Tuesday 31 October 2017

Day 1577

Day 1577;

19.76 was my BMI of today which was a slight decrease on yesterdays but my step count had improved, on about the same time yesterday as I had managed 9532 steps today by body test time but I managed to get yesterday’s 1step count to 0,255, after all of that jogging on the spot I did last night.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: cheese (orange) sandwich (white bread) and 2 chocolate cake bars.
Dinner: cheese ham omelette, grapes (purple), strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.
Snacks: banana, strawberries, apple and grapes (green).

Now today I got up I went downstairs for my breakfast, then after I had finished that meal I went back upstairs, and I attempted to get my Mighty Ducks DVD working, all attempts failed. So I decided to look online for the film, which I found, on YouTube of all places. So I watched that first thing, then as I was getting carried away watching it I was told to get changed into my gym stuff as Tini was going to going to take me to the gym after lunch.

So I got myself ready for the gym then i went downstairs, to eat my lunch,then I have waited something like 3 hours until Tini got here to go to the gym. Then I have been to the gym I had another 30 minutes on the exercise bike and I managed to get it to 7.5 miles within 29 minutes 30
seconds which is off of my new target by some 4 minutes 30 but I met my old target of being able to ride at 15 mph for 30 minutes which gets me to 7.5 miles.

After I returned home from gym I was old to bring down a DVD to watch as there was supposed to be trick or treaters tonight as it is Halloween today but none of the trick or treaters turned up, so I decided to watch Resident Evil. Which I know is a bit tame but flesh eating zombies, shouldn't be. But I had to go and eat my dinner before the ending credits rolled √just ever so slightly I had just to the bit after Alice had escaped from the Hive. So I went back into the lounge after I had finished my dinner, and then tTini went off on one about how I had mucked up the carpet in the room. She also kept saying about ow she was going to leave and stuff like that, but then before now she has come to my room and stated how much of a scruf it is with me not having made my bed.

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