Tuesday 24 October 2017

Day 1570

Day 1570;

I had lost some of my BMI points today, I think I’m now down to 19.85.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), sausage roll and pineapple chunks.
Dinner: chicken casarole, chips, chocolate eclair, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and grapes.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.

On this day I have got a gym session lined up for the morning, then I will inevitably take a shower, but it’s what will I have lined up for the rest of the day after I have done that other than the obvious, which is eating my remaining two meals of the day. As I have already had my breakfast.

Now life before "civilianisation" on the British isles, was something that I envy. I'm sure they only may have managed to live until they were 25/30, but living a long life isn’t always a better life. As I have been thinking about the lives lived before the flood, the flood of "civilisation”/the Roman conquest of Britain. Back then their was no fear of death it was just a part of life, but that wasn’t the part that I was envious about anyway it was more of the part that they lived as hunter gatherers who never took more than necessary for a fully functioning animal kingdom/it was a good and balanced system which wasn’t wasteful unlike modern system which is wasteful, and destructive to the environment. The current system is unsustainable, thank you romans for giving us a government and all of the improvements that have come for our qualities of life since, but we had a sustainable system before  but since you killed off all of our druids, which functioned as far as I can tell as the law givers, the holly men, village elders, basically as a parliament but this one was based in Anglesey (Wales).

I had met 10,461 steps by about half four according to my step counter, so I should probably still need to get about 5000 more (well I should probably get another half hour jog before body test time). So off I go on another half hour jog around my room, when I'm finished my fitness gizmo says that I have done 15,882 steps today that should be enough. To have made it to my daily step goal before the time of my body test.

In between me typing the thing that I envy about the sustainable way of living of some of our forefathers (and foremothers if you wanted to be politically correct), and the part about Anglesey I had been on a 84 minute cycle across at the sports centre. which I did four minutes on level ten then three minutes level 20, two minutes level thirty before doing 1 minute level forty, for the first seventy minutes, before settling down at level ten for the final fourteen minutes. knowing that I managed to get an average speed of 10.5mph for the first hour.

Which would only be if you are of British decent, as I know that part of my families blood goes back in England but I'm unsure if it goes back far enough, as I know that I've got one grandparent that comes from Ireland another which has some ancestry in the forest of Dean. So I was using the term our generically.

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