider.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now today I have awoken at a reasonably decent time, but as soon as I had noticed that I was back off to the land of nod. Until the next time of my awakening which was about an hour later, so I was now late, again. Then I wandered down to my breakfast, I ate my cereal and one portion of mango. But I was still late , so I went upstairs and brushed my teeth before going back downstairs to eat lunch, now I was slightly early for lunch now, but that didn’t last as I finished my lunch and I moved on to my mango, which had me about to time, for now at least. I have only had two portions of the five that Is required of me in order to make it to my diet... I don’t actually know why it is said that you need to have five a day I just like fruit.

I also like fitness and I've got a gym membership which allows me access to the gym, when it's open, it also grants me access to the swimming pool, when that is open also. But I haven't used the swimming pool at the gym that I am a member of since school, which was probably about half of my lifetime ago. But I used  to hate swimming back then, as I could always swim, just not very well. But not until the last time I got into a pool, back when I was in Jailey, where I learnt of the new torture process called swimming, as I can swim just not very well especially  not in boiling hot water, of a hydrotherapy pool. What is the point to swimming if you can just stand up in the water anyway. Besides with all of the folks at the place man-handeling you it was enough to think that I couldn't swim.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Day 1599

Day 1599;

Today I don’t know what has gone on with my blog as I remember putting some things up on the night butx I cannot remember what they were but I have got a slight idea.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: toastable pizza. grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: pie, carrots, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Drinks: tap water, milk, fruit juice and cider.

Now I think I typed something about me only eating one portion of fruit for breakfast, as I was running out of time, as I had the gym to go to later on.

then I got back from the gym and I ate the other portion of breakfast fruit, I also had two more portions in the 300ml mug of fruit juice. So that makes it up to four portions.

Dor dinner I had some carrots which made it five portions, then I had two more portions because Tini was saying that the banana was going off, so I ate the whole little two portion pot.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Day 1598

Day 1598;

Today my BMI was 19.66, steps were 8516 for my day up until the time of my body test and I had burnt off 1254 calories. I managed to get my step count up to 11,441.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (white bread) and Battenberg.
Dinner: margarita pizza and rocky road sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snac: pineapple chunks

Now today I have woken up slightly later than planned, but I have still cleaned up all of my pots, and a bit extra as well. But lunch was also later than I had planned also, but as I had finished my sandwich so I was getting stuck into my Battenberg, not literally, the door knocked so I went to it, I answered it and to my surprise there was a delivery man standing there and he said something but I cannot remember what it was but needless to say that I accepted the parcel and I shut the door the delivery man seemed to be very grateful that I had come to the door, as he kept saying thank you to me, I would have liked to say thank you to him also because he had done his job and delivered the parcel but I couldn’t as I cannot speak. But I couldn’t see him probably also as I hadn’t got my specs on and I was still in my pyjamas when I got to open the door, so as you can probably tell I wasn’t really properly  attired well for the task at hand, so I just got on with it.

do was drink a nice pleasant cup of teaWhat would Arther do in my place? Which Arther you may enquire, to which I would say, if I could that would be, Dent. Arther Dent the main character from the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The English man that was whisked away on a fantastic journey around the galaxy and all he wanted to do was drink a nice pleasant cup of tea. And he spends the majority of his time in his dressing gown, as it was what he was wearing when his friend Ford Prefect saved him from the Earth just before it was destroyed.

Monday 20 November 2017

Day 1597

Day 1597;

My BMI had fallen once more, it was 19.53, my steps were also down, at 9208, but my calories burnt were up, to 1217, But then I did anotther quick jog about, which got my steps to 11,097.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese (white) sandwich (white bread) and Battenberg.
Dinner: toad in the hole, mashed sweet potatoes, carrots and a chocolate sundae.
Drinks:vmilk, fruit juice tap water.
Snacks: Haribo scare-mix and pomegranate.

So today started with my first two portions of fruit, then lunch I had my second two portions, in a 300ml mug of fruit juice then I had a snack when I returned from the gym that was my fifth, which was a pot of pomegranate. Then dinner came around and I was slightly confused as I had some carrots which is one portion and sweet potato, which I am unsure of as neither sweets nor potatoes count as some of my fruit or vegetables, but then I had another 300ml mug of fruit juice which should be another two portions. So all in all today I looks like I have eaten at least seven of my five a day.

Now today I have gone to the gym and I have had an about hour on the exercise bike + 20% cool-down time. Which may be an advantage of winter sports, the lack of needing to cool down afterwards, well at least as much.As I may never have played ice hockey but I have been for a few laps around the local ice rink which doubles up as a ice hockey stadium, for the Chieftains, and I have got myself mightily sweaty, but fortunately you can just fall over on the ice to cool yourself down. Now that is you fall-down to cool-down.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Day 1596

Day 1596;

Now today my BMI decreased to 19.85, but by the time of my body test my steps were up to 10,543 but my calories were down to 949.

Breakfast:cereal, banana, apple and stewed rhubarb.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, roast potatoes, stuffing and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snack: 1 pack of Haribo scare mix.

Today we got outside on the tandem, on another 20 mile ride but it took us a time of somewhere around 1 and a half hours. which was good going for us as we have been significantly off our best for quite some time now, and we just managed to get around the course in a time which more resembles our best.

Also today I have played a bit on Link's Awakening, and Candy Crush. But Candy Crush I only started playing it again because it was saying on Faceybook discover why everyone got stuck on level 64, I thought that I had beat that level, as I had,but only with 2 stars. I discovered why it was a "challenge" it was as it is a timed level.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Day 1595

Day 1595;

BMI was 19.95, steps were 5580 and the calories that I had burnt of were 754. But then I did another little jog around the sitting room and I had got 11,089 steps in total for today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch:cheese omelette, stewed rhubarb, Battenberg and fruit cake.
Dinner: shepherds pie ahnd chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: banana and blackberries.

I have gad a lazy day today as I have been playing boccia this morning and I have been watching a football match this afternoon. In-between and after I have been watching some interesting shenanigans, to me at least, such as Star Wars: Rebels and Robot Wars series 9, which was won by Carbide, I mean the robot with the spinner, which should have won it series 8 also but it didn't due to Apollo.  Which may have had a bit to do with the clash between Carbide and Ironside 3 earlier on, as the Ironside 3 robot actually caused damage to the Carbide's weapon which may have been one of the reasons that it was faltering in  the final showdown.

Then the Boccia mr and my team lost but the football team that I support managed to avoid defeat, as they drew with their opponents 0-0.

Friday 17 November 2017

Day 1594

Day 1594;

Today I had a BMI of 19.76, my steps were 9183 and my calories that I had burnt off were 1054, by the time that I did my body test. I noted that I did 10,049 steps in total yesterday, but I had done 11,095 steps by the time that I had had a little run about downstairs, after my body test.

Breakfast: wheat-a-bix, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green). 
Lunch: cheese (white) sandwich (white bread) and Battenburg.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potatoes, baked apple, ice cream and clotted cream.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.
Snack: pomegranate.

Now what have I done today? I have been to the gym, I’ve done an average speed of 15.86 mph today in another one of the 30 minute level 10 “sprints” as I managed to get up to 7.93 miles by the half hour mark. Which I have to admit is good, for me, but I still failed to get myself going at 16 mph by point 14 mph also, which is just about 30 seconds, as if I could have just gone that bit quicker for the middle section of the ride I may have actually made it.

Then after I had finished in the gym I had a little lazy amount of time watching stuff on the internet, and thinking of ideas for a gift list, as you know it’s almost the time of the winter solstice and there’s the pagan celebration that has been coopted by the Christians, as I know that Galiley  (spelling?) isn’t supposed to be in Britain, but it’s also on the northern side of the equator so it’s seasons are basically the same, so why were the shepherds outside watching their flocks by night, it’s winter?

Thursday 16 November 2017

Day 1593

Day 1593;

19.85 was my BMI for today, but I was seriously down on my steps down to 7013 and I had burnt off 1088 kcal today. My total number of steps for yesterday was 10311.

Breakfast: cereal and mango.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and mango.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and chocolate mousse.
Drinks: milk, tap water, fruit juice and pea cider.

Now this morning I got up around about 2 hours later than I wanted to, so I never managed to finish off my pot of mango for my breakfast. But at lunch I managed to finish off my pot of mango, and then after I had finished almost all of my mango, well it was all except the final piece, I cleaned up the plastic pots, then I finished off the mango.

Then later on in the day I went to the gym it was for another little exercise bike ride. Of which today I managed to get 7.8 miles in 30 minutes, I think at least. From my lack in the number of steps that I had done today, that 7.8 miles in 30 minutes equates to 15.6 mph.

If we all were living in a state of anarchy. I mean if we all lived in a world without laws, how would your actions change? Would you suddenly walk outside and just kill the first person you saw? I'm willing to wager that you wouldn't, unless you were going to do it anyway. Now this is just my opinion, but I don't think your run of the mill murderer actually thinks of the law just before he commits his crime if they did then it may work ,like reverse physiology on some people.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Day 1592

Day 1592;

BMI of 19.92, steps were 6653 and my calories burnt off were 1103. So I had failed on my daily step count. So I was appalled at my laziness for today, and I realised that I had gone to the body test machine late, It was that and I still had more or less than 4000 more steps to do, so I got a shift on and I managed to get up to about 10,239.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: a sausage roll, pork pie and chocolate.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips, pineapple chunks and aero chocolate mousse.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Today I have had another mistake on the past to do with brushing my teeth again, I just keep doing the same thing, meaning I keep eating my breakfast and then going upstairs and getting dressed instead of going to brush my teeth, so I have again had to attempt to not muck up my trousers which I have done relatively successfully.

Waste not want not, are the best words of advice I think I have ever heard, so I try [sometimes successfully sometimes not] to live by those 4 words, or 3 unique words within the sentence.

Today I went to the gym, but it wasn't to do any of my rides on the exercise bike, as I started off on the lateral trainer and then I finished my  work out on the arm weights machines. But the pectoral fly machine, i started using my actual pectoral muscles today, apparently as I had been using my arms to lift the weights apparently.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Day 1591

Day 1591:

19.79 was my BMI, I had done 10,633 steps and I am thinking that I burnt off 1173 kcal today. But for my steps yesterday I'm thinking that I managed to do something just up on 10300 steps.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese (white) sandwich (white bread) and batternburg.
Dinner: margarita pizza, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Drinks: milk, tap water, fruit juice and pear cider.

Today I have been to the gym, for another one of those 30 minute "sprints" on the exercise bike, I have had a fifteen minute dash around the lounge/sitting room/room with chairs in it and I have also learnt a bit about the differences between pears and avocados, which is that a pear has got pips and an avocado has got a stone. There was also stuff about an ice cream scoop and a melon baller that I learnt today but I think I'll leave that for another time.

Apart from the exercise that I have done today what have I done?...

I just can't remember.

Monday 13 November 2017

Day 1590

Day 1590;

BMI was 19.46 which is a pretty significant fall, it may also be as I had to do my body test before I ate my dinner, but also I had only done 8885 steps by the time that I had my body test but I had also burnt off 1054 calories.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti bolognaise, toast, fruit cake and batternburg.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, roast potatoes, dumplings and apple blackberry crumble with ice cream.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Now today by the time that I was getting for my body test I was really let down by my steps, as it was saying that I had only done 8885, and I had gone for a walk to the opposite side of the town that I live in, as Mich was walking over to fetch the car so he dragged me along also. That was with another 30 minute "sprint" on the exercise bike at the gym. So I have done another about 1500 steps in the lounge just after I got my body tests result so that should've improved my steps total for today.

But today I was watching some of the new episodes of Robot Wars. It's pretty good but Dara O'brian and his assistant just aren't as illuminating characters as Craig Charles and his numerous assistants, hell I even preferred Jeremy Clarkson's performance but it could be as I have only just started rewatching series 8 today so maybe he grows into it as the series progresses?

What is happening about PESCO? As I know it's some kind of EU army or just the thing which is detailed below.
In thee article it still says the EU 28, on the diagram I get that it is using some old data, data from 2014 and 2015, and I have also seen in it the UK does not share an interest in a closely integrated European defence

Sunday 12 November 2017

Day 1589

Day 1589;

My BMI for this day was up to 19.92, the number of steps was up also, 16,322, and finally the number of calories was also up to 1032. So I have had a 3 out of 3 day today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread, butter, something else and a pack of Haribo scare mix.
Dinner: Fish pie, apple blackberry crumble and ice cream.
Drinks:milk, tap water, cola and fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 packs of Haribo scare mix.

Now today I went down to the local war memorial, for the yearly 11th hour on the sunday closest to the 11th day of the 11th month, it’s armistice Sunday. Which I generally go to. But this year was apparently a most popular one of the as apparently when we first came to this town we had a lot of space around us but this year it was pretty crowded. Then by the time that we got to the memorial my wheelchair bound GAK and myself got told to move more towards the front of the crowd, it was such a pity that neither of us could actually see the majority of the show, blind pushing the blind. But it made me chuckle a bit as they were saying all of the platitudes about how great and good Mr God almighty is, and other lies of the sort. As if Mr God actually cared what happened in the war why did so many die? If the war had ended the other way don’t you think that we'd be having a celebration of the winning side as they would be us now also.

Then later on today we went on a 20 mile cycle, so I had no need to worry about my total number of steps for today, as I had been for a walk into town and a cycle out and back into town today.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Day 1588

Day 1588;

My BMI dropped today to 19.79, but my steps increased to 11,639 and my calories dropped to 711. So could I say 2 out of 3 ain't bad if I wanted to quote Meatloaf but I would only be able to have 1 out of 3.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette, banana, strawberries, apple and 2 + 1/2 pastries (apple, raspberry and half a cinnamon).
Dinner: shepherds pie, apple + blackberry crumble.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: 2 packs of Haribo scare mix.

Now today I have had a lazy day but I have remembered to do a jog around my bedroom for about an hour, which should have helped in counteracting the lazy day. Due to my morning that had been filled up with playing boccia, which is a sport, ok, but you have to be sat down to play it. is it any real surprise that 66.6% of men and 57.2% of women aged 20+ are at least overweight/have a BMI of 25 or higher.  But that is from using old data, data from 2013 so it is probably much worse by now.

This Maajid man iss great, as he literally says that he's an atheist Muslim without stating it that plainly, he says he's a non-devout muslim, meaning he's a muslim that doesn't believe in a literal burning hell and doesn't believe in a merciful god, I know you could say that he didn't say those exact words as he said it's nuts to believe in a literal burning hell and a mercyful god. As both of those things are mutually exclusive you can't have one with the other (if you disagree please inform me by means of commenting on this article and I will attempt to get back to you).

But  I don't celebrate Eid as I don't know how, If you told me how and why, but I think I know what it's a bout, issn't it about like you have been fasting for a month going up to it, then you have a big celebration on the day of Eid where you eat? have I got the correct celebration? So if it was a feast then count me in but then if there was other shenanigans like saying grace over your food before you start, I'm sorry but i'd have to pass,as I can't speak for starters and I have never done such a thing, How big an insult would it be to the person that has just spent hours cooking the feast for you if you were to say thanks to some invisible man for cooking the food that he had no hand in cooking.

Friday 10 November 2017

Day 1587

Day 1587;

By lunch time today I had apparently done 5314 steps which is in no small part due to the 3052 strides I had done on the lateral trainer this morning. BMI was 19.89, step count was 10,087 and I burnt off 1078 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, mini sausages, batternburg and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, potato and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

So today I have got up, I have traveled downstairs for breakfast and then I have relocated myself upstairs again to get myself ready for the gym. Now this is my mishap that I made when I came back upstairs and I started off by getting myself changed into my gym trousers, then I remembered that I hadn’t brushed my teeth, oh the calamity, so I attempted to brush my teeth without getting any toothpaste on my trousers, which I succeeded in, for the most part.

Anyway I have done another gym session this morning and I’m back in time for lunch, of which the fruit cake was spectacular, it may have been the alcohol that it was drenched in but I thought it was some of the fruit that was in it as there was this one fruit that I consumed which's texture felt like a gala cherry but it's taste was more fruity than a gala cherry.

Then after dinner I got myself caught up in watching some videos about the making of Game of Thrones and it was a bit on how Daneris Targarian now will hate her lover as he is the true king/her nephew. Which is weird almost as weird as Jamie and Cersi's relationship, as they are twins. And that reminded me that thanks to IVF or some other medical procedure there has been twins born that weren't biologically related, neither to each other or to the woman that gave birth to them.

In the international friendlies today it was a draw between England and Germany, Poland and Uruguay, Belgium and Mexico. But there was a shock in the World Cup qualifier as Sweden managed to beat Italy 1-0, but it was only the first leg of the 2 legs in the play-offs. 

Thursday 9 November 2017

Day 1586

Day 1586;

My BMI was down 19.71 as were my steps 12.061 even my calories burnt today were down, at 1382. So it's been a bad day for me in that respect.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch:  cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (orange) and tap water.
Snacks: jelly babies.

The game now which one, which one should it be? Which time zone, i'm not meaning as in GMT or whatever I mean, which period in history or the potential future? As we should all know what the future is going to look like. A desert wasteland void of the human infestation, as we will probably kill ourselves off as soon as there is nothing left to fight for, on some self righteous crusade of inclusivity, as no one can be left behind. How about the age of the savages? Let's go back to an age without roads so you can make your own way in the world on paths never before discovered there are trees all around not a farm in sight so it's kill to eat, kill to clothe yourself and kill to do basically anything, so now that's decided it's going to be set in a world when it's still tribal living. Now al I need is an endpoint to the game. How about a final showdown against the forces from over the seas a battle for survival.

Brushing my teeth this morning I realised I needed the loo so I had to run downstairs to go to it, due to the fact that the one that I usually have use of is currently out of action.

ButVI only got an about 20 minute walk around the garden today, which was before my 70 minute cycle at the gym with a 14 minute cool down, I think I managed to get over 14 miles completed, and it said my average speed was 10.5 mph, I was doing an up and down the levels routine today.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Day 1585

Day 1585;

Now today I have increased my BMI up to 19.79 as I did it after I had eaten my dinner. My steps were also up to about 16,269 as were my calories burnt today at 1566.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: tomato pasta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: pineapple chunks and jelly babies.

Now today I have decided to focus. I have decided to focus on building my game. Which game I ask myself, but I'm guessing that I won't know that until I get myself focused.

But today I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, got ready for the gym then after I had got myself ready for the gym I remembered that I had forgotten to do the most basic of thing this morning before I got dressed, so I had to take a lot of now necessary attention when I was to brush my teeth to be sure not to muck up my top, and the whole outfit for that matter. But because I was already in the room to brush my teeth I actually remembered to shave today, see miracles do happen. Ok sure. What you can’t be serious! Ok,,, ok... I wasn’t being sincere when I stated ok sure it was more of a comment akin to whatever floats your boat. Now can I get on with my morning jog?

So I got on with my morning jog, 100 sit-ups, consecutively, and I have done 100 crunches all before lunch, I think I’ll get on with the 100 press-ups and 100 squats after I have eaten lunch. But just after lunch I was shepherded off to the gym, for another half hour “sprint” on the exercise bike, of which I did 7.76 miles in my half hour slot. Which was excellent for starters but I should be aiming further, as I only managed to get 15.5 mph as an average speed according to the bike. Press-ups 30... 50... 20 so that makes up 100, now it's finally time for squats that'll be 100 done, so that's it for my exercise for today.

I noticed that the toilet was leaking a few days ago and I've only just got around to getting it sorted, how it went down... I noticed some water was on the floor in the shower room, so I mopped it up with a towel, I just thought that someone had used the shower and not dried up the room after themselves. But then I next went back into the shower room, the same problem consisted I think I may have tried the positioning of the towel in some places before figuring out it was the toilet that had broke. But I wasn't sure so I put a towel next to the toilet on the floor and by jove had the puddle problem stopped, So today as I went into the shower room I remembered the puddle problem as the towel was there so I went downstairs to get Mich to fix the problem. I learnt something about plumbing today also.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Day 1584

Day 1584;

Today my BMI was 19.43, but I took my body test early, but even though I had taken it early my steps were still 10,291 and my total number of Kcal that I had burnt was 1318. But yesterday I burnt off in total 1535 Kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch; ham sandwich (white bread) and batternburg.
Dinner: margarita pizza.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: ham sandwich (white bread), 1/2 a tub of mango and 1/2 a tub of pomegranate.

As you may know I’m not interested in saving the world, but if you look at what the vegans want to do it’s literally the same even though they dress it up as protecting the animals. Meanwhile removing themselves from the animal kingdom. Checks and balances every system needs them, like I think it was Mufasa (anyway Simba's father in lion king), it’s the circle of life. Which was demonstrated quite expertly by the thing about the cats on that island which were killing the birds so the human population decided to get rid of their cats and the bird population decreased, due to the increased number of rats, as you should know that rats are willing to eat anything even the birds eggs, shell and all. Britain's native red squirrel is also pretty much extinct throughout the majority of the UK because of the introduction of grey squirrels to the British isles which was felicitated by humans. So this useless species is inherently flawed especially with its technology, so now how won’t veganism work? The point I’m attempting to make is if you are attempting to make the world better, a fairer ecosystem you should first start by killing off a few million of the inhabitants, I’m volunteering to be one of the first to go also it’ll be my service to the human race, I’m just stating that humanity has got too complacent in controlling its population and me a man that’s literally worthless to everyone else on this rock, I am a nothing, a no-one literally.

So who should get the boot from this world? The wastes (I include myself in that category) and then perhaps the clinically Obese? As the only thing that they're good for is cleaning up food which would probably feed the thousand hungriest people.

As today I got up, sat around for a bit eating my breakfast, then I played a bit on Link's Awakening. Next up I went down to eat my lunch, then after I had finished that I went for a 20 minute jog around the garden. Following that I went for a half hour "sprint" on an exercise bike at the gym, after that I can't really remember what I have done apart from I did my body test then I ate my dinner.

Monday 6 November 2017

Day 1583

Day 1583;

My BMI was down, to about 19,79, at least I think it was, and my steps were up to 13,966, but my calories burnt were up past 1000.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese, tomato sauce toastie and chocolate cake.
Dinner: sweet sour chicken balls, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, coke and tap water.
Snacks: 1/2 a pot of mango chunks and 1/2 a pot of pomegranate.

So today I was going to go to the gym after lunch so I decided to go for a little jog around the garden before hand, just to be sure that I’d be able to get enough steps done.

My cycle at the gym was disappointing also, I only managed to get 12,96 miles done in 72 minutes, which is a drop of at least 0.0r miles, as I have forgotten the actual number of miles I did last time but I know that I managed to get 13 miles. But I also know that I did more after in the 12 minutes of cool down as I remembered that I had actually managed to get to 10.6 miles (or something around that) by 60 minutes the last time I was on the exercise bike but today I had only managed to get to 10.03 miles by the same time.

Jihadi John's old folks are suing the government for not allowing their son back into Britain, as I say that he shouldn’t be allowed to stay out there. I don’t care what he has done both if he’s a British problem then he should be brought back here kicking and screaming if necessary to be the recipient of full British treason punishment, I think the penalty is being hung drawn and quartered, at least it was back in Guy Fawkes's day, pity he didn’t live long enough to get the full treatment, as he was only hung which snapped his neck apparently.

Then I also found the dead chaps grave, in Link's Awakening, and I have just been attempting to defeat the boss of level 5, unsuccessfully. But the thing is even though I can’t kill it, it can’t kill me, so we’ve been at a stalemate until I just decided to leave it be, for now at least.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Day 1582

Day 1582;

My BMI improved it’s now upto 20.02, my steps were down at 10,181 and the calories that I had burnt off today was only just over 900 for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, stuffing, carrots, peas, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, cauliflower cheese and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: scrambled eggs, bread (white), butter and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.

Upon the morning of this day we went out on a little cycle, now I checked my little steps on my gadget after I had returned home from the cycle, and I had got up to just above 9800 steps, if the thing is to be trusted that is, so I should be able to get the minimum number of steps that I require today without doing anything extravagant. Which I did infact manage to reach today.

So this afternoon I have been having a bit of a lay about afternoon, as I was first attempting to find the Guards collection on Breath of the Wild, with no success but the Switch was running out of battery charge, so I decided to call it a day on that. Next up I decided to play on Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, I played on for a while, I completed the fourth level/dungeon so I have now got the flippers, and I've got to find this ghosts grave in game. Then I decided to have another go on a Fire Emblem game, but the console that I was playing it on battery was running low. 

Saturday 4 November 2017

Day 1581

Day 1581;

My BMI for today was up, it was at 19,89, my steps for today were also up, to 17,885, but my amount of Kcal that I had burnt off dropped, to something like 950, by the time of my body testing.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: jacket potato, cheese, ham and chocolate cake.
Dinner: ham cheese omelette, apple and banana.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

Now today it was looking like it was an especially lazy day. So I had a jog/walk around my room which lasted about an hour. after the mornings boccia session and before this afternoons football match, that I went to watch with Mich.

Boccia was boccia and that is about all I can state about it. Then after that had finished we (Tini and I) had to rush back home as we had Emu and C visiting later. So then by the time that I had arrived home I decided to go on my own little jog around my room, so I had my hour long jog, but before it had finished Emu and C arrived, then when the potato had been baked, I went downstairs to eat it, with the cheese, ham and chocolate cake. When I had finished eating, it was time for me to get ready to go to watch the football match that was between the team that I support and the team of the city of my birth, so I was in a no loss position from before the game started. But the team that I was going to support lost by a goal to nill, and I think that the team only had two shots on target all game.

Friday 3 November 2017

Day 1580

Day 1580;

Now today I had already got my 10,000 steps by the time for lunch so I decided to have a lazy afternoon and my BMI was 19.59and steps were 11,340 for today by the time that I did my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), quavers, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: chicken, scampi, peas, chips and chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

This morning I went to the gym and I had another 1 hour ride on an exercise bike, which was fun, in it I managed to get up to either 10.67 or 10.76 miles by the end of an hour. That was including me doing the "hill" stuff. 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute at levels 10, 20, 30 and 40 and  with it going on 6 times as each of the routines last 10 minutes. But then I had my 20%, 12 minutes, cool down for the end and I managed to rife the exercise bike 13 miles in 72 minutes, apparently. Of which the bike was telling me that after I had done the cool down my average speed was 10.8 mph, which is probably with it being rounded up which could mean that my average speed was probably something like 10.75 mph.

But in my play of Breath of the wild this afternoon I know what the name of the place is, it's the Guards Chamber, as I went back their searching for the Royal Guards getup. As I still can't find it.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Day 1579

Day 1579;

19.59 I weigh 9st 6lb apparently and my step count was at 14,561 for today, still no sign of man boobs, yet, but I’ll tell you that my shoulders are uneven as they both have got these little nodules on top of them, but on my left side it’s really quite big.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and 2 chocolate cakes.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, croquet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and elderflower pressé.

So I had woken up and I had been downstairs, I ate my breakfast and then I came back upstairs to get myself dressed. Then I had got up by about 6:44, which is funny as I

After that had been completed I went back downstairs in order to give myself a little jog after I had completed that I checked my steps for the day so far, at least I think they are. My step count was up to 5124 or there about, which was at approximately 10 O'clock in the morning. That should give me about 14 more hours to get about 5000 more which is possible if I keep stepping at approximately the same rate.

I have been to the gym for a ride on an exercise bike, and I’ve had an hour ride, it was only a 10.07 little ride, but I was doing one of the rides that had me going from level 10, 20, 30 to 40 for 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute. In succession 6 times and in doing that I managed to get 10.07 mph as an average speed. And that was before the 12 minute cool down that I did after the 60 minutes was up. After I had finished my cycle I checked my steps again it was saying that I had done over 14 thousand, so this month is looking good for me from the off, with me making at least 300 thousand for this month as there is 30 days in November 30 times 10,000 = 300,000 simple mathematics.

So I didn’t manage to keep myself stepping at the same rate as I was earlier as I have just been playing on Breath of the Wild, until body test time, which was conveniently when the batteries on the Switch was running low, so I had to put it into its docking station. But I found# another Korok today it was in the Knights room thing I’m thinking, anyway it had those Lizafoes and that 1 Moblin in it you break in one side and the other side you have to place a bomb barrel (well you can probably do many things to open the gate, but that way was the first that worked on my try) on the switch to open the gate.

But I have just watched Treasure Planet, it’s a good film to be honest. Pity that the end of it was too much  of a traditional Disney cop out. With the “Hero” learning what to do with his life and then all of the characters having a brilliant life set up for them after the credits roll, that and the breathable space air, even though there’s none in space, which is why it’s called space. The fact that all of the planets were just basically in walking distance from one another, was a slight annoyance also.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Day 1578

Day 1578;

My step count for yesterday was 10,370 so I had made it in by the end of yesterday. But my step count today, before the body test was up at 12,321, but my BMI was down to 19.69.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green).
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white breast) and chocolate.
Dinner: pasta bolognese with mozzarella cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

This morning I awoke, and I journeyed downstairs, to find out what my routine for today was, as I got downstairs I met Tini, who was on her way off to work. Ween she had gone off to work I was still none the wiser as of my routine, then I realised what day it was, then I knew that I had the gym to go to today so it was tat I needed to get ready for, then I gave myself a 5 minute warm up on the rower before I was sent outside for 5 laps around the back lawn, before getting off to the gym.

In the gym today I got my 20 minutes on the lateral trainer, then I moved onto the 5 arm weight machines.  Then it was time to leave the gym, I returned home ad I think when I returned I had my lunch. In-between gym and my dinner I had a bit of a jog (run) according to my step counter, but I cannot remember it.

Next I played a bit on the Switch, then I ate my dinner, next I did the body test and then I don't know what I have done until now which has been spent filling in this.