Thursday 12 October 2017

Day 1558

Day 1558:

17621 was my number of steps that I have done today, my BMI has stayed constant from yesterday though at 19.89.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple), melon, apple, watermelon and orange.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and something else.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, peas, potatoes, crumble (peach and cherry).
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, dandelion and burdock.
Snack: one carrot.

It was Issac Newton that witnessed an apple falling from a tree, and noticed that a force must be propelling it. Of which the force was named gravity. Some profound stuff from Issac but when I saw an apple fall from a tree, when I last went out on the tandem, I just thought that it’s one for the fruitarians. Fruitarians are the people that’ll only eat a fruit if it has fallen, aren’t they? Anyway it was something that Allergy was being quite serendipitous in talking at/to me about I’m thinking yesterday.

Now what I want to know is would a vegan eat my corpse after I am dead? Now just as your all probably shouting at the screen, "no, what are you thinking they are vegan. But I have an Adam’s apple, and I might put it in my will for "friends”, family even the homeless to have a feast on my dead body, as I have been working hard on my fitness, it’d be a shame for all the work that I have done would be going to waste. I already know that my blood tastes excellent, well it did the other day, it tastes sweet. If my bloods tastes is anything to go by then a couple of roast arms should taste more like candy than a tough lump of chicken.

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