Wednesday 18 October 2017

Day 1564

Day 1564;

BMI of 19.85 and step count for today was 12,269 (by the time that I did my body test). So that was a slight improvement on my BMI, over yesterday’s.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast.
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese, cheese, strawberries and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and tap water.

So I have gone to the gym today, for my usual work out of the week, with my gym instructor. Then I have had my lunch but I still hadn’t managed to get my steps up to ten thousand so I should be getting in a few more steps before I get any further today. Then I just attempted another little jog around the room that is in the back of the house that I live, by the time that I had finished I had totalled up over eleven thousand steps. So my target for this month in steps is looking to be well and truly beaten if I keep up the pace...

What else have I done today? Hmmm... that was it I’ve contacted a service about me getting a job, a real job it might have been some volunteer work but work is work and you may know whatever keeps me out of the place that I live in could be something great. But I don’t know, Mich had apparently heard of it beforehand, which wasn’t surprising as it said his employer on the list of employers that supported the service that I used.

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